
Created by Alin Andrei and last modified
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Y PPA Manager

Recent revisions

190. By Alin Andrei

redirect enableddisabled to file

189. By Alin Andrei

we don't need to check which button was clicked, it's a double click

188. By Alin Andrei

implement list PPA packages on double click to work around YAD issues

187. By Alin Andrei

fix list packages, info for ppa database - they were broken when using --checklist, so I'm now using just one --column=:CHK so the result is printed for the selected row

186. By Alin Andrei

add each ppa in its own file, implement ppa enabled/disabled detection

185. By Alin Andrei


184. By Alin Andrei

working ppa info downloadable from the PPA launchpad page

183. By Alin Andrei

displaying PPA database and listing packages / downloading works

182. By Alin Andrei

starting to implement built-in PPA list - initial commit

181. By Alin Andrei

implement repository key backup too

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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