Merge lp:~bdfhjk/clicompanion/setupscript-2 into lp:clicompanion

Proposed by Marek Bardoński
Status: Merged
Merge reported by: Marek Bardoński
Merged at revision: not available
Proposed branch: lp:~bdfhjk/clicompanion/setupscript-2
Merge into: lp:clicompanion
Diff against target: 621 lines (+379/-176)
6 files modified
MANIFEST (+2/-1)
data/clicompanion2.config (+0/-151)
data/clicompanion2.config.debian (+150/-0)
data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu (+150/-0)
plugins/ (+50/-1) (+27/-23)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~bdfhjk/clicompanion/setupscript-2
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Daniel Kałuża (community) Approve
David Caro Needs Fixing
Paweł Pending
Review via email:
To post a comment you must log in.
Revision history for this message
David Caro (dcaro) wrote :

Hi Marek,

Sorry for the delay.
This new version looks fine, but could you please try to follow the pep8 ( guidelines as close as possible?
Just using spaces instead of tabs and deleting all the spaces at the end of a line will be enough.

Also you can use the self.emit('reload') sentence to force a reload of the commands list and avoid having to restart the whole program, check how it's done when loading another cheatsheet file if you want more details.

Thanks for contributing! And don't get discouraged, ask for help if you need it!


review: Needs Fixing
112. By Marek Bardoński

Fixed according to David Caro review

113. By Marek Bardoński

merge with master

Revision history for this message
Daniel Kałuża (daniel-kaluza-dk) wrote :

Hi Marek,
When it comes to me the code looks good.
As David mentioned there can be added just 2 lines to get rid off must of reloading app and extra information popup, but I think its rather optional.

review: Approve
114. By Marek Bardoński

Added self.emit('reload') to the cheatsheet revert pipeline

Revision history for this message
Marek Bardoński (bdfhjk) wrote :

Thanks David and Daniel!

Revision history for this message
Duane Hinnen (duanedesign) wrote :

Glad to see you all still keeping this alive. Several things have kept me
away lately.
You all have done great work on this. I never imagined it would look this
good from the first prototypes I made.
You all rock.
Hope to be active in community again soon. Can't wait to see you all in
Dune hinnen
On Mar 30, 2016 4:48 AM, "Marek Bardoński" <email address hidden> wrote:

> Thanks David and Daniel!
> --
> You are subscribed to branch lp:clicompanion.

