Merge lp:~vierbergenlars/remotecp-panel/jqueryui-sortable into lp:remotecp-panel/1.x

Proposed by Lars Vierbergen
Status: Merged
Approved by: Lars Vierbergen
Approved revision: 105
Merged at revision: 99
Proposed branch: lp:~vierbergenlars/remotecp-panel/jqueryui-sortable
Merge into: lp:remotecp-panel/1.x
Diff against target: 304 lines (+172/-8)
9 files modified
panel.php (+1/-0)
scripts.php (+6/-1)
scripts/permanent/sortable.js (+35/-0)
system/plugins/cms/default.php (+37/-1)
system/plugins/cms/scripts.php (+25/-1)
system/plugins/col1/default.php (+16/-3)
system/plugins/col1/scripts.php (+18/-0)
system/plugins/col3/default.php (+16/-2)
system/plugins/col3/scripts.php (+18/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~vierbergenlars/remotecp-panel/jqueryui-sortable
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Lars Vierbergen Approve
Review via email:
To post a comment you must log in.
Revision history for this message
Lars Vierbergen (vierbergenlars) :
review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Lars Vierbergen (vierbergenlars) :
review: Approve

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1=== modified file 'panel.php'
2--- panel.php 2011-03-11 19:05:58 +0000
3+++ panel.php 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
4@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
5 #tabs li .ui-icon-close { float: left; margin: 0.4em 0.2em 0 0; cursor: pointer; }
6 #tabs div a {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; color: blue;}
7 .ui-progressbar-value { background-image: url(<?php echo URL_JQUERY; ?>/images/pbar-ani.gif); }
8+ .ui-sortable { list-style: none; padding: 1 em;}
9 </style>
10 <script language="JavaScript">
11 window.onerror=function(msg, url, line) {$('#dlg_js-e').dialog('open'); $('#dlg_js-e').append('<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 0 .7em;"><p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span>Fout beschrijving: <tt>!JS['+url+':'+line+'::'+msg+']!</tt></p></div>')}
13=== modified file 'scripts.php'
14--- scripts.php 2011-03-11 16:42:13 +0000
15+++ scripts.php 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
16@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
17 <?php //@./scripts.php ?>
18 <?php
19-$FILES=array('jquery/js/jquery.min.js','jquery/js/jquery-ui.min.js','scripts/permanent/prototypes.js','scripts/permanent/ajax.js','scripts/permanent/messages.js'); //Scripts to load
20+$FILES=array('jquery/js/jquery.min.js','jquery/js/jquery-ui.min.js'); //Scripts to load
21+$pfiles=scandir('scripts/permanent'); //Load all permanent scripts
22+foreach($pfiles as $pfile) {
23+ if($pfile=='..'||$pfile=='.') continue;
24+ $FILES[]='scripts/permanent/'.$pfile;
26 header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
27 ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
28 foreach($FILES as $file) {
30=== added file 'scripts/permanent/sortable.js'
31--- scripts/permanent/sortable.js 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
32+++ scripts/permanent/sortable.js 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
33@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
34+function tableToSortable(obj,useCell,sortprops) {
35+ id=obj.attr('id');
36+ if(id==undefined||id=='') {
37+ id=Math.round(Math.random()*10E16);
38+ obj.attr('id',id);
39+ }
40+ rows=obj.find('tr').get();
41+ mainclass=obj.attr('class');
42+ html='';
43+ for(i=0;i<rows.length;i++) {
44+ cell=$(rows[i]).children('td').get(useCell);
45+ if(cell==undefined) continue;
46+ origclass=$(rows[i]).attr('class');
47+ if(origclass.match('gui-nosort')) origclass+=' ui-state-disabled';
48+ origid=$(rows[i]).attr('id');
49+ orightml=$(cell).html();
50+ html+='<li class="'+origclass+' ui-state-default" id="'+origid+'">'+orightml+'</li>';
51+ }
52+ obj.after('<ul class="'+mainclass+'" id="'+id+'_new" style="display: none; width: 200px">'+html+'</ul>');
53+ obj.hide('blind','slow',function() {
54+ obj.detach();
55+ $('#'+id+'_new').attr('id',id);
56+ });
57+ $('#'+id+'_new').sortable(sortprops);
58+ $('#'+id+'_new').show('blind','slow');
60+function multiSortableToArray(obj) {
61+ end=new Array();
62+ main=obj.sortable('toArray');
63+ for(i=0;i<main.length;i++) {
64+ sub=$('#'+main[i]+' .sub-sortable').sortable('toArray');
65+ end.push(sub);
66+ }
67+ return new Array(main,end);
69\ No newline at end of file
71=== modified file 'system/plugins/cms/default.php'
