Code review comment for lp:~azzar1/unity/lp-1281058

Revision history for this message
Andrea Azzarone (azzar1) wrote :

> 14 + dm_proxy_->Connect("SessionAdded", sigc::hide(sigc::mem_fun(this,
> &Impl::UpdateHaveOtherOpenSessions)));
> 15 + dm_proxy_->Connect("SessionRemoved", sigc::hide(sigc::mem_fun(this,
> &Impl::UpdateHaveOtherOpenSessions)));
> I didn't check if the proxy correctly emits the PropertyChanged signal (as per
> the standard it should do it), but can't you just use
> ConnectProperty("Sessions", ....) ?

No we can't. I tried and didn't work.

> 77 + nux::Property<bool> have_other_open_sessions;
> nux::ROProperty maybe?

Oh yeah, i will updated it.

> Finally, here you're showing the message before the "Hi, ..."; it looks weird
> to me.
> Have you checked with a designer? It doesn't look that good here.
> BTW, since the string we're adding is already included into the langpack for
> unity-greeter, I think we don't need an UIFe for that.

No, but it's the same design of unity-greeter.

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