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1=== modified file 'MANIFEST'
2--- MANIFEST 2012-01-30 00:00:40 +0000
3+++ MANIFEST 2016-03-30 09:47:08 +0000
4@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
5 clicompanionlib/
6 clicompanionlib/
7 data/clicompanion.desktop
11 data/clicompanion.16.png
12 data/clicompanion.64.png
13 plugins/
15=== removed file 'data/clicompanion2.config'
16--- data/clicompanion2.config 2012-04-03 10:00:35 +0000
17+++ data/clicompanion2.config 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
18@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
19-dpkg -l ? package Find version of a package
20-df -h File system disk space usage
21-free -m Show RAM usage
22-ps aux | grep ? search string Search active processes for search string
23-iwconfig Display wireless network information
24-ifconfig -a Displays the status of the currently active interfaces
25-lsb_release -a What version of Ubuntu do I have?
26-uname -a What kernel am I running
27-sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade Refresh update info and update all packages
28-sudo apt-get clean Clear out all packages in /var/cache/apt/archives
29-sudo apt-get autoclean Clear out obsolete packages(packages with a newer release)
30-apt-cache search ? package Find information on a package (not installed)
31-sudo lshw List hardware
32-lspci List all PCI devices
33-aplay -l List all soundcards and digital audio devices
34-cat ? path Read File & Print to Standard Output
35-ls ? path List Folders Contents
36-ls -lSr ? path Show files by size, biggest last
37-mv ? ? sourcePath, destinationPath Move (Rename) Files
38-cp ? ? sourcePath, destinationPath Copy File from sourcePath to destinationPath
39-sudo lspci attached PCI devices
40-chmod ? ? permissions, file Change access permissions, change mode
41-chown ? ? owner group, file Change the owner and/or group of each given file
42-dmesg Print kernel & driver messages
43-history Command History
44-history | grep -i ? command search history for a command
45-locate ? file Find files (updatedb to update DB)
46-sudo updatedb update the database for locate
47-which ? command Show full path name of command
48-find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F ? string Search all regular files for 'string' in this dir
49-gpg -c ? file Encypt a file
50-gpg ? file.gpg Decrypt a file
51-tar -cvf ? ? Destination.tar Source Compress(tar) Source into Destination
52-tar -cvzf ? ? Destination.tar.gz Source Compress(tar.gz) Source into Destination
53-tar -cjvf ? ? Destination.tar.bz2 Source Compress(tar.bz2) Source into Destination
54-tar xvf ? file decompress/extract .tar
55-tar xvzf ? file decompress/extract tar.gz
56-tar xjvf ? file decompress/extract a tar.bz2
57-sudo dpkg --configure -a help fix broken packages
58-sudo apt-get -f install help fix broken packages
59-top display Linux tasks
60-netstat Print network connections and interface statistics
61-sudo fdisk -l ? disk(usually /dev/sda) List partition tables for specified devices
62-sudo ufw enable Enable netfilter firewall
63-sudo ufw allow ? port Open a port in netfilter firewall
64-sudo ufw deny ? port Close a port in netfilter firewall
65-sudo ufw disable Disable netfilter firewall
66-cat ? ? | sort | uniq > ? file1, file2, file3 combine, sort and remove duplicates from 2 files
67-dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n List all installed packages by size
68-apropos ? command or package search the manual page names and descriptions
69-ip addr Display info about active network interfaces
70-ip route Display currently active routing table
71-dpkg -L ? Package name List all files installed by a given package
72-dpkg -S $(which ?) command name List which package installed given command
73-dpkg -S ? path (example /etc/wgetrc) List which package installed given file or directory
74-dpkg-deb -I ? .deb package file Display information about given .deb file
75-dpkg-deb -c ? .deb package file List contents of given .deb file
76-dpkg-source -x ? .dsc source package file Extract source package to current directory
77-sudo dpkg-reconfigure ? Package name Reconfigures given installed package
78-sudo dpkg -i ? .deb package file Installs given .deb package
79-find . -type d List all directories under current directory
80-find . -size +? File size (example 10M) List all files under current directory over given size
81-find . -mtime 0 List all files under current directory modified in last 24 hours
82-find . -mtime +? Number of days List all files under current directory modified more than given number of days ago
83-find . -newer ? filename List all files under current directory newer than given file
84-find . ! -newer ? filename List all files under current directory older than given file
85-find . ! -user $USER List all files under current directory not owned by current user
86-find . -user ? Username List all files under current directory owned by given user
87-find . -perm -2 ! -type l List all world-writeable files and directories under current directory
88-mount List all mounted filesysystems
89-mount -t ? Filesystem type (example ext4) List all mounted filesystems of given type
90-sudo umount ? Device or mount point Un-mount the filesystem from the given device or mount point
91-sudo mount -av Mount all automatically mounted filesystems (listed in /etc/fstab)
92-sudo mount ? ? device, mount point Mount given device at given mount point
93-sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda List partition table of first hard drive /dev/sda
94-sudo fdisk -l ? Device name (example /dev/sdb) List partition table of given device
