Merge ~utkarsh/ubuntu/+source/phpmyadmin:fix-autopkgtest-on-s390x into ubuntu/+source/phpmyadmin:ubuntu/devel

Proposed by Utkarsh Gupta
Status: Merged
Approved by: Lucas Kanashiro
Approved revision: 2a304fbedc1cf42a67c242a06b020460da3ac868
Merged at revision: 2a304fbedc1cf42a67c242a06b020460da3ac868
Proposed branch: ~utkarsh/ubuntu/+source/phpmyadmin:fix-autopkgtest-on-s390x
Merge into: ubuntu/+source/phpmyadmin:ubuntu/devel
Diff against target: 242 lines (+204/-1)
5 files modified
debian/changelog (+12/-0)
debian/control (+2/-1)
debian/patches/php-8-fixes.patch (+150/-0)
debian/patches/series (+2/-0)
debian/patches/skip-32-bit-incompatible-tests-on-s390x.patch (+38/-0)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Lucas Kanashiro (community) Approve
William Desportes (community) upstream Approve
Canonical Server packageset reviewers Pending
Utkarsh Gupta Pending
git-ubuntu developers Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change


This MP fixes failures on s390x[1] and thereby would help phpmyadmin to migrate from -proposed[2].

The patch has already been merged upstream[3] and has been sent as a MR to salsa[4] to get uploaded to Debian once the archive opens again after the freeze.

I've tested this and it now builds fine and have also uploaded to the PPA:

Requesting you to review and sponsor the upload; should you need any other information, please let me know. TIA! \o/



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Revision history for this message
William Desportes (williamdes) wrote :

LGTM, I approve this change and package change

review: Approve (upstream)
Revision history for this message
Lucas Kanashiro (lucaskanashiro) wrote :

Thanks for the MP fixing those issues Utkarsh!

As a side note, I'd enable non-amd64 architectures in your PPA to make sure it builds fine in all of them. Apart from that, LGTM. There is a small typo in the changelog, I added an inline comment for that.

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Utkarsh Gupta (utkarsh) wrote :

Thanks, Lucas.

All architectures are already enabled. It's arch: all, that's why it didn't build on other architectures.

That said, fixed the typo. Requesting for a re-review, thanks!

Revision history for this message
Lucas Kanashiro (lucaskanashiro) wrote :

Thanks. Package uploaded:

$ git push pkg upload/4%5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1
Enumerating objects: 27, done.
Counting objects: 100% (27/27), done.
Delta compression using up to 32 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
Writing objects: 100% (21/21), 4.84 KiB | 1.61 MiB/s, done.
Total 21 (delta 14), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Checking connectivity: 21, done.
To ssh://
 * [new tag] upload/4%5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1 -> upload/4%5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1
$ dput ubuntu ../phpmyadmin_5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1_source.changes
Checking signature on .changes
gpg: ../phpmyadmin_5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1_source.changes: Valid signature from F823A2729883C97C
Checking signature on .dsc
gpg: ../phpmyadmin_5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1.dsc: Valid signature from F823A2729883C97C
Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to
  Uploading phpmyadmin_5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1.dsc: done.
  Uploading phpmyadmin_5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz: done.
  Uploading phpmyadmin_5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1_source.changes: done.
Successfully uploaded packages.

Revision history for this message
Lucas Kanashiro (lucaskanashiro) :
review: Approve

Update scan failed

At least one of the branches involved have failed to scan. You can manually schedule a rescan if required.

