Please take a look. File environs/sync/sync_test.go (right): environs/sync/sync_test.go:262: type badBuildSuite struct { On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > btw, please don't just insert this test suite in between the definition and the > methods of the uploadSuite Ah right. The suite goes before the methods for the suite. Got it. environs/sync/sync_test.go:273: // Create bad Go source file On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > This isn't accurate any more Done. environs/sync/sync_test.go:288: c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > blank lines before comments in general, please Done. environs/sync/sync_test.go:292: c.Assert(string(out), gc.Equals, "") On 2014/05/15 08:57:19, fwereade wrote: > I'm not sure you *really* need this bit, but equally you don't have to take it > out :). > The super-sweet spot would be to pull all the MakeTool-style functionality out > into its own helpers and use all that same (tested) test-support code elsewhere > -- but if you want to do that, it'd deserve its own CL. Do you mean a helper suite i.e. FakeToolsSuite or a helper package like utils? environs/sync/sync_test.go:317: // sync.bundleTools can be mocked to improve test speed. On 2014/05/15 08:57:19, fwereade wrote: > It's not 100% clear what this test is meant to be doing, indeed. Given what we > have elsewhere I think I'd be testing this stuff by mocking the build/bundle > stuff, and directly checking what gets uploaded. Done. Is TestUploadToolsBadBuild enough? environs/sync/sync_test.go:452: c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `build command "go" failed: exit status 1; `) On 2014/05/15 08:57:19, fwereade wrote: > please break all these cases into separate test methods where possible Done. environs/sync/sync_test.go:480: func (s *uploadSuite) TestMockBundleTools(c *gc.C) { On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > The SUT here is BuildToolsTarball, isn't it? We're testing that it calls > BundleTools in the expected way. I don't follow sorry. I was testing if the mocked BundleTools gets called. I could have easily used sync.Upload instead. I also don't know what SUT means sorry. environs/sync/sync_test.go:483: writer io.Writer On 2014/05/15 08:57:19, fwereade wrote: > writer seems unused -- I'd expect us to write something to it and check that it > was somehow reflected in the result of BuildToolsTarball... Done. environs/sync/sync_test.go:493: sync.BuildToolsTarball(&version.Current.Number) On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > error/result check? Done. File environs/tools/testing/testing.go (right): environs/tools/testing/testing.go:52: } On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > I'm still nervous that this is a parallel implementation of logic in uploadTools > itself that *will* invitably change out of sync with this implementation. This > is basically how mocking ends up going wrong IMO... Done. It's GONE GONE GONE! environs/tools/testing/testing.go:69: On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > not sure we need the blank lines here though :) Done. environs/tools/testing/testing.go:90: stor, err := filestorage.NewFileStorageWriter(toolsDir) On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > I still don't think we need to mess around with storage stuff. Can't we just > write direct to a file in a directory? What do we get from the extra layer of > complexity here? Done. environs/tools/testing/testing.go:281: // UploadToStorage uploads tools and metadata for the specified versions to dir. On 2014/05/15 08:57:20, fwereade wrote: > FWIW this is UploadToDirectory Done. Did I do that?