72--- system/plugins/cms/default.php 2011-02-22 19:58:54 +0000
73+++ system/plugins/cms/default.php 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
74@@ -27,7 +27,25 @@
75 <?php } }?>
76 <tr onclick="'<?php echo $site; ?>')"><td><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_add.png" alt=""></td><td colspan="4"><?php echo $t->_('Add page'); ?></td></tr>
77 <tr onclick="'<?php echo $site; ?>')"><td><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/link_add.png" alt=""></td><td colspan="4"><?php echo $t->_('Add link'); ?></td></tr>
78- </table>
79+ </table>
80+ <ul style='display: none';>
81+ <?php $pagesq = cms::get_pages(); foreach($pagesq as $pages) { ?>
82+ <li class='ui-state-default' id='sort_<?php echo $site; ?>_cms_<?php echo $pages['id']; ?>'><?php echo $pages['page_title'];
83+ if($pages['type']==0||$pages['type']==2) { ?>
84+ <ul class='sort_<?php echo $site; ?>_cms_sub sub-sortable'>
85+ <?php $sectionsq=cms::get_sections($pages['id']); foreach($sectionsq as $sections) { ?>
86+ <li class='ui-state-default' id='sort_<?php echo $site; ?>_cms_sub_<?php echo $sections['id']; ?>'><?php echo $sections['section_title']; ?></li>
87+ <?php } ?>
88+ <li class='gui-nosort ui-state-disabled ui-state-default'><?php echo $t->_('Add a section to this page'); ?></li>
89+ </ul>
90+ <?php } ?>
91+ </li>
92+ <?php } ?>
93+ <li class='gui-nosort ui-state-disabled ui-state-default'><?php echo $t->_('Add page'); ?></li>
94+ <li class='gui-nosort ui-state-disabled ui-state-default'><?php echo $t->_('Add link'); ?></li>
95+ </ul>
96+ <input type='button' onclick='$(this).prevAll("table").hide("blind","slow");$(this).prev("ul").show("blind","slow").sortable({items:"li:not(.gui-nosort,li li)"});$(".sort_<?php echo $site; ?>_cms_sub").sortable({items:"li:not(.gui-nosort)",connectWith:".sort_<?php echo $site; ?>_cms_sub"});$(this).next().show("blind","slow");$(this).hide("blind","slow")' value='<?php echo $t->_('Sort'); ?>'> <input type='button' onclick='cms.sort("<?php echo $site; ?>",multiSortableToArray($(this).prevAll("ul")))' value='<?php echo $t->_('Save this order'); ?>' style='display:none'>
98 <?php }
99 else if($_GET['function']=="delete") {
100 if($_GET['type']=="page" && $_GET['id']!=1) {
101@@ -62,6 +80,24 @@
102 if($q) echo "true";
103 else echo "false";
104 }
106+else if($_GET['function']=='sort') {
107+ if(!isset($_POST['order_main'],$_POST['order_sub'])) echo "false";
108+ else {
109+ $page_length=count($_POST['order_main']);
110+ for($i=0;$i<$page_length;$i++) {
111+ $x[]=$remote_connection->query('UPDATE `'.$site.'_pageindex` SET `page_order`='.$i.' WHERE `id`='.$_POST['order_main'][$i]);
112+ }
113+ foreach($_POST['order_sub'] as $pageid=>$sections) {
114+ $sect_length=count($sections);
115+ for($i=0;$i<$sect_length;$i++) {
116+ $x[]=$remote_connection->query('UPDATE `'.$site.'_pages` SET `page_id`='.$pageid.', `section_order`='.$i.' WHERE `id`='.$sections[$i]);
117+ }
118+ }
119+ if(!in_array(false,$x,true)) echo "true";
120+ else echo "false";
121+ }
123 }
124 else if($_GET['function']=="new") {
125 if($_GET['type']=="page") {
127=== modified file 'system/plugins/cms/scripts.php'
128--- system/plugins/cms/scripts.php 2011-01-30 17:23:45 +0000
129+++ system/plugins/cms/scripts.php 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
130@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
131 success=ajax.get('?control=addons&site='+site+'&aref=cms&function=edit_title&type=section&id='+id+'&title='+cont.value);
132 if(success=="true") {
133 alert('<?php echo $t->_('Title saved'); ?>');
134- cms.section.edit_title.collapse(cont);
135+ refreshCurrentTab();
136 }
137 else if(success=="false") {
138 alert('<?php echo $t->_('Error saving title'); ?>');
139@@ -309,5 +309,29 @@
140 }
142 }
143+ },
144+ sort: function(site,order_array) {
145+ main=order_array[0];
146+ sub=order_array[1];
147+ q='';
148+ for(i=0;i<main.length;i++) {
149+ pageid=main[i].substr(main[i].lastIndexOf('_')+1);
150+ q+='&order_main['+i+']='+pageid;
151+ thissub=sub[i]
152+ for(j=0;j<thissub.length;j++) {
153+ q+='&order_sub['+pageid+']['+j+']='+thissub[j].substr(thissub[j].lastIndexOf('_')+1);
154+ }
155+ }
157+ if(success=="true") {
158+ alert('<?php echo $t->_('Pages reordered'); ?>');
159+ refreshCurrentTab();
160+ }
161+ else if(success=="false") {
162+ alert('<?php echo $t->_('Error reordering pages'); ?>');
163+ }
164+ else {