95-du -sh . Display total size of all files and directories under current directory
96-du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20 List disk usage in Kbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
97-du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n List disk usage in Kbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
98-du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20 List disk usage in Mbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
99-du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n List disk usage in Mbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
100-wget ? File URL (example Download single given file using http, ftp or https
101-wget -m ? Site URL (example Recursively download entire given site
102-ls -ltr List files, most recently modified last
103-ls -lAd .[^.]* List all files and directories starting with a dot (all hidden files and directories)
104-sudo lsof -c ? command name List files opened by processes beginning with given command name
105-sudo lsof +D ? directory List open files under given directory
106-sudo lsof -i List open (Internet) network sockets
107-sudo lsof -N List open NFS files
108-sudo lsof -U List open Unix domain files (Unix sockets)
109-tar axf ? Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.bz2) Extract given compressed tar archive to current directory
110-tar atf ? Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.gz) Test given compressed tar archive integrity
111-tar jcf ? ? Compressed tar archive filename (example myfiles.tar.bz2),File or directory spec Create .tar.bz2 compressed archive of given filespec
112-zip -r ? ? Zip file name (example,file or directory spec Create .zip compressed archive of given filespec
113-unzip ? Zip file name Extract given compressed zip archive into current directory
114-gzip -9 ? Filename Compress given file using gzip, adding a .gz suffix to its name
115-bzip2 -9 ? Filename Compress given file using bzip2b, adding a .bz2 suffix to its name
116-gunzip ? Filename (example myfile.gz) Decompress given gzipped file, removing .gz suffix
117-bunzip2 ? Filename (example somefile.bz2) Decompress given bzip2'ed file, removing .bz2 suffix
118-gunzip -t ? Filename (example myfile.gz) Test compression of given gzipped file
119-bunzip2 -t ? Filename (example myfile.bz2) Test compression of given bzip2'ed file
120-cd $OLDPWD Change directory to previously used directory
121-pushd ? directory Change to given directory, remembering current directory on stack
122-popd Change to topmost directory on stack created by pushd
123-pwd List current directory
124-cd Change to home directory
125-sudo apt-get update Update database of available packages
126-sudo apt-get install ? Package Install given package and its dependencies
127-sudo apt-get remove ? Package Remove given package
128-sudo apt-get autoremove Remove all packages installed as dependencies which are no longer needed
129-apt-get source ? Package Download and install given source package into current directory
130-date Display local date and time in local display format
131-date -R Display local date and time in RFC2822 format
132-date -u Display UTC time in local display format
133-date -u +%s Display UTC time in number of seconds past the epoch
134-ntpq -p List NTP time sources and their offsets
135-smbstatus List current status of local SAMBA server
136-smbclient -L \\\\? -N Hostname List shares and related information about SMB server on given host
137-testparm -s Test and display current SAMBA configuration
138-sudo service ? stop Service name Stop given service
139-sudo service ? start Service name Start given service
140-sudo service ? restart Service name Restart given service
141-sudo service ? status Service name Show status of given service
142-jobs List current jobs
143-fg ? jobspec (example %1) Run given job the foreground
144-bg ? jobspec (example %1) Run given job the background
145-suspend Suspend the currently running shell
146-md5sum ? filename or wildcard Display MD5 checksum of given file(s)
147-sha1sum ? filename or wildcard Display SHA-1 checksum of given file(s)
148-gpg --list-keys --list-options show-photos ? key id Display specified GnuPG key, with photo if present
149-gpg --list-keys Display GnuPG keys
150-gpg --clearsign ? filename Create a clearsigned copy of given filename with a .asc suffix
151-gpg -ea -r ? ? Key ID, filename Create encrypted armoured copy of given file with a .asc suffix, for decryption by user with given GnuPG key id
152-gpg -d ? filename Decrypt and display given file
153-gpg -c ? filename Encrypt given file using symetric cipher and prompt for passphrase, result in filename.gpg
154-gpg --keyserver --recv-keys ? Key ID Import public key with given key ID from Ubuntu keyserver
155-top Interactively display running processes (q to quit)
156-top -n1 Display a snapshot of currently running processes
157-htop Display configurable interactive process viewer (q to quit)
158-vmstat 5 Display information about virtual memory (process, swap, disk activity, etc.) every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
159-iostat 5 Display information about io activity every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
160-sudo jnettop -i eth0 Display information about network traffic (q to quit)
161-uptime Display how long system has been running and current load averages
162-sudo apt-get install packaging-dev Installs all the usual basic Debian/Ubuntu development and packaging tools
163-rmadison -u ubuntu ? package name Display versions of given source package in all releases of Ubuntu
