Merge lp:~ubuntu-mate-dev/compiz/mate-shadows-and-staticswitcher into lp:compiz/0.9.12

Proposed by Martin Wimpress 
Status: Merged
Approved by: Stephen M. Webb
Approved revision: 3956
Merged at revision: 3956
Proposed branch: lp:~ubuntu-mate-dev/compiz/mate-shadows-and-staticswitcher
Merge into: lp:compiz/0.9.12
Diff against target: 97 lines (+26/-8)
1 file modified
debian/mate.ini (+26/-8)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~ubuntu-mate-dev/compiz/mate-shadows-and-staticswitcher
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Stephen M. Webb Approve
Ubuntu Sponsors Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

Tweak the shadows so subtle drop shadows appears on menus, just as they do in Macro. Change from Shift Switcher to Static Switcher because Shift Switcher is causing Compiz to crash, particularly when switching while Steam is running.

Description of the change

This merge proposal makes two small changes to the Compiz profile for MATE.

  * Tweak the shadows so subtle drop shadows appears on menus, just as they do in Macro.
  * Change from Shift Switcher to Static Switcher because Shift Switcher is causing Compiz to crash, particularly when switching while Steam is running.
  * Update paths to images used in the 3D cube.
  * Update the key bindings so MATE is broadly consistent with Unity.

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Revision history for this message
Stephen M. Webb (bregma) :
review: Approve
3957. By Martin Wimpress 

Update paths to common images. Update keyboard shortcuts to more closely reflect those in Unity.

Revision history for this message
Martin Wimpress  (flexiondotorg) wrote :

I've just made another push. It updates the paths to the common images to align with a recent change in the ubuntu-mate-desktop package and updates some keybindings so MATE is broadly the same as Unity.

Revision history for this message
Stephen M. Webb (bregma) wrote :

Please do not make changes to merge proposals after they have been top-approved unless they've been explicitly requested and the status has been changed to Work In Progress by the landers. In this case, this MP is already in the landing process so any changes will not get picked up and released without manually restarting the whole process (and there is no notification this is required).

In this case the landing is already stuck on another issue so it shouldn't be an issue (as long as we remember) but in the future, just create a new MP with a prerequisite instead.

Preview Diff

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1=== modified file 'debian/mate.ini'
2--- debian/mate.ini 2015-05-05 13:20:10 +0000
3+++ debian/mate.ini 2015-06-25 09:26:15 +0000
4@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
5 [core]
6-s0_active_plugins = core;crashhandler;composite;opengl;decor;addhelper;put;place;regex;imgpng;copytex;grid;snap;resize;showdesktop;mousepoll;text;compiztoolbox;matecompat;imgjpeg;commands;animation;cube;move;neg;rotate;scale;shift;thumbnail;cubeaddon;workarounds;showmouse;expo;ezoom;session;
7+s0_active_plugins = core;crashhandler;composite;opengl;decor;addhelper;put;place;regex;imgpng;copytex;grid;snap;resize;showdesktop;mousepoll;text;compiztoolbox;matecompat;imgjpeg;commands;animation;cube;move;neg;rotate;scale;staticswitcher;thumbnail;cubeaddon;workarounds;showmouse;expo;ezoom;session;
8 s0_audible_bell = false
9 s0_do_serialize = true
10 s0_autoraise = false
11@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
12 s0_top_color = #34422eff
13 s0_bottom_color = #34422eff
14 s0_skydome = true
15-s0_skydome_image = /usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-utopic/Ubuntu-Mate-Dark-no-logo.jpg
16+s0_skydome_image = /usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-common/Ubuntu-Mate-Dark-no-logo.jpg
17 s0_skydome_gradient_start_color = #34422eff
18 s0_skydome_gradient_end_color = #87a752ff
19 s0_active_opacity = 72.000000
20@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
21 s0_command20 = /usr/bin/mate-system-monitor -p
23 [expo]
24+s0_expo_key = <Shift><Super>s
25 s0_mipmaps = true
26 s0_selected_color = #34422eff
27 s0_reflection = true
28@@ -89,18 +90,19 @@
29 [ezoom]
30 s0_zoom_in_button = <Super>Button4
31 s0_zoom_out_button = <Super>Button5
32+s0_zoom_box_button = <Super>Button2
33 s0_zoom_box_outline_color = #4b50449f
34 s0_zoom_box_fill_color = #2f2f2f4f
36 [decor]
37 s0_active_shadow_radius = 13.000000
38 s0_active_shadow_opacity = 0.900000
39-s0_active_shadow_color = #343631b0
40+s0_active_shadow_color = #1b1b1bc0
41 s0_active_shadow_x_offset = 0
42 s0_active_shadow_y_offset = 0
43 s0_inactive_shadow_radius = 13.000000
44-s0_inactive_shadow_opacity = 0.450000
45-s0_inactive_shadow_color = #34363180
46+s0_inactive_shadow_opacity = 0.900000
47+s0_inactive_shadow_color = #1a1a1aff
48 s0_inactive_shadow_x_offset = 0
49 s0_inactive_shadow_y_offset = 0
50 s0_mipmap = true
51@@ -111,11 +113,24 @@
52 [vpswitch]
53 s0_switch_to_1_key = <Super>Home
57 s0_next_key = <Alt>Tab
58 s0_prev_key = <Shift><Alt>Tab
59 s0_next_all_key = <Control><Alt>Tab
60 s0_prev_all_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Tab
61+s0_speed = 1.000000
62+s0_timestep = 0.500000
63+s0_popup_delay = 0.050000
64+s0_mipmap = true
65+s0_focus_on_switch = true
66+s0_highlight_mode = 1
69+s0_initiate_key = Disabled
70+s0_next_key = Disabled
71+s0_prev_key = Disabled
72+s0_next_all_key = Disabled
73+s0_prev_all_key = Disabled
74 s0_ground_color1 = #343631cc
75 s0_ground_color2 = #4b504400
76 s0_mipmaps = true
77@@ -200,8 +215,8 @@
78 s0_ground_color2 = #34363100
79 s0_deformation = 0
80 s0_unfold_deformation = false
81-s0_top_images = /usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-utopic/ubuntu-mate-desktop-circle_of_mates_dark.png;
82-s0_bottom_images = /usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-utopic/ubuntu-mate-desktop-circle_of_mates_dark.png;
83+s0_top_images = /usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-common/ubuntu-mate-desktop-circle_of_mates_dark.png;
84+s0_bottom_images = /usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-common/ubuntu-mate-desktop-circle_of_mates_dark.png;
86 [freewins]
87 s0_snap_threshold = 50
88@@ -216,6 +231,9 @@
90 [scale]
91 s0_window_match = (Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown) & !(class=Tilda)
92+s0_initiate_key = <Control><Alt>Up
93+s0_initiate_all_key = <Super>a
94+s0_initiate_output_key = <Super>w
96 [showdesktop]
97 s0_direction = 5


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