165+ alert('FATAL ERROR:'+success);
166+ }
167 }
168 }
169\ No newline at end of file
171=== modified file 'system/plugins/col1/default.php'
172--- system/plugins/col1/default.php 2011-02-22 19:58:54 +0000
173+++ system/plugins/col1/default.php 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
174@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
175 $query = col1::gets(); ?>
176 <table><tr><th></th><th><?php echo $t->_('Title'); ?></th><th><?php echo $t->_('Actions'); ?></th></tr>
177 <?php foreach($query as $section) {?>
178- <tr><td<?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?> ondblclick="col1.edit_rights.expand('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>',this,'<?php echo $section['access']; ?>')"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_<?php if($section['access']==0) { ?>green<?php } else if($section['access']==1) { ?>orange<?php } else if($section['access']==2) { ?>red<?php } ?>.png"> <?php } else { ?>><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_black.png" alt=""><?php } ?></td><td ondblclick="col1.edit_title.expand('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>',this)"><?php echo $section['title']; ?></td><td><?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?><a onclick="col1.delete('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id'] ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/delete.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Delete section'); ?>"></a> <?php } ?><a onclick="col1.edit_order.down('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id'];?>',this);"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG ?>/Silk/arrow_down.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Down'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Move section down'); ?>"></a> <a onclick="col1.edit_order.up('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG ?>/Silk/arrow_up.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Up'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Move section up'); ?>"></a><?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?> <a onclick="col1.open_mce('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/pencil.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Edit'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Edit section content'); ?>"></a><?php } ?></td></tr>
179+ <tr id='sort_<?php echo $site; ?>_col1_<?php echo $section['id']; ?>'><td<?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?> ondblclick="col1.edit_rights.expand('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>',this,'<?php echo $section['access']; ?>')"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_<?php if($section['access']==0) { ?>green<?php } else if($section['access']==1) { ?>orange<?php } else if($section['access']==2) { ?>red<?php } ?>.png"> <?php } else { ?>><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_black.png" alt=""><?php } ?></td><td ondblclick="col1.edit_title.expand('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>',this)"><?php echo $section['title']; ?></td><td><?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?><a onclick="col1.delete('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id'] ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/delete.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Delete section'); ?>"></a> <?php } ?><a onclick="col1.edit_order.down('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id'];?>',this);"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG ?>/Silk/arrow_down.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Down'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Move section down'); ?>"></a> <a onclick="col1.edit_order.up('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG ?>/Silk/arrow_up.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Up'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Move section up'); ?>"></a><?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?> <a onclick="col1.open_mce('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/pencil.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Edit'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Edit section content'); ?>"></a><?php } ?></td></tr>
180 <?php } ?>
181- <tr onclick="col1.add('<?php echo $site; ?>')"><td><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_add.png" alt=""></td><td colspan="2"><?php echo $t->_('Add section'); ?></td></tr>
