Merge lp:charms/kusabax into lp:~shazzner/charms/precise/kusabax/trunk

Proposed by Chris Hardee
Status: Work in progress
Proposed branch: lp:charms/kusabax
Merge into: lp:~shazzner/charms/precise/kusabax/trunk
Diff against target: 578 lines (+455/-69)
7 files modified (+101/-0)
config.yaml (+2/-2)
icon.svg (+292/-0)
metadata.yaml (+3/-0)
readme (+0/-67)
tests/00-setup (+5/-0)
tests/99-autogen (+52/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:charms/kusabax
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Clint Byrum (community) Needs Resubmitting
Benjamin Kerensa (community) Needs Fixing
Chris Hardee Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

To be set as maintainer.

To post a comment you must log in.
Revision history for this message
Benjamin Kerensa (bkerensa) wrote :

Can you double check to ensure you pushed because there are no changes in the diff.

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :

Aye, this merge is backwards (merging the official charm into yours) and yours does not seem to have a maintainer change.

review: Needs Resubmitting
Revision history for this message
Chris Hardee (shazzner) wrote :

I have no idea what I'm doing :(

How do I add the maintainer change?

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Clint Byrum <email address hidden> wrote:
> Review: Resubmit
> Aye, this merge is backwards (merging the official charm into yours) and yours does not seem to have a maintainer change.
> --
> You proposed lp:charms/kusabax for merging.

Chris Hardee
San Antonio Hackerspace
<email address hidden>

lp:charms/kusabax updated
9. By Charles Butler

[jose] Charmworld reports the following errors:

    err: Charms need a maintainer (See RFC2822) - Name <email>
    warn: Metadata is missing categories.
    warn: No icon.svg file.
    warn: config.yaml: option style-switcher does not have the keys: default
    warn: config.yaml: option style-switcher has unknown keys: defualt

    Fixed all of them. Set the charm author as maintainer as he showed the wish to be so, but didn't know how to fix it (see MP #111982, Also reformatted README to Markdown.

10. By Jorge Castro

[aisrael] Add icon.

11. By Tim Van Steenburgh

[mbruzek] Added tests

Unmerged revisions

11. By Tim Van Steenburgh

[mbruzek] Added tests

10. By Jorge Castro

[aisrael] Add icon.

9. By Charles Butler

[jose] Charmworld reports the following errors:

    err: Charms need a maintainer (See RFC2822) - Name <email>
    warn: Metadata is missing categories.
    warn: No icon.svg file.
    warn: config.yaml: option style-switcher does not have the keys: default
    warn: config.yaml: option style-switcher has unknown keys: defualt

    Fixed all of them. Set the charm author as maintainer as he showed the wish to be so, but didn't know how to fix it (see MP #111982, Also reformatted README to Markdown.