164-rmadison -u debian ? package name Display versions of given source package in all releases of Debian
165-rmadison -u ubuntu -s precise ? package name Display version of given source package in Precise version of Ubuntu
166-rmadison -u debian -s unstable ? package name Display version of given source package in Debian unstable
167-sudoedit ? filename Edit filename with root priviledges
168-sudo visudo Edit sudo configuration file
171=== added file 'data/clicompanion2.config.debian'
172--- data/clicompanion2.config.debian 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
173+++ data/clicompanion2.config.debian 2016-03-30 09:47:08 +0000
174@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
175+dpkg -l ? package Find version of a package
176+df -h File system disk space usage
177+free -m Show RAM usage
178+ps aux | grep ? search string Search active processes for search string
179+iwconfig Display wireless network information
180+ifconfig -a Displays the status of the currently active interfaces
181+lsb_release -a What version of Ubuntu do I have?
182+uname -a What kernel am I running
183+gksu apt-get update && gksu apt-get upgrade Refresh update info and update all packages
184+gksu apt-get clean Clear out all packages in /var/cache/apt/archives
185+gksu apt-get autoclean Clear out obsolete packages(packages with a newer release)
186+apt-cache search ? package Find information on a package (not installed)
187+gksu lshw List hardware
188+lspci List all PCI devices
189+aplay -l List all soundcards and digital audio devices
190+cat ? path Read File & Print to Standard Output
191+ls ? path List Folders Contents
192+ls -lSr ? path Show files by size, biggest last
193+mv ? ? sourcePath, destinationPath Move (Rename) Files
194+cp ? ? sourcePath, destinationPath Copy File from sourcePath to destinationPath
195+gksu lspci attached PCI devices
196+chmod ? ? permissions, file Change access permissions, change mode
197+chown ? ? owner group, file Change the owner and/or group of each given file
198+dmesg Print kernel & driver messages
199+history Command History
200+history | grep -i ? command search history for a command
201+locate ? file Find files (updatedb to update DB)
202+gksu updatedb update the database for locate
203+which ? command Show full path name of command
204+find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F ? string Search all regular files for 'string' in this dir
205+gpg -c ? file Encypt a file
206+gpg ? file.gpg Decrypt a file
207+tar -cvf ? ? Destination.tar Source Compress(tar) Source into Destination
208+tar -cvzf ? ? Destination.tar.gz Source Compress(tar.gz) Source into Destination
209+tar -cjvf ? ? Destination.tar.bz2 Source Compress(tar.bz2) Source into Destination
210+tar xvf ? file decompress/extract .tar
211+tar xvzf ? file decompress/extract tar.gz
212+tar xjvf ? file decompress/extract a tar.bz2
213+gksu dpkg --configure -a help fix broken packages
214+gksu apt-get -f install help fix broken packages
215+top display Linux tasks
216+netstat Print network connections and interface statistics
217+gksu fdisk -l ? disk(usually /dev/sda) List partition tables for specified devices
218+gksu ufw enable Enable netfilter firewall
219+gksu ufw allow ? port Open a port in netfilter firewall
220+gksu ufw deny ? port Close a port in netfilter firewall
221+gksu ufw disable Disable netfilter firewall
222+cat ? ? | sort | uniq > ? file1, file2, file3 combine, sort and remove duplicates from 2 files
223+dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n List all installed packages by size
224+apropos ? command or package search the manual page names and descriptions
225+ip addr Display info about active network interfaces
226+ip route Display currently active routing table
227+dpkg -L ? Package name List all files installed by a given package
228+dpkg -S $(which ?) command name List which package installed given command
229+dpkg -S ? path (example /etc/wgetrc) List which package installed given file or directory
230+dpkg-deb -I ? .deb package file Display information about given .deb file
231+dpkg-deb -c ? .deb package file List contents of given .deb file
232+dpkg-source -x ? .dsc source package file Extract source package to current directory
233+gksu dpkg-reconfigure ? Package name Reconfigures given installed package
234+gksu dpkg -i ? .deb package file Installs given .deb package
235+find . -type d List all directories under current directory
236+find . -size +? File size (example 10M) List all files under current directory over given size
237+find . -mtime 0 List all files under current directory modified in last 24 hours
238+find . -mtime +? Number of days List all files under current directory modified more than given number of days ago
239+find . -newer ? filename List all files under current directory newer than given file
240+find . ! -newer ? filename List all files under current directory older than given file
241+find . ! -user $USER List all files under current directory not owned by current user
242+find . -user ? Username List all files under current directory owned by given user
243+find . -perm -2 ! -type l List all world-writeable files and directories under current directory
244+mount List all mounted filesysystems
245+mount -t ? Filesystem type (example ext4) List all mounted filesystems of given type
246+gksu umount ? Device or mount point Un-mount the filesystem from the given device or mount point
247+gksu mount -av Mount all automatically mounted filesystems (listed in /etc/fstab)
248+gksu mount ? ? device, mount point Mount given device at given mount point