182+ <tr class='gui-nosort' onclick="col1.add('<?php echo $site; ?>')"><td><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_add.png" alt=""></td><td colspan="2"><?php echo $t->_('Add section'); ?></td></tr>
183 </table>
184+ <input type='button' onclick='tableToSortable($(this).prev("table"),1,{items:"li:not(.gui-nosort)"});$(this).next().show("blind","slow");$(this).hide("blind","slow")' value='<?php echo $t->_('Sort'); ?>'> <input type='button' onclick='col1.sort("<?php echo $site; ?>",$(this).prevAll("ul").sortable("toArray"))' value='<?php echo $t->_('Save this order'); ?>' style='display:none'>
185 <?php }
186 else if($_GET['function']=="delete") {
187 if(col1::delete($_GET['id'])) echo "true";
188@@ -33,7 +34,19 @@
189 else if($_GET['function']=="move") {
190 if($_GET['move']=="up") $q=col1::move($_GET['id'],1);
191 else if($_GET['move']=="down") $q=col1::move($_GET['id'],-1);
194+else if($_GET['function']='sort') {
195+ if(!isset($_POST['order'])) echo "false";
196+ else {
197+ $sect_length=count($_POST['order']);
198+ for($i=0;$i<$sect_length;$i++) {
199+ $x[]=$remote_connection->query('UPDATE `'.$site.'_col1` SET `order`='.$i.' WHERE `id`='.$_POST['order'][$i]);
200+ }
201+ if(!in_array(false,$x,true)) echo "true";
202+ else echo "false";
203+ }
206 else if($_GET['function']=="new") {
207 if(col1::add(array('title'=>$t->_('New section')))) echo "true";
208 else echo "false";
210=== modified file 'system/plugins/col1/scripts.php'
211--- system/plugins/col1/scripts.php 2011-01-30 17:23:45 +0000
212+++ system/plugins/col1/scripts.php 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
213@@ -82,6 +82,24 @@
214 alert('FATAL ERROR:'+success);
215 }
216 },
217+ sort: function(site,new_order) {
218+ q='';
219+ for(i=0;i<new_order.length;i++) {
220+ id=new_order[i].substr(new_order[i].lastIndexOf('_')+1);
221+ q+='&order[]='+id;
222+ }
224+ if(success=="true") {
225+ alert('<?php echo $t->_('Sections reordered'); ?>');
226+ refreshCurrentTab();
227+ }
228+ else if(success=="false") {
229+ alert('<?php echo $t->_('Error reordering sections'); ?>');
230+ }
231+ else {
232+ alert('FATAL ERROR:'+success);
233+ }
234+ },
235 open_mce: function(site,id) {
237 },
239=== modified file 'system/plugins/col3/default.php'
240--- system/plugins/col3/default.php 2011-02-22 19:58:54 +0000
241+++ system/plugins/col3/default.php 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
242@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@
243 $query = col3::gets(); ?>
244 <table><tr><th></th><th><?php echo $t->_('Title'); ?></th><th><?php echo $t->_('Actions'); ?></th></tr>
245 <?php foreach($query as $section) {?>
246- <tr><td<?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?> ondblclick="col3.edit_rights.expand('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>',this,'<?php echo $section['access']; ?>')"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_<?php if($section['access']==0) { ?>green<?php } else if($section['access']==1) { ?>orange<?php } else if($section['access']==2) { ?>red<?php } ?>.png"> <?php } else { ?>><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_black.png" alt=""><?php } ?></td><td ondblclick="col3.edit_title.expand('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>',this)"><?php echo $section['title']; ?></td><td><?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?><a onclick="col3.delete('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id'] ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/delete.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Delete section'); ?>"></a> <?php } ?><a onclick="col3.edit_order.down('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id'];?>',this);"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG ?>/Silk/arrow_down.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Down'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Move section down'); ?>"></a> <a onclick="col3.edit_order.up('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG ?>/Silk/arrow_up.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Up'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Move section up'); ?>"></a><?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?> <a onclick="col3.open_mce('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/pencil.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Edit'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Edit section content'); ?>"></a><?php } ?></td></tr>
