Comment 4 for bug 1668017

Revision history for this message
jbruijn (jbruijn) wrote :

Okay, turns out this one is fairly easy to reproduce, using:

- Ubuntu 16.04
- MariaDB Server (not tested on mysql, but I expect similar results)
- php 7.0 (7.0.15)
- phpMyAdmin

MariaDB: max_allowed_packet = 128M
php: post_max_size and upload_max_filesize raised to 128M

Import the some SQL data, for instance:
This will build you a MyISAM table with 4 columns, 3x varchar(1) and 1 longblob. The table will have one big blob in it, with 32Mbyte worth of 0x20 (space)

Downloading the binary through phpMyAdmin on 7.0.15 will produce a file with a null-character inserted at (for my setup) 0xFFFFF6, the rest of the file is as expected.

I'll try to get the testbuild working next...