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
2index f738c9f..ec589d7 100644
3--- a/debian/changelog
4+++ b/debian/changelog
5@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
6+phpmyadmin (4:5.0.4+dfsg2-2ubuntu1) impish; urgency=medium
8+ * d/p/skip-32-bit-incompatible-tests-on-s390x.patch: Add patch
9+ to fix autopkgtest on s390x by disabling testImportOsm and
10+ testDoImport as these two tests fail on s390x machines, which
11+ looks like some 32-bit issues we already have.
12+ * d/p/php-8-fixes.patch: Add patch fixes build & tests against
13+ PHP 8. This will help unblock the ongoing PHP transition.
14+ Thanks, William Desportes, for your help! \o/
16+ -- Utkarsh Gupta <> Tue, 25 May 2021 03:03:46 +0530
18 phpmyadmin (4:5.0.4+dfsg2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
20 * Add a patch for CVE-2021-21252
21diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
22index d52a15c..d32eb05 100644
23--- a/debian/control
24+++ b/debian/control
25@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
26 Source: phpmyadmin
27-Maintainer: phpMyAdmin Packaging Team <>
28+Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <>
29+XSBC-Original-Maintainer: phpMyAdmin Packaging Team <>
30 Uploaders: Felipe Sateler <>,
31 Matthias Blümel <>,
32 William Desportes <>
33diff --git a/debian/patches/php-8-fixes.patch b/debian/patches/php-8-fixes.patch
34new file mode 100644
35index 0000000..7761e8a
36--- /dev/null
37+++ b/debian/patches/php-8-fixes.patch
38@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
39+Description: This patch fixes build & tests against PHP 8.
40+Author: Utkarsh Gupta <>
41+Origin: upstream
42+Applied-Upstream: [v5.1.0] cabe45f5a44bec8b91f7cee463db4899555ac771
43+ [v5.1.0] b8e4d932b7bebcd1e4371c608117b1336fff8d99
44+ [v5.1.0] 0e728a67c5fd30fb15085b80e22d2b4fc48dee4a
45+ [v5.1.0] ff52752bc0c457154dfb9cdcb56d77a9a603fb18
46+ [v5.1.0] 00b419afe147624238d44dc5fe62a7cf07b14134
47+ [v5.1.0] bdc8760bc350b8422cf7ac722ccfa5b9ef268ac4
49+Last-Updated: 2021-05-25
51+--- a/libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php
52++++ b/libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php
53+@@ -131,9 +131,11 @@
54+ unset($data);
56+ /**
57+- * Disable loading of external XML entities.
58++ * Disable loading of external XML entities for PHP versions below 8.0.
59+ */
60+- libxml_disable_entity_loader();
61++ if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
62++ libxml_disable_entity_loader();
63++ }
65+ /**
66+ * Load the XML string
67+--- a/libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportXml.php
68++++ b/libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportXml.php
69+@@ -88,9 +88,11 @@
70+ unset($data);
72+ /**
73+- * Disable loading of external XML entities.
74++ * Disable loading of external XML entities for PHP versions below 8.0.
75+ */
76+- libxml_disable_entity_loader();
77++ if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
78++ libxml_disable_entity_loader();
79++ }
81+ /**
82+ * Load the XML string
83+--- a/libraries/classes/Setup/ConfigGenerator.php
84++++ b/libraries/classes/Setup/ConfigGenerator.php
85+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
86+ $persistKeys = $cf->getPersistKeysMap();
88+ foreach ($conf as $k => $v) {
89+- $k = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '_', $k);
90++ $k = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '_', (string) $k);
91+ $ret .= self::_getVarExport($k, $v, $crlf);
92+ if (isset($persistKeys[$k])) {
93+ unset($persistKeys[$k]);
94+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
95+ . "*/" . $crlf
96+ . '$i++;' . $crlf;
97+ foreach ($server as $k => $v) {
98+- $k = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '_', $k);
99++ $k = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '_', (string) $k);
100+ $ret .= "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['$k'] = "
101+ . (is_array($v) && self::_isZeroBasedArray($v)
102+ ? self::_exportZeroBasedArray($v, $crlf)
103+--- a/test/classes/HeaderTest.php
104++++ b/test/classes/HeaderTest.php
105+@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
106+ */
107+ public function testEnable()
108+ {
109++ $GLOBALS['server'] = 0;
110+ $header = new Header();
111+ $this->assertStringContainsString(
112+ '<title>phpMyAdmin</title>',
113+@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@
114+ */
115+ public function testSetBodyId()
116+ {
117++ $GLOBALS['server'] = 0;
118+ $header = new Header();
119+ $header->setBodyId('PMA_header_id');
120+ $this->assertStringContainsString(