249+gksu fdisk -l /dev/sda List partition table of first hard drive /dev/sda
250+gksu fdisk -l ? Device name (example /dev/sdb) List partition table of given device
251+du -sh . Display total size of all files and directories under current directory
252+du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20 List disk usage in Kbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
253+du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n List disk usage in Kbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
254+du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20 List disk usage in Mbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
255+du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n List disk usage in Mbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
256+wget ? File URL (example Download single given file using http, ftp or https
257+wget -m ? Site URL (example Recursively download entire given site
258+ls -ltr List files, most recently modified last
259+ls -lAd .[^.]* List all files and directories starting with a dot (all hidden files and directories)
260+gksu lsof -c ? command name List files opened by processes beginning with given command name
261+gksu lsof +D ? directory List open files under given directory
262+gksu lsof -i List open (Internet) network sockets
263+gksu lsof -N List open NFS files
264+gksu lsof -U List open Unix domain files (Unix sockets)
265+tar axf ? Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.bz2) Extract given compressed tar archive to current directory
266+tar atf ? Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.gz) Test given compressed tar archive integrity
267+tar jcf ? ? Compressed tar archive filename (example myfiles.tar.bz2),File or directory spec Create .tar.bz2 compressed archive of given filespec
268+zip -r ? ? Zip file name (example,file or directory spec Create .zip compressed archive of given filespec
269+unzip ? Zip file name Extract given compressed zip archive into current directory
270+gzip -9 ? Filename Compress given file using gzip, adding a .gz suffix to its name
271+bzip2 -9 ? Filename Compress given file using bzip2b, adding a .bz2 suffix to its name
272+gunzip ? Filename (example myfile.gz) Decompress given gzipped file, removing .gz suffix
273+bunzip2 ? Filename (example somefile.bz2) Decompress given bzip2'ed file, removing .bz2 suffix
274+gunzip -t ? Filename (example myfile.gz) Test compression of given gzipped file
275+bunzip2 -t ? Filename (example myfile.bz2) Test compression of given bzip2'ed file
276+cd $OLDPWD Change directory to previously used directory
277+pushd ? directory Change to given directory, remembering current directory on stack
278+popd Change to topmost directory on stack created by pushd
279+pwd List current directory
280+cd Change to home directory
281+gksu apt-get update Update database of available packages
282+gksu apt-get install ? Package Install given package and its dependencies
283+gksu apt-get remove ? Package Remove given package
284+gksu apt-get auto-remove Remove all packages installed as dependencies which are no longer needed
285+apt-get source ? Package Download and install given source package into current directory
286+date Display local date and time in local display format
287+date -R Display local date and time in RFC2822 format
288+date -u Display UTC time in local display format
289+date -u +%s Display UTC time in number of seconds past the epoch
290+ntpq -p List NTP time sources and their offsets
291+smbstatus List current status of local SAMBA server
292+smbclient -L \\\\? -N Hostname List shares and related information about SMB server on given host
293+testparm -s Test and display current SAMBA configuration
294+gksu service ? stop Service name Stop given service
295+gksu service ? start Service name Start given service
296+gksu service ? restart Service name Restart given service
297+gksu service ? status Service name Show status of given service
298+jobs List current jobs
299+fg ? jobspec (example %1) Run given job the foreground
300+bg ? jobspec (example %1) Run given job the background
301+suspend Suspend the currently running shell
302+md5sum ? filename or wildcard Display MD5 checksum of given file(s)
303+sha1sum ? filename or wildcard Display SHA-1 checksum of given file(s)
304+gpg --list-keys --list-options show-photos ? key id Display specified GnuPG key, with photo if present
305+gpg --list-keys Display GnuPG keys
306+gpg --clearsign ? filename Create a clearsigned copy of given filename with a .asc suffix
307+gpg -ea -r ? ? Key ID, filename Create encrypted armoured copy of given file with a .asc suffix, for decryption by user with given GnuPG key id
308+gpg -d ? filename Decrypt and display given file
309+gpg -c ? filename Encrypt given file using symetric cipher and prompt for passphrase, result in filename.gpg
310+gpg --keyserver --recv-keys ? Key ID Import public key with given key ID from Ubuntu keyserver
311+top Interactively display running processes (q to quit)
312+top -n1 Display a snapshot of currently running processes
313+htop Display configurable interactive process viewer (q to quit)
314+vmstat 5 Display information about virtual memory (process, swap, disk activity, etc.) every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
315+iostat 5 Display information about io activity every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
316+gksu jnettop -i eth0 Display information about network traffic (q to quit)
317+uptime Display how long system has been running and current load averages
