Code review comment for lp:~berendt/nova/lp712681

Revision history for this message
Devin Carlen (devcamcar) wrote :

The monit template in puppet/contrib is still making use of pidfile. To be fair, this couldn't work now anyway since pidfile flag doesn't do anything. Here is the bit in question, from contrib/puppet/templates/monitrc-nova-api.erb:

check process nova_api_<%= port %> with pidfile /var/run/nova/nova-api-<%= port %>.pid
   group nova_api
   start program = "/usr/bin/nova-api --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf --pidfile=/var/run/nova/nova-api-<%= port %>.pid --api_listen_port=<%= port %> --lockfile=/var/run/nova/nova-api-<%= port %>.pid.lock start"
       as uid nova

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