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1=== added file ''
2--- 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
3+++ 2014-11-19 18:57:15 +0000
4@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
5+Kusaba X Juju Charm
6+Copyright 2012 by Chris Hardee
8+# About
9+This charm is used to deploy a fully usable Kusaba X imageboard instance without
10+any user interaction. This is a great charm to deploy if you want a
11+2ch/4chan-style imageboard but are not up to speed on server installation etc.
13+# Tutorial
14+First make sure your environment is setup and you have juju installed, please
15+see the [juju documentation]( for help on this.
17+Edit the config.yaml, and change anything you'd like. Please be careful when
18+changing the slogan value, as some characters will break the scripts. As of now,
19+don't use pipes '|' or single-quotes.
21+After juju has been configured, bootstrap it:
23+ juju bootstrap
25+(if running a local instance you might need sudo privileges)
27+Then deploy kusabax, you should do this from the root charm directory
28+(ie charmroot/*distros*/kusabax)
30+ juju deploy --repository=. local:kusabax
32+Then deploy mysql:
34+ juju deploy --repository=. local:mysql
36+Check on the status:
38+ juju status
40+When both nodes are up and running, add the relation:
42+ juju add-relation kusabax mysql
44+Then expose kusabax:
46+ juju expose kusabax
48+Check on that status until the relation is set and everything is running.
50+Grab the public address from the status output and paste it into your browser.
51+If everything went ok, then you should see the basic kusaba x imageboard ready
52+to go.
54+## We're not done yet though!
56+Navigate to manage.php by appending it to the public address
59+Login with username: admin password: admin
61+ 1. On the left side, under Site Administration, click on Staff.
62+ 2. Add a new administrator by giving a username, password, leaving the type to
63+ administrator, and clicking Add Staff Member.
64+ 3. Log off, then renavigate to the manage.php site and log in with the new
65+ user. If everything went ok, then Delete the old default Admin user.
67+You are now ready!
69+Remember to add a board under Boards Administration, then go to Edit Section and
70+Add Section, then finally under Board options select the new board you just made
71+and change the Section drop-down to the new section.
73+When you navigate to the home page, you should see your new board and should be
74+able to post. Repeat for other boards/sections.
76+## Known limitations and issues
78+This charm will checkout the latest stable release from
79+ and installs it to the root /var/www directory.
81+Currently the script uses the current hostname for all configuration, you might
82+get some errors if you want to move to a proper domain (e.g.
84+Keep in mind imageboards like these are notorious for cross-site scripting
85+attacks, so keep note of current vulnerabilities from the kusabax home page.
87+# Support
89+For support on kusabax itself, checked out the
90+[support board]( and the
93+# Contact Information
95+Maintainer: Chris Hardee <>
96+Report bugs at:
98+# TODOs
100+ * More config options
101+ * Add postgresql support
102+ * Double-check what exactly needs permissions to avoid www-root chmod 777
103+ * Add a way to change db relations
104+ * Would probably be a good candidate for
105+ [apparmor support](
107=== modified file 'config.yaml'
108--- config.yaml 2012-04-06 00:57:35 +0000
109+++ config.yaml 2014-11-19 18:57:15 +0000
110@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
111 domain-name:
112 default: 'blank'
113 type: string
114- descript: Website domain name, ie or If left 'blank', the ip address will be used. Can be changed after deployment
115+ description: Website domain name, ie or If left 'blank', the ip address will be used. Can be changed after deployment
116 board-name:
117 default: 'juju kusaba x'
118 type: string
119@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
120 type: string
121 description: Site slogan, set to nothing to disable its display
122 style-switcher:
123- defualt: 'true'
124+ default: true
125 type: boolean
126 description: If true, will allow users to change style
128=== added file 'icon.svg'
129--- icon.svg 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
130+++ icon.svg 2014-11-19 18:57:15 +0000
131@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
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420+ </g>
421+ </g>
422+ </g>
425=== modified file 'metadata.yaml'
426--- metadata.yaml 2012-03-27 18:53:41 +0000
427+++ metadata.yaml 2014-11-19 18:57:15 +0000
428@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
429 name: kusabax
430+maintainer: Chris Hardee <>
431 summary: "Kusaba X is a continuation of the Imageboard software Kusaba"
432 description: |
433 Deploys KusabaX
435+ - applications
436 requires:
437 db:
438 interface: mysql
440=== removed file 'readme'
441--- readme 2012-04-02 08:52:39 +0000
442+++ readme 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
443@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
444-Kusaba X Juju Charm
445-Copyright 2012 by Chris Hardee
448-This charm is used to deploy a fully usable Kusaba X imageboard instance without any user interaction. This is a great charm to deploy if you want a 2ch/4chan-style imageboard but are not up to speed on server installation etc.
