Created by
Nekhelesh Ramananthan
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/stopwatch-feature-staging
Members of
Ubuntu Clock Developers
can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.
Branch merges
Propose for merging
No branches
dependent on this one.
- Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot: Approve (continuous-integration)
- Bartosz Kosiorek: Approve
- Victor Thompson: Needs Fixing
Diff: 2139 lines (+1391/-309)32 files modifiedAUTHORS (+1/-0)
app/CMakeLists.txt (+2/-0)
app/MainPage.qml (+121/-0)
app/clock/ClockPage.qml (+126/-176)
app/components/ActionIcon.qml (+45/-0)
app/components/CMakeLists.txt (+2/-0)
app/components/HeaderNavigation.qml (+86/-0)
app/graphics/CMakeLists.txt (+2/-0)
app/graphics/Stopwatch_Placeholder.svg (+19/-0)
app/graphics/WorldClock_Placeholder.svg (+22/-0)
app/stopwatch/CMakeLists.txt (+11/-0)
app/stopwatch/LapListView.qml (+140/-0)
app/stopwatch/StopwatchFace.qml (+61/-0)
app/stopwatch/StopwatchPage.qml (+169/-0)
app/stopwatch/StopwatchUtils.qml (+73/-0)
app/ubuntu-clock-app.qml (+19/-20)
app/worldclock/AddWorldCityButton.qml (+8/-4)
app/worldclock/UserWorldCityList.qml (+94/-93)
backend/CMakeLists.txt (+25/-0)
backend/modules/Stopwatch/LapHistory/backend.cpp (+34/-0)
backend/modules/Stopwatch/LapHistory/backend.h (+35/-0)
backend/modules/Stopwatch/LapHistory/history.cpp (+97/-0)
backend/modules/Stopwatch/LapHistory/history.h (+64/-0)
backend/modules/Stopwatch/LapHistory/qmldir (+2/-0)
debian/changelog (+2/-0)
debian/control (+2/-0)
po/com.ubuntu.clock.pot (+38/-8)
tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt (+2/-0)
tests/unit/MockClockApp.qml (+6/-5)
tests/unit/tst_stopwatchUtils.qml (+79/-0)
tests/unit/tst_worldClock.qml (+1/-1)
ubuntu-clock-app.json (+3/-2)
Related bugs
Bug #1437313: [Clock] No stopwatch feature present | Wishlist | Fix Released |
Related blueprints
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 379. By Nekhelesh Ramananthan
Merged bartosz stopwatch-
feature- extended branch - 373. By Nekhelesh Ramananthan
Reduced font size of milliseconds and hid the hours in the laptime when possible. Added units to cover this function
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp:ubuntu-clock-app