
Created by LOVER$BOY and last modified

This is the coding worked with the interest of an individual group known as "Alpha Project"!

This group includes Foster McLane (fman23), LOVER$BOY, and Nelg. Their desire is to expand on the current technology of tronning wise.

The details about the branch and it's features are found here at https://git.armanelgtron.tk/w/armagetronad-styctap/
(old/redirection link: armanelgtron.tk/styctap)

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp:~armagetronad-ap/armagetronad/0.2.9-armagetronad-sty+ct+ap
Members of Armagetron Advanced Alpha Project can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

Branch merges

Related bugs

Related blueprints

Branch information

Armagetron Advanced Alpha Project
Armagetron Advanced

Recent revisions

1330. By Armanelgtron

merge from 0.2.9

1329. By Armanelgtron

ONLINE_PLAYERS_COUNT: differentiate spectators and players

1328. By Armanelgtron

merge from 0.2.9

1327. By Manuel Moos

DOS -> UNIX reformat

1326. By Armanelgtron

implement HUD_MAP_SIZE

1325. By Armanelgtron

support pasting on mac os

1324. By Armanelgtron

hopefully fix flickery white background on names over cycles

1323. By Armanelgtron

add optional color changing option for brake and rubber meters

1322. By Armanelgtron

implement some more camera glance options

CAMERA_GLANCE_SNAP to essentially up the turn speed while glancing, helpful for immediately glancing in a direction after turning

CAMERA_GLANCE_HOLD to hold the glance in the same position, even when you turn again

1321. By Armanelgtron

fix server build

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.