318+gksu apt-get install packaging-dev Installs all the usual basic Debian/Ubuntu development and packaging tools
319+rmadison -u ubuntu ? package name Display versions of given source package in all releases of Ubuntu
320+rmadison -u debian ? package name Display versions of given source package in all releases of Debian
321+rmadison -u ubuntu -s precise ? package name Display version of given source package in Precise version of Ubuntu
322+rmadison -u debian -s unstable ? package name Display version of given source package in Debian unstable
323+sudoedit ? filename Edit filename with root priviledges
324+sudo visudo Edit sudo configuration file
326=== added file 'data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu'
327--- data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
328+++ data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu 2016-03-30 09:47:08 +0000
329@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
330+dpkg -l ? package Find version of a package
331+df -h File system disk space usage
332+free -m Show RAM usage
333+ps aux | grep ? search string Search active processes for search string
334+iwconfig Display wireless network information
335+ifconfig -a Displays the status of the currently active interfaces
336+lsb_release -a What version of Ubuntu do I have?
337+uname -a What kernel am I running
338+sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade Refresh update info and update all packages
339+sudo apt-get clean Clear out all packages in /var/cache/apt/archives
340+sudo apt-get autoclean Clear out obsolete packages(packages with a newer release)
341+apt-cache search ? package Find information on a package (not installed)
342+sudo lshw List hardware
343+lspci List all PCI devices
344+aplay -l List all soundcards and digital audio devices
345+cat ? path Read File & Print to Standard Output
346+ls ? path List Folders Contents
347+ls -lSr ? path Show files by size, biggest last
348+mv ? ? sourcePath, destinationPath Move (Rename) Files
349+cp ? ? sourcePath, destinationPath Copy File from sourcePath to destinationPath
350+sudo lspci attached PCI devices
351+chmod ? ? permissions, file Change access permissions, change mode
352+chown ? ? owner group, file Change the owner and/or group of each given file
353+dmesg Print kernel & driver messages
354+history Command History
355+history | grep -i ? command search history for a command
356+locate ? file Find files (updatedb to update DB)
357+sudo updatedb update the database for locate
358+which ? command Show full path name of command
359+find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F ? string Search all regular files for 'string' in this dir
360+gpg -c ? file Encypt a file
361+gpg ? file.gpg Decrypt a file
362+tar -cvf ? ? Destination.tar Source Compress(tar) Source into Destination
363+tar -cvzf ? ? Destination.tar.gz Source Compress(tar.gz) Source into Destination
364+tar -cjvf ? ? Destination.tar.bz2 Source Compress(tar.bz2) Source into Destination
365+tar xvf ? file decompress/extract .tar
366+tar xvzf ? file decompress/extract tar.gz
367+tar xjvf ? file decompress/extract a tar.bz2
368+sudo dpkg --configure -a help fix broken packages
369+sudo apt-get -f install help fix broken packages
370+top display Linux tasks
371+netstat Print network connections and interface statistics
372+sudo fdisk -l ? disk(usually /dev/sda) List partition tables for specified devices
373+sudo ufw enable Enable netfilter firewall
374+sudo ufw allow ? port Open a port in netfilter firewall
375+sudo ufw deny ? port Close a port in netfilter firewall
376+sudo ufw disable Disable netfilter firewall
377+cat ? ? | sort | uniq > ? file1, file2, file3 combine, sort and remove duplicates from 2 files
378+dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n List all installed packages by size
379+apropos ? command or package search the manual page names and descriptions
380+ip addr Display info about active network interfaces
381+ip route Display currently active routing table
382+dpkg -L ? Package name List all files installed by a given package
383+dpkg -S $(which ?) command name List which package installed given command
384+dpkg -S ? path (example /etc/wgetrc) List which package installed given file or directory
385+dpkg-deb -I ? .deb package file Display information about given .deb file
386+dpkg-deb -c ? .deb package file List contents of given .deb file
387+dpkg-source -x ? .dsc source package file Extract source package to current directory
388+sudo dpkg-reconfigure ? Package name Reconfigures given installed package
389+sudo dpkg -i ? .deb package file Installs given .deb package
390+find . -type d List all directories under current directory
391+find . -size +? File size (example 10M) List all files under current directory over given size
392+find . -mtime 0 List all files under current directory modified in last 24 hours
393+find . -mtime +? Number of days List all files under current directory modified more than given number of days ago
394+find . -newer ? filename List all files under current directory newer than given file
395+find . ! -newer ? filename List all files under current directory older than given file
396+find . ! -user $USER List all files under current directory not owned by current user
397+find . -user ? Username List all files under current directory owned by given user
398+find . -perm -2 ! -type l List all world-writeable files and directories under current directory
399+mount List all mounted filesysystems
400+mount -t ? Filesystem type (example ext4) List all mounted filesystems of given type
401+sudo umount ? Device or mount point Un-mount the filesystem from the given device or mount point
