
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

38. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

* Patchworks:
  + New upstream "980-fix-image-size.patch".
  + New "default_cgi-path.patch" to correct default ZM_PATH_ZMS.
* postinst: set "root" as group owner for "/var/log/zm" to silence
  logrotate warnings.
* Minor correction to README.Debian.

37. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

* Build-Depends += "cakephp (<< 3.0.0~)";
  Zoneminder is not compatible with latest CakePHP.
* Handle conffile removal from maintscript.
* rules: build man pages reproducibly.
* gbp.conf: renamed old style config section [git-dch] to [dch].
  + added instructions to update owner of the "/etc/zm/zm.conf"
    (Closes: #789327).
  + zmupdate.pl needs CREATE rights.
  + added note about required number of "fcgiwrap" workers.
* New upstream patch: "zmtrigger-plus.patch".

36. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

New "zoneminder-doc" and "zoneminder-dbg" packages.

35. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

* Move handling of "/var/run/zm" and "/tmp/zm" from .service into .tmpfile.
  Let dh_installinit do the job. Thanks, Andrew Bauer.
* Use dh_apache2 to install Apache conf file; remove old conf and symlink.
* Promote "libapache2-mod-php5 | php5-fpm" to Recommends.
* Build-Depends:
  + dh-linktree
  + cakephp (>= 2.6.3)
  + libjs-jquery
  + libjs-mootools
* Depends:
  - libjs-jquery
  - libjs-mootools
* Build-time replace bundled CakePHP with system one using "dh-linktree".
* Use "dh-linktree" to handle mootools and jquery symlinks.

34. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

* New patch to fix HTML export with USE_DEEP_STORAGE (closes: #723706).
* New "783.patch" to describe potential data loss in ZM_USE_DEEP_STORAGE.
* New patch to change default date format to region-neutral ISO notation
  with time zone.
* Build sphinx documentation:
  + Install "zoneminder.1" man page.
  + Build-Depends += "python-sphinx | python3-sphinx"
  + Added commented "zoneminder-doc" package.
  + Added "docs.patch" to unlink distro-specific installation docs.
* rules:
  + remove mistakengly installed Perl module templates.
* Updated startup scripts to create ZM_TMPDIR.
* Hurd improvements:
  + New patch to add PATH_MAX definitions.
  + Build without MMAP support on Hurd.
  + libsys-mmap-perl [!hurd-any].

33. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

* Updated Apache2 and nginx configuration templates to support CGI.
* Updated README.Debian to document cgi-bin setup.
* Removed "/usr/share/zoneminder/www/cgi-bin" symlink.
* Added "apache2.patch" to correct Apache2 site configuration example.
* control: Suggests += "fcgiwrap".
* rules: added dh_systemd overrides to prevent automatic service
  activation and start.
* Added note about manual service activation to README.Debian
  (Closes: #781733).

32. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

* Removed word "Linux" from short package description.
* Build-Depends: do not require "libv4l-dev" on Hurd i.e. [!hurd-any].
* Added run-time Perl Depends:
   + libdbd-mysql-perl
   + libimage-info-perl
   + libmodule-load-conditional-perl
   + libnet-sftp-foreign-perl
   + liburi-encode-perl
* Prepare for package split: added commented "libzoneminder-perl"
  and "zoneminder-dbg" packages to "debian/control".
* rules: do not install worthless ".packlist" file.
* Updated "libv4l1-videodev.h.patch" to fix v4lv1 detection in CMake.

31. By Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>

[ Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden> ]
* New upstream release [February 2015].
* Upload to unstable.
* Disabled automatic database upgrades: post(inst|rm) scripts no longer
  touch database or do unexpected stuff (Closes: #779254).
  See README.Debian for details.
* Updated installation paths:
  + /usr/share/zoneminder --> /usr/share/zoneminder/www
  + /usr/lib/cgi-bin --> /usr/lib/zoneminder/cgi-bin
* Added logrotate config (Closes: #544826).
  Thanks, Alberto Reyes.
* Native systemd service; "--with systemd" added to dh.
* Build with CMake instead of autoconf; rules clean-up.
* Build with all hardening.
* Build and install "zmupdate.pl.1" man page.
* Added nginx/php5-fpm configuration example.
* Install upstream "apache.conf" example.
* Described setup of Zoneminer web site and database in README.Debian.
* Install "/etc/zm/zm.conf" with tighter permissions.
* Added TODO.Debian.
* Added "debian/clean"; "debian/gbp.conf"; bug-presubj.
* Remove bundled Cake tests to take ~5 MB off big-usr-share.
* Standards-Version: 3.9.6; compat/debhelper to version 9.
* Vcs links to new git repository at collab-maint.
* Build-Depends:
  + dh-systemd
  + libgcrypt11-dev --> libgcrypt-dev
  + libcurl4-gnutls-dev
  + libvlc-dev
  + policykit-1 (required by "zmsystemctl.pl")
  - dh-autoreconf, autoconf, automake
* Depends:
  - apache2
  - libapache2-mod-php5 (moved to Suggests)
  - libpcre3 (invalid)
  - libmodule-load-perl (obsolete; replaced with perl-modules)
  - libarchive-tar-perl (obsolete; replaced with perl-modules)
  - mysql-server (moved to Recommends, Closes: #759504).
  - php5
  + libav-tools
  + libjs-jquery (replaces bundled component)
  + libjs-mootool (replaces bundled component)
  + libjson-any-perl (Closes: #690803).
  + perl-modules (Closes: #745819).
* Recommends:
  + apache2 | httpd
  + mysql-server | virtual-mysql-server (Closes: #732874).
* Suggests:
  + libapache2-mod-php5 | php5-fpm
  + logrotate
* Refreshed, renamed and re-ordered patches; added DEP-3 headers.
* Removed "vendor_perl" patch (applied-upstream).
* New patches:
  + cmake-fix-confpath.patch
  + cmake-gnutls.patch
  + cmake-nossl.patch
  + cmake.patch
  + format-hardening.patch
  + pod_man_fixes.patch
  + pod_name_fixes.patch
  + pod_zmupdate-to-pod2usage.patch
* Lintianisation (incomplete):
  - extra-license-file
  - init.d-script-missing-lsb-description
  - init.d-script-does-not-source-init-functions
  - privacy-breach-generic
  - package-contains-empty-directory
  - manpage-has-errors-from-pod2man
  - manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry
  - quilt-patch-missing-description
  - no-dep5-copyright
* Lintian-overrides:
  + unusual-interpreter usr/bin/zmsystemctl.pl #!/usr/bin/pkexec
  + script-not-executable usr/share/zoneminder/www/api/*
  + script-with-language-extension usr/bin/*.pl
  + source-is-missing web/tools/mootools/mootools-*-yc.js
  + source-is-missing web/skins/*/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js
  + source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object
* Renamed files in "debian".
* watch: dfsg repacksuffix and dversionmangle.
* "debian/copyright" to Copyright-Format-1.0.
* Set myself as new Maintainer (Closes: #760314).

[ Vagrant Cascadian <email address hidden> ]
* Removed obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed flag.
* Update debian/watch to use tarballs from github.
* Add Build-Depends on libgcrypt11-dev (Closes: #745819).
* Use canonical alioth Vcs-Hg URL.
* debian/control: Add Build-Depends: libpolkit-gobject-1-dev.
* Removed configure flag "--enable-crashtrace=no", which is no longer
  present upstream.

30. By Peter Howard

Previous release still didn't build on PPC - this has been corrected.
(Closes: #736516)

29. By Peter Howard

* Remove dependency on ffmpeg
  (Closes: #721161)

* Builds again on non-x86 target architectures.

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