247+ <tr id='sort_<?php echo $site; ?>_col3_<?php echo $section['id']; ?>'><td<?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?> ondblclick="col3.edit_rights.expand('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>',this,'<?php echo $section['access']; ?>')"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_<?php if($section['access']==0) { ?>green<?php } else if($section['access']==1) { ?>orange<?php } else if($section['access']==2) { ?>red<?php } ?>.png"> <?php } else { ?>><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_black.png" alt=""><?php } ?></td><td ondblclick="col3.edit_title.expand('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>',this)"><?php echo $section['title']; ?></td><td><?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?><a onclick="col3.delete('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id'] ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/delete.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Delete section'); ?>"></a> <?php } ?><a onclick="col3.edit_order.down('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id'];?>',this);"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG ?>/Silk/arrow_down.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Down'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Move section down'); ?>"></a> <a onclick="col3.edit_order.up('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG ?>/Silk/arrow_up.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Up'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Move section up'); ?>"></a><?php if($section['plugin-reference']==NULL) { ?> <a onclick="col3.open_mce('<?php echo $site; ?>','<?php echo $section['id']; ?>');"><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/pencil.png" alt="<?php echo $t->_('Edit'); ?>" title="<?php echo $t->_('Edit section content'); ?>"></a><?php } ?></td></tr>
248 <?php } ?>
249- <tr onclick="col3.add('<?php echo $site; ?>')"><td><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_add.png" alt=""></td><td colspan="2"><?php echo $t->_('Add section'); ?></td></tr>
250+ <tr class='gui-nosort' onclick="col3.add('<?php echo $site; ?>')"><td><img src="<?php echo URL_IMG; ?>/Silk/bullet_add.png" alt=""></td><td colspan="2"><?php echo $t->_('Add section'); ?></td></tr>
251 </table>
252+ <input type='button' onclick='tableToSortable($(this).prev("table"),1,{items:"li:not(.gui-nosort)"});$(this).next().show("blind","slow");$(this).hide("blind","slow")' value='<?php echo $t->_('Sort'); ?>'> <input type='button' onclick='col3.sort("<?php echo $site; ?>",$(this).prevAll("ul").sortable("toArray"))' value='<?php echo $t->_('Save this order'); ?>' style='display:none'>
254 <?php }
255 else if($_GET['function']=="delete") {
256 if(col3::delete($_GET['id'])) echo "true";
257@@ -33,6 +35,18 @@
258 else if($_GET['function']=="move") {
259 if($_GET['move']=="up") $q=col3::move($_GET['id'],1);
260 else if($_GET['move']=="down") $q=col3::move($_GET['id'],-1);
262+else if($_GET['function']='sort') {
263+ if(!isset($_POST['order'])) echo "false";
264+ else {
265+ $sect_length=count($_POST['order']);
266+ for($i=0;$i<$sect_length;$i++) {
267+ $x[]=$remote_connection->query('UPDATE `'.$site.'_col3` SET `order`='.$i.' WHERE `id`='.$_POST['order'][$i]);
268+ }
269+ if(!in_array(false,$x,true)) echo "true";
270+ else echo "false";
271+ }
273 }
274 else if($_GET['function']=="new") {
275 if(col3::add(array('title'=>$t->_('New section')))) echo "true";
277=== modified file 'system/plugins/col3/scripts.php'
278--- system/plugins/col3/scripts.php 2011-01-30 17:23:45 +0000
279+++ system/plugins/col3/scripts.php 2011-03-14 18:38:09 +0000
280@@ -82,6 +82,24 @@
281 alert('FATAL ERROR:'+success);
282 }
283 },
284+ sort: function(site,new_order) {
285+ q='';
286+ for(i=0;i<new_order.length;i++) {
287+ id=new_order[i].substr(new_order[i].lastIndexOf('_')+1);
288+ q+='&order[]='+id;
289+ }
291+ if(success=="true") {
292+ alert('<?php echo $t->_('Sections reordered'); ?>');
293+ refreshCurrentTab();
294+ }
295+ else if(success=="false") {
296+ alert('<?php echo $t->_('Error reordering sections'); ?>');
297+ }
298+ else {
299+ alert('FATAL ERROR:'+success);
300+ }
301+ },
302 open_mce: function(site,id) {
304 },


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