
Last commit made on 2024-12-17
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Recent commits

ec62bd6... by James Page

releasing package heat version 1:18.0.1-0ubuntu1.2

6e63d34... by James Page

d/p/lp2085409.patch: Fix wrongly passing "no_fixed_ips" to Neutron (LP: #2085409).

5f365ab... by Marc Deslauriers

Import Debian changes 1:18.0.1-0ubuntu1.1

heat (1:18.0.1-0ubuntu1.1) jammy-security; urgency=medium
  * No-change rebuild as a security update.
    - CVE-2023-1625

d33f62a... by Corey Bryant

releasing package heat version 1:18.0.1-0ubuntu1

e5cd353... by Corey Bryant

d/p/lp2012073.patch: Dropped. Fixed in stable point release.

e3d6bf9... by Corey Bryant

d/p/honor-hidden-parameter.patch: Dropped. Fixed in stable point release.

cdb3da4... by Corey Bryant

New stable point release for OpenStack Yoga (LP: #2019759).
d/p/drop-zun.patch: Rebased.

799f898... by Corey Bryant

Update upstream source from tag '18.0.1'

Update to upstream version '18.0.1'
with Debian dir 09b1df0204c75faf00004a466e37841218b7aa49

0f7dac6... by Corey Bryant

New upstream version 18.0.1

c9d9574... by Corey Bryant

New upstream version 19.0.1