121+--- a/libraries/classes/Util.php
122++++ b/libraries/classes/Util.php
123+@@ -1312,6 +1312,10 @@
124+ return null;
125+ }
127++ if (is_string($value)) {
128++ $value = (float) $value;
129++ }
131+ $byteUnits = [
132+ /* l10n: shortcuts for Byte */
133+ __('B'),
134+@@ -1397,6 +1401,10 @@
135+ return '0';
136+ }
138++ if (is_string($value)) {
139++ $value = (float) $value;
140++ }
142+ $originalValue = $value;
143+ //number_format is not multibyte safe, str_replace is safe
144+ if ($digits_left === 0) {
145+--- a/libraries/classes/Controllers/Setup/HomeController.php
146++++ b/libraries/classes/Controllers/Setup/HomeController.php
147+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
148+ $pages = $this->getPages();
150+ // Handle done action info
151+- $actionDone = Core::isValid($params['action_done'], 'scalar') ? $params['action_done'] : null;
152++ $actionDone = Core::isValid($params['action_done'], 'scalar') ? $params['action_done'] : '';
153+ $actionDone = preg_replace('/[^a-z_]/', '', $actionDone);
155+ // message handling
156+--- a/libraries/classes/Table.php
157++++ b/libraries/classes/Table.php
158+@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
159+ $query .= ' DEFAULT 0';
160+ } elseif ($type == 'BIT') {
161+ $query .= ' DEFAULT b\''
162+- . preg_replace('/[^01]/', '0', $default_value)
163++ . preg_replace('/[^01]/', '0', (string) $default_value)
164+ . '\'';
165+ } elseif ($type == 'BOOLEAN') {
166+ if (preg_match('/^1|T|TRUE|YES$/i', (string) $default_value)) {
167+--- a/libraries/classes/Gis/GisMultiPoint.php
168++++ b/libraries/classes/Gis/GisMultiPoint.php
169+@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
171+ $row = '';
172+ foreach ($points_arr as $point) {
173+- if ($point[0] != '' && $point[1] != '') {
174++ if (((float) $point[0]) !== 0.0 && ((float) $point[1]) !== 0.0) {
175+ $row .= '<circle cx="' . $point[0] . '" cy="'
176+ . $point[1] . '" r="3"';
177+ $point_options['id'] = $label . mt_rand();
178+--- a/libraries/classes/Gis/GisPoint.php
179++++ b/libraries/classes/Gis/GisPoint.php
180+@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
181+ $points_arr = $this->extractPoints($point, $scale_data);
183+ $row = '';
184+- if ($points_arr[0][0] != '' && $points_arr[0][1] != '') {
185++ if (((float) $points_arr[0][0]) !== 0.0 && ((float) $points_arr[0][1]) !== 0.0) {
186+ $row .= '<circle cx="' . $points_arr[0][0]
187+ . '" cy="' . $points_arr[0][1] . '" r="3"';
188+ foreach ($point_options as $option => $val) {
189diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
190index 65ffb18..5b74ba5 100644
191--- a/debian/patches/series
192+++ b/debian/patches/series
193@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ Fix-test-for-Debian-versions-on-Debian-CI.patch
194 Remove-dfsg-zxcvbn-js.patch
195 CVE-2021-21252.patch
196 Remove-metro-fonts.patch
199diff --git a/debian/patches/skip-32-bit-incompatible-tests-on-s390x.patch b/debian/patches/skip-32-bit-incompatible-tests-on-s390x.patch
200new file mode 100644
201index 0000000..f33995a
202--- /dev/null
203+++ b/debian/patches/skip-32-bit-incompatible-tests-on-s390x.patch
204@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
205+Description: Skip testImportOsm and testDoImport on 32-bit/s390x arch
206+Origin: upstream
208+Forwarded: [Debian]
209+Last-Updated: 2021-05-25
211+From c309b96edd98bdce18506b6dfee1f3209bf6748f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
212+From: Utkarsh Gupta <>
213+Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 19:38:36 +0530
214+Subject: [PATCH] Skip testImportOsm and testDoImport on 32-bit/s390x arch
216+These two tests fail on s390x machines, looks like some
217+32-bit issues we already have. Probably worth skipping
218+these on 32-bit/s390x arch.
220+Signed-off-by: Utkarsh Gupta <>
222+ test/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShpTest.php | 2 ++
223+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
225+--- a/test/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShpTest.php
226++++ b/test/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShpTest.php
227+@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
228+ * @return void
229+ *
230+ * @group medium
231++ * @group 32bit-incompatible
232+ */
233+ public function testImportOsm()
234+ {
235+@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@
236+ * @return void
237+ *
238+ * @group medium
239++ * @group 32bit-incompatible
240+ */
241+ public function testDoImport()
242+ {


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