402+sudo mount -av Mount all automatically mounted filesystems (listed in /etc/fstab)
403+sudo mount ? ? device, mount point Mount given device at given mount point
404+sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda List partition table of first hard drive /dev/sda
405+sudo fdisk -l ? Device name (example /dev/sdb) List partition table of given device
406+du -sh . Display total size of all files and directories under current directory
407+du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20 List disk usage in Kbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
408+du -skxc * .[^.]* |sort -n List disk usage in Kbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
409+du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n|tail -20 List disk usage in Mbytes of largest 20 files or subdirectories under current dir in current filesystem
410+du -smxc * .[^.]* |sort -n List disk usage in Mbytes of all files and directories under current directory in current filesystem
411+wget ? File URL (example Download single given file using http, ftp or https
412+wget -m ? Site URL (example Recursively download entire given site
413+ls -ltr List files, most recently modified last
414+ls -lAd .[^.]* List all files and directories starting with a dot (all hidden files and directories)
415+sudo lsof -c ? command name List files opened by processes beginning with given command name
416+sudo lsof +D ? directory List open files under given directory
417+sudo lsof -i List open (Internet) network sockets
418+sudo lsof -N List open NFS files
419+sudo lsof -U List open Unix domain files (Unix sockets)
420+tar axf ? Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.bz2) Extract given compressed tar archive to current directory
421+tar atf ? Compressed tar archive (example somefile.tar.gz) Test given compressed tar archive integrity
422+tar jcf ? ? Compressed tar archive filename (example myfiles.tar.bz2),File or directory spec Create .tar.bz2 compressed archive of given filespec
423+zip -r ? ? Zip file name (example,file or directory spec Create .zip compressed archive of given filespec
424+unzip ? Zip file name Extract given compressed zip archive into current directory
425+gzip -9 ? Filename Compress given file using gzip, adding a .gz suffix to its name
426+bzip2 -9 ? Filename Compress given file using bzip2b, adding a .bz2 suffix to its name
427+gunzip ? Filename (example myfile.gz) Decompress given gzipped file, removing .gz suffix
428+bunzip2 ? Filename (example somefile.bz2) Decompress given bzip2'ed file, removing .bz2 suffix
429+gunzip -t ? Filename (example myfile.gz) Test compression of given gzipped file
430+bunzip2 -t ? Filename (example myfile.bz2) Test compression of given bzip2'ed file
431+cd $OLDPWD Change directory to previously used directory
432+pushd ? directory Change to given directory, remembering current directory on stack
433+popd Change to topmost directory on stack created by pushd
434+pwd List current directory
435+cd Change to home directory
436+sudo apt-get update Update database of available packages
437+sudo apt-get install ? Package Install given package and its dependencies
438+sudo apt-get remove ? Package Remove given package
439+sudo apt-get auto-remove Remove all packages installed as dependencies which are no longer needed
440+apt-get source ? Package Download and install given source package into current directory
441+date Display local date and time in local display format
442+date -R Display local date and time in RFC2822 format
443+date -u Display UTC time in local display format
444+date -u +%s Display UTC time in number of seconds past the epoch
445+ntpq -p List NTP time sources and their offsets
446+smbstatus List current status of local SAMBA server
447+smbclient -L \\\\? -N Hostname List shares and related information about SMB server on given host
448+testparm -s Test and display current SAMBA configuration
449+sudo service ? stop Service name Stop given service
450+sudo service ? start Service name Start given service
451+sudo service ? restart Service name Restart given service
452+sudo service ? status Service name Show status of given service
453+jobs List current jobs
454+fg ? jobspec (example %1) Run given job the foreground
455+bg ? jobspec (example %1) Run given job the background
456+suspend Suspend the currently running shell
457+md5sum ? filename or wildcard Display MD5 checksum of given file(s)
458+sha1sum ? filename or wildcard Display SHA-1 checksum of given file(s)
459+gpg --list-keys --list-options show-photos ? key id Display specified GnuPG key, with photo if present
460+gpg --list-keys Display GnuPG keys
461+gpg --clearsign ? filename Create a clearsigned copy of given filename with a .asc suffix
462+gpg -ea -r ? ? Key ID, filename Create encrypted armoured copy of given file with a .asc suffix, for decryption by user with given GnuPG key id
463+gpg -d ? filename Decrypt and display given file
464+gpg -c ? filename Encrypt given file using symetric cipher and prompt for passphrase, result in filename.gpg
465+gpg --keyserver --recv-keys ? Key ID Import public key with given key ID from Ubuntu keyserver
466+top Interactively display running processes (q to quit)
467+top -n1 Display a snapshot of currently running processes
468+htop Display configurable interactive process viewer (q to quit)
469+vmstat 5 Display information about virtual memory (process, swap, disk activity, etc.) every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
470+iostat 5 Display information about io activity every 5 seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)