451-First make sure your environment is setup and you have juju installed, please see the juju documentation for help on this:
454-Edit the config.yaml, and change anything you'd like. Please be careful when changing the slogan value, as some characters will break the scripts. As of now, don't use pipes '|' or single-quotes.
456-After juju has been configured, bootstrap it:
457- juju bootstrap
458-(if running a local instance you might need sudo privileges)
460-Then deploy kusabax, you should do this from the root charm directory (ie charmroot/*distros*/kusabax)
461- juju deploy --repository=. local:kusabax
462-Then deploy mysql:
463- juju deploy --repository=. local:mysql
465-Check on the status:
466- juju status
467-When both nodes are up and running, add the relation:
468- juju add-relation kusabax mysql
469-Then expose kusabax:
470- juju expose kusabax
472-Check on that status until the relation is set and everything is running.
474-Grab the public address from the status output and paste it into your browser. If everything went ok, then you should see the basic kusaba x imageboard ready to go.
476-We're not done yet though!
478-Naviagate to manage.php by appending it to the public address (ie
480-Login with username: admin password: admin
482-On the left side, under Site Administration, click on Staff
483-Add a new administrator by giving a username, password, leaving the type to administrator, and clicking Add Staff Member.
484-Log off, then renavigate to the manage.php site and log in with the new user. If everything went ok, then Delete the old default Admin user.
486-You are now ready!
488-Remember to add a board under Boards Administration, then go to Edit Section and Add Section, then finally under Board options select the new board you just made and change the Section drop-down to the new section.
489-When you navigate to the home page, you should see your new board and should be able to post. Repeat for other boards/sections.
492-This charm will checkout the latest stable release from and install it to the root /var/www directory.
493-Currently the script uses the current hostname for all configuration, you might get some errors if you want to move to a proper domain ie.
494-Keep in mind imageboards like these are notorious for cross-site scripting attacks, so keep note of current vulnerabilities from the kusabax home page.
497-For support on kusabax itself, checked out the support board:
499-and the wiki:
502-For issues with the charm itself, please contact me at:
506-More config options
507-Add postgresql support
508-Double-check what exactly needs permissions to avoid www-root chmod 777
509-Add a way to change db relations
510-Would probably be a good candidate for apparmor support:
512=== added directory 'tests'
513=== added file 'tests/00-setup'
514--- tests/00-setup 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
515+++ tests/00-setup 2014-11-19 18:57:15 +0000
516@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
519+sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable -y
520+sudo apt-get update
521+sudo apt-get install amulet python3-requests -y
523=== added file 'tests/99-autogen'
524--- tests/99-autogen 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
525+++ tests/99-autogen 2014-11-19 18:57:15 +0000
526@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
527+#!/usr/bin/env python3
529+import amulet
530+import requests
531+import unittest
534+class TestDeployment(unittest.TestCase):
535+ @classmethod
536+ def setUpClass(cls):
537+ cls.deployment = amulet.Deployment(series='precise')
539+ cls.deployment.add('kusabax')
540+ cls.deployment.add('mysql')
541+ cls.deployment.relate('kusabax:db', 'mysql:db')
542+ cls.deployment.expose('kusabax')
544+ try:
545+ cls.deployment.setup(timeout=900)
546+ cls.deployment.sentry.wait()
547+ except amulet.helpers.TimeoutError:
548+ amulet.raise_status(amulet.SKIP, msg="Environment wasn't stood up in time")
549+ except:
550+ raise
552+ def test_case(self):
553+ # Now you can use self.deployment.sentry.unit[UNIT] to address each of
554+ # the units and perform more in-depth steps. You can also reference
555+ # the first unit as self.unit.
556+ # There are three test statuses that can be triggered with
557+ # amulet.raise_status():
558+ # - amulet.PASS
559+ # - amulet.FAIL
560+ # - amulet.SKIP
561+ # Each unit has the following methods:
562+ # - .info - An array of the information of that unit from Juju
563+ # - .file(PATH) - Get the details of a file on that unit
564+ # - .file_contents(PATH) - Get plain text output of PATH file from that unit
565+ # - .directory(PATH) - Get details of directory
566+ # - .directory_contents(PATH) - List files and folders in PATH on that unit
567+ # - .relation(relation, service:rel) - Get relation data from return service
568+ # add tests here to confirm service is up and working properly
569+ # For example, to confirm that it has a functioning HTTP server:
570+ # page = requests.get('http://{}'.format(['public-address']))
571+ # page.raise_for_status()
572+ # More information on writing Amulet tests can be found at:
573+ #
574+ pass
577+if __name__ == '__main__':
578+ unittest.main()


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