
Last commit made on 2020-10-27
Get this branch:
git clone -b stable/ussuri https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/ubuntu/+source/heat
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Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

8701141... by Corey Bryant

Cleanup moved repository

This repository has moved to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-openstack-dev/ubuntu/+source/heat/+git/heat.

483ccf8... by Corey Bryant

releasing package heat version 1:14.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1

74ea310... by Corey Bryant

d/gbp.conf: Create stable/ussuri branch.

d894960... by Corey Bryant

d/gbp.conf: Create stable/ussuri branch.

2a8a394... by Corey Bryant

New upstream release for OpenStack Ussuri (LP: #1877642).

22ff9f7... by Corey Bryant

Update upstream source from tag '14.0.0'

Update to upstream version '14.0.0'
with Debian dir 5f714fab63699e17ee04845da42a48f39bfda2b3

6fe6b1a... by Corey Bryant

New upstream version 14.0.0

9386591... by Corey Bryant

d/p/monkey-patch-original-current-thread.patch: Cherry-picked from upstream review (https://review.opendev.org/#/c/727181/) to fix Python 3.8 monkey patching (LP: #1863021).

ec90b58... by Corey Bryant

d/control: Align (Build-)Depends with upstream.

a9f771d... by Corey Bryant

New upstream release candidate for OpenStack Ussuri.