
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

11. By Colin Watson

* Use scalar variables for filehandles throughout rather than typeglobs.
* Ensure that cache files have the same timestamp as their source file,
  and check for this rather than checking whether the cache file is at
  least as new. This fixes a race where stale caches could be left
  unnoticed if the mirror was updated while the cache was being built.

10. By Colin Watson

* Switch to git; adjust Vcs-* fields.
* Convert debian/copyright to copyright-format 1.0.
* Policy version 3.9.5.

9. By Colin Watson

Calculate optimal column sizes in the same way as Debian's madison.cgi,
and otherwise tweak output formatting to match (LP: #315833).

8. By Colin Watson

* make-local-mirror: Use 'set -e' rather than '#! /bin/sh -e', to avoid
  accidents when debugging with 'sh -x'.
* Ensure that the cache directory exists before creating the lock.
* Print lock file name in the error message emitted if we fail to open it.

7. By Colin Watson

[ Colin Watson ]
* Update Vcs-Bzr field for Alioth changes.
* Add Vcs-Browser field.

[ Stefano Rivera ]
* Avoid multiple madison-lites updating the same cache file at the same
  time, by having a cache-wide lock file.

6. By Colin Watson

* Convert to source format 3.0 (native).
* Use the 'say' feature from Perl 5.10.
* Use the 'state' feature to simplify caching_disabled.
* Convert from 'perl -w' to 'use warnings'.
* Make regex searches actually produce some output (closes: #576941).
* Policy version 3.9.1: no changes required.

5. By Colin Watson

* Moved to bzr.debian.org; add Vcs-Bzr control field.
* Convert to debhelper 7.

4. By Colin Watson

* Update version comparison code from Dpkg::Version in dpkg-dev 1.14.20;
  adds ~ (low-sorting character) support.
* Policy version 3.8.0: no changes required.
* Relicense to GPLv2+. I'm using a decent chunk of Dpkg::Version, which is
  also GPLv2+, and dealing with a mixed-licence file is just too annoying.
  I don't know of anyone this will adversely affect; if it does, e-mail me
  and I'll be willing to discuss the matter. (The examples are still
  2-clause BSD.)
* Convert to machine-readable copyright format, wiki revision 179.

3. By Colin Watson

Put debhelper in Build-Depends rather than in Build-Depends-Indep.

2. By Colin Watson

* make-local-mirror fetches proposed-updates and testing-proposed-updates
* Sort versions (pure-Perl version comparison code from
  Debbugs::Versions::Dpkg) and architectures (source always comes first)
  the same way madison does (closes: #230169).

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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