
Created by Dustin Kirkland  and last modified
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Recent revisions

175. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.8

174. By Dustin Kirkland 

releasing 1.7

173. By Dustin Kirkland 

* Added missing AGPL 3 license text to debian/copyright. (LP: #974533)
* Bumped Standards-Version in debian/control.
* Added missing symlink from /usr/share/man/man1/zescrow.1.gz to zEscrow.1.gz
  in the same directory.
* debian/patches/fix_desktop_file_typo.patch:
 - Fixed typo in category name in the zEscrow.desktop file.
* debian/copyright: Point to copy of GPL-3 in common licenses.

172. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.7

171. By Dustin Kirkland 

releasing 1.6

170. By Dustin Kirkland 

* usr/bin/zEscrow-gui, usr/share/zEscrow/help.png:
  - drastically simplify the escrow process
  - prompt up front for both pieces of information,
    a) the server, b) the wrapping passphrase
  - add help bubbles with the extra text

169. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.6

168. By Dustin Kirkland 

releasing 1.5

167. By Dustin Kirkland 

* === added directory usr/share/applications, === added directory
  usr/share/icons, === added directory usr/share/icons/hicolor, ===
  added directory usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable, === added
  directory usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps,
  - add a desktop file and svg logo

166. By Dustin Kirkland 

* usr/bin/zEscrow-gui, usr/share/zEscrow/gazzang_logo.png,
  - add some Gazzang branding in the gtk interface

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
