Code review comment for lp:~cmars/juju-core/no-default-series

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Casey Marshall (cmars) wrote :

On 03/23/2014 04:30 AM, John A Meinel wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 6:51 PM, Casey Marshall
> <email address hidden> wrote:
> ...
>> When a client deploys or upgrades a charm, it is responsible for
>> resolving the URL with the charm repository before making the API call.
>> As far as I know, these are the only entry points for new charm URLs
>> from the user into the API server. If this is naive, let's iterate on
>> improving the defensiveness & I'm open to suggestion.
>> I'd like the state server to never have to resolve a charm URL series,
>> and reject all unresolved URLs.
> I'd like to understand this a bit better. Given the API server already
> supports "deploy cs:precise/foo" which it will then go to the charm
> store and download, it seems perfectly reasonable that the client
> could connect to *1* remote machine (the API Server) rather than also
> needing to know who the Charm Store is and how it is configured, and
> how it can resolve information there.
> Why do you feel it is better to push this work into needing Clients to
> be smart? (One argument, I guess, is that Juju GUI is already listing
> the charm store in order to present anything to clients, so the only
> other client today is juju-core.)
> But given that the API Server already needs to know how to talk to the
> charm store (to install cs:precise/foo) it doesn't seem that bad to
> have it also resolve URLs.

My primary goal there is to keep the state server simple, backwards-
(and forwards-) compatible. I decided to keep the current requirements
of a fully-resolved charm URL in deploy, publish, and
upgradecharm-related API calls. In my latest changes to this proposal,
this is actually enforced by the type-system -- there is a distinction
between charm.URL (a fully-resolved charm location with series) and
charm.Reference (a charm location without a series resolved).

You raise a good point that the (>= 1.18) juju client will not contact
the charm store directly. What would you think of adding an API method,
call it "ResolveCharm", which exposes the charm store series-resolving
functionality back to the state client? The state client would still be
responsible for resolving the charm, but it will not need to contact the
charm store directly to resolve it.

I don't think "ResolveCharm" would necessarily need to land in this
merge proposal. It could go into the follow-up proposal with the
client-side changes.

> John
> =:->


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