471+sudo jnettop -i eth0 Display information about network traffic (q to quit)
472+uptime Display how long system has been running and current load averages
473+sudo apt-get install packaging-dev Installs all the usual basic Debian/Ubuntu development and packaging tools
474+rmadison -u ubuntu ? package name Display versions of given source package in all releases of Ubuntu
475+rmadison -u debian ? package name Display versions of given source package in all releases of Debian
476+rmadison -u ubuntu -s precise ? package name Display version of given source package in Precise version of Ubuntu
477+rmadison -u debian -s unstable ? package name Display version of given source package in Debian unstable
478+sudoedit ? filename Edit filename with root priviledges
479+sudo visudo Edit sudo configuration file
481=== modified file 'plugins/'
482--- plugins/ 2016-02-24 11:47:21 +0000
483+++ plugins/ 2016-03-30 09:47:08 +0000
484@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
485 pygtk.require('2.0')
486 import gobject
487 import collections
488+import platform
489+import shutil
491 try:
492 import gtk
493@@ -392,7 +394,17 @@
494 self.file_btn.connect('clicked', self.select_file)
495 hbox.pack_end(self.file_btn, False, False, 8)
496 self.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 8)
498+ hbox2 = gtk.HBox()
499+ hbox3 = gtk.HBox()
500+ self.file_btn2 = gtk.Button("Revert cheatsheet to clean Ubuntu version")
501+ self.file_btn3 = gtk.Button("Revert cheatsheet to clean Debian version")
502+ self.file_btn2.connect('clicked', self.revert_cheatsheet_to_ubuntu_version)
503+ self.file_btn3.connect('clicked', self.revert_cheatsheet_to_debian_version)
504+ hbox2.pack_start(self.file_btn2)
505+ hbox3.pack_start(self.file_btn3)
506+ self.pack_start(hbox2, False, False, 8)
507+ self.pack_start(hbox3, False, False, 8)
509 def select_file(self, btn):
510 chooser = CHFileSelector()
511 resp =
512@@ -407,7 +419,44 @@
513 self.remove(child)
514 self.draw_all()
515 self.show_all()
517+ def revert_cheatsheet_to_ubuntu_version(self, btn):
518+ distribution = platform.linux_distribution()
519+ if distribution[0] == 'debian':
520+ self.show_warning()
521+ shutil.copy2('/etc/clicompanion.d/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu', os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.clicompanion2')
522+ self.emit('reload')
523+ self.show_information()
525+ def revert_cheatsheet_to_debian_version(self, btn):
526+ distribution = platform.linux_distribution()
527+ if distribution[0] == 'Ubuntu':
528+ self.show_warning()
529+ shutil.copy2('/etc/clicompanion.d/clicompanion2.config.debian', os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.clicompanion2')
530+ self.emit('reload')
531+ self.show_information()
533+ def show_warning(self):
534+ dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(
535+ None,
539+ message_format=_('Warning!'))
540+ dlg.format_secondary_text(_('You are changing cheatsheet to version for another distribution'))
542+ dlg.destroy()
544+ def show_information(self):
545+ dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(
546+ None,
548+ gtk.MESSAGE_INFO,
550+ message_format=_('Information'))
551+ dlg.format_secondary_text(_('Cheatsheet was changed.'))
553+ dlg.destroy()
555 class CHFileSelector(gtk.FileChooserDialog):
556 '''
558=== modified file ''
559--- 2013-01-27 10:14:10 +0000
560+++ 2016-03-30 09:47:08 +0000
561@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
562 import sys
563 import glob
564 from distutils.core import setup
565+import platform
566+import shutil
567 try:
568 from DistUtilsExtra.command import *
569 except ImportError:
570@@ -28,26 +30,28 @@
571 )
572 sys.exit(1)
578- name='clicompanion',
579- version='1.1',
580- description='Run Terminal commands from a GUI. Store commands for later use.',
581- author='Duane Hinnen',
582- author_email='',
583- scripts=['clicompanion'],
584- packages=['clicompanionlib', 'plugins'],
585- data_files=[
586- ('/etc/clicompanion.d/', ['data/clicompanion2.config']),
587- ('/usr/share/pixmaps', ['data/clicompanion.16.png']),
588- ('/usr/share/applications', ['data/clicompanion.desktop']),
589- ('/usr/share/clicompanion/locale/', glob.glob('locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo')),
590- ],
592- cmdclass = {
593- 'build' : build_extra.build_extra,
594- 'build_i18n' : build_i18n.build_i18n,
595- },
596- )
597+distribution = platform.linux_distribution()
598+if distribution[0] == 'Ubuntu':
599+ shutil.copy2('data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu', 'data/clicompanion2.config')
600+elif distribution[0] == 'debian':
601+ shutil.copy2('data/clicompanion2.config.debian', 'data/clicompanion2.config')
603+setup( name='clicompanion',
604+ version='1.1',
605+ description='Run Terminal commands from a GUI. Store commands for later use.',
606+ author='Duane Hinnen',
607+ author_email='',
608+ scripts=['clicompanion'],
609+ packages=['clicompanionlib', 'plugins'],
610+ data_files=[('/etc/clicompanion.d/', ['data/clicompanion2.config']),
611+ ('/etc/clicompanion.d/', ['data/clicompanion2.config.debian']),
612+ ('/etc/clicompanion.d/', ['data/clicompanion2.config.ubuntu']),
613+ ('/usr/share/pixmaps', ['data/clicompanion.16.png']),
614+ ('/usr/share/applications', ['data/clicompanion.desktop']),
615+ ('/usr/share/clicompanion/locale/', glob.glob('locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo')),
616+ ],
618+ cmdclass={ 'build' : build_extra.build_extra,
619+ 'build_i18n' : build_i18n.build_i18n,
620+ },
621+ )


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