Code review comment for lp:~cr3/checkbox/1057762

Revision history for this message
Marc Tardif (cr3) wrote :

You could either run checkbox from the root of the branch and look for the error pasted above in the checkbox.log file. Or, you could more precisely try running the commands that failed. For example, this is how you could run the command for the optical/dvd-write test:

$ export PATH=`pwd`/scripts:$PATH
$ cat <<'EOF' | run_templates -t -s 'udev_resource | filter_templates -w "category=CDROM"'
plugin: manual
name: optical/dvd-write_`ls /sys$path/block`
requires: device.path == "$path"
user: root
command: optical_write_test /dev/`ls /sys$path/block` | ansi_parser
     This test will check your system's $product writing capabilities. This test requires a blank DVD-R or DVD+R. If you do not have a blank DVD disk, skip this test.
     1. Enter a blank DVD-R or DVD+R into your drive
     2. Click "Test" to begin.
     3. When the CD tray ejects the media after burning, close it (DO NOT remove the disk, it is needed for the second portion of the test). Note, you must close the drive within 5 minutes or the test will time out.
     This test should automatically select "Yes" if it passes, "No" if it fails.

Before the merge request, you'll get an error. After, you won't get an error anymore.

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