
Created by Sebastien Bacher and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu Desktop
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

63. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
  - Disable plugins in the webkit widget (Michael Vogt) (LP: #544864)
  - Don't trust GError's from DBus, it seems sometimes they can be
    NULL (Rodrigo Moya) (LP: #560723)

62. By Michael Vogt

* debian/patches/webkit_disable_plugins.patch:
  - do not load plugins in the webkit view

61. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 0.3.0-0ubuntu1

60. By Ken VanDine

  - Should provide a progress indicator (LP: #541046)
  - No indication that payment pages are secure (LP: #527701)
  - The music store should start the syncdaemon (LP: #544563)
  - There's no navigation feature to get back to the main store page
    throughout the Ubuntu One store, forcing a restart of
    rhythmbox (LP: #544490)
  - Browsing the music store doesn't work behind an http proxy (LP: #527671)
* debian/control
  - Added build depends for libsoup-gnome2.4-dev
* debian/rules
  - Bump SHLIBS version, should have been done in 0.2.101

59. By Stuart Langridge

New upstream release.

58. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 0.2.101-0ubuntu2

57. By Ken VanDine

* debian/control
  - Added depends for ubuntuone-client-gnome (LP: #545191)

56. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 0.2.101-0ubuntu1

55. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
  - Only show context menu if environment variable defined (LP: #527688)
  - Export library path from music store widget (LP: #536957)
  - Show a temporary view when loading the initial store page (LP: #530247)

54. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 0.2.100-0ubuntu1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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