After i wrote you the PN a few days ago i have reverted the changes to /etc/cron.daily/django_regular_commands. I couldn't get it to work.
I have managed now to update the help by hand, except the update_help_pdf. The latter one complains about "Operation not permitted:" when writing the pdf (i don't know why, the file permissions seems to be ok). Trying to run the script as user www-data fails also.
So the current state is:
1. The Encyclopedia on the website is fine now
2. The economy graph pdf files are not updated/correct
3. There is currently no method available to get the help updated through a cron-job
What to do?
The proposed branch where tested on the alpha site and i think these changes are currently the only ones which should work for updating the help through a cron-job. Regarding unsetting DISPLAY i think it is not really needed, because setting/unsetting it through os.environ works not globally... but i haven't test it right now though.
The other possibility is to make a button/link on the encyclopedia main page to update the help. But running a cronjob is definitely better.
After i wrote you the PN a few days ago i have reverted the changes to /etc/cron. daily/django_ regular_ commands. I couldn't get it to work.
I have managed now to update the help by hand, except the update_help_pdf. The latter one complains about "Operation not permitted:" when writing the pdf (i don't know why, the file permissions seems to be ok). Trying to run the script as user www-data fails also.
So the current state is:
1. The Encyclopedia on the website is fine now
2. The economy graph pdf files are not updated/correct
3. There is currently no method available to get the help updated through a cron-job
What to do?
The proposed branch where tested on the alpha site and i think these changes are currently the only ones which should work for updating the help through a cron-job. Regarding unsetting DISPLAY i think it is not really needed, because setting/unsetting it through os.environ works not globally... but i haven't test it right now though.
The other possibility is to make a button/link on the encyclopedia main page to update the help. But running a cronjob is definitely better.