Created by
Nicholas Skaggs
and last modified
Repository moved to git:
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual-tests
Members of
Ubuntu Testcase Admins
can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.
Branch merges
Propose for merging
15 branches
proposed for merging into this one.
No branches
dependent on this one.
revision 162
- Jackson Doak (community): Needs Fixing
- adriangoodyer: Pending requested
Diff: 1507 lines (+1259/-184)13 files modifiedtestcases/packages/1573_xfce4panel tests (+0/-144)
testcases/packages/1574_xfce4settings tests (+0/-40)
testcases/packages/1576_Ristretto (+161/-0)
testcases/packages/1577_Audacity Tests (+332/-0)
testcases/packages/1578_Bulk renamer tests (+31/-0)
testcases/packages/Xfce/1573_xfce4panel tests (+144/-0)
testcases/packages/Xfce/1574_xfce4settings tests (+80/-0)
testcases/packages/Xfce/1575_XFCE App finder (+49/-0)
testcases/packages/Xfce/1575_Xfce4 Appearance Settings (+111/-0)
testcases/packages/Xfce/1576_XFCESession (+110/-0)
testcases/packages/Xfce/1577_Xfce4 Dict (+108/-0)
testcases/packages/Xfce/1579_xfdesktop-settings (+75/-0)
testcases/packages/Xfce/1580_Xfce4 MIME Settings (+58/-0)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 402. By Brian Murray
Merge some fixes from LP user philipz85
- 401. By Brian Murray
image/1451_ Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption): add in check of the release notes - 400. By Brian Murray
image/1300_ Install (entire disk): make release note clicking a separate step - 397. By Brian Murray
merge MP from eeickmeyer re Updated testcase for Ubuntu Studio post-install
- 395. By Brian Murray
merge paride's degraded RAID1 test case
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)