Code review comment for lp:~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/captcha-refresh

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Natalia Bidart (nataliabidart) wrote :

Looks good!

One thing to fix:

10:30:55 AM) nessita: gatox: and what I see is that as soon as I open the installer, the overlay is shown, even if I did not click on register
(10:31:18 AM) nessita: gatox: that should not be there: the loading overlay shoul only be shown in the register screen (when loading captcha)
(10:31:41 AM) ralsina: that's because we are loading the captcha in __init__
(10:31:47 AM) ralsina: and we should load it in initializePage
(10:31:57 AM) ralsina: that's a sso fix

(10:32:19 AM) nessita: gatox: open the installer with your captcha branch, having the sso captcha branch in the PYTHONPATH
(10:32:34 AM) nessita: gatox: you will get the overlay in the first screen of the installer

review: Needs Fixing

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