
Code review comment for lp:~cemil-azizoglu/mir/rename-mesa-to-KMS

Revision history for this message
Kevin DuBois (kdub) wrote :

> I think it might be premature to choose a new name until the driver code
> itself is further teased apart...
+1, I guess here's my shot at teasing apart...
In current mir parlance, (for better or worse, probably worse) a platform (mg::Platform) is current "a gpu and an output".
So currently,
"android" == gralloc + hwc
"mesa" == gbm + drm

If we separated mg::Platform out into GpuPlatform and DisplayPlatform [1], then what is going on falls into place easily:
DisplayPlatforms are hwc, drm, X, nested, offscreen
GpuPlatforms are gralloc, gbm

[1] or similar names

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