Code review comment for lp:~dandrader/unity8/touchOwnership

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Daniel d'Andrada (dandrader) wrote :

> I've been playing with it and the right hand site is much better but still is
> a bit flacky, i'm using this ppa
> team/+archive/ubuntu/phone-right-edge/ that contains both
> lp:~aacid/unity8/list_on_bottom_swipe and merge edgeowner
> lp:~dandrader/unity8/touchOwnership and half of the times i do a click tap
> very close to the right edge while being the the "scopes list" (the thing that
> shows when you pull up from the bottom in the scopes) i get the
> favorite/unfavorite toggled and the other half i get the right edge animation.
> Can you have a look? I did put a
> Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent; color: "red"; opacity: 0.5 }
> inside starArea of /usr/share/unity8/Dash/ScopesListCategoryItem.qml to make
> sure it's really attach to the border.

The remaining problem with the right edge is that its edge-drag recognizer parameters makes it recognize pretty much anything as a edge drag. So a tap there with a fat finger will cause a small movement enough for it to consider as an edge drag. So it's parameters must be tweaked. Strictly speaking it's a separate issue and thus I was planning to tackle it on a separate MP as this one is already huge. But maybe I should do it already...

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