
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

38. By Pojar Geo

* Change alsa mixer from hw:0/Line to default/Master.
  The master volume at the default mixer is called "Master", and not "Line".
  This is the volume that applies to all devices. Ok, old PCI devices may have
  a cable wired into the "Line" input at the motherboard but this is not a
  common setup anymore.
* Fix error message when channel is not available.
  The original message were too confusing as it was printing:
      mixer: find error: Sucess
      mixer: Can't open mixer default, mixer volume and mute unavailable.
  The first message is useless, as it says nothing and it contradicts itself.
  The second one also doesn't help much, as the error is generally because
  "Line" mixer may not be found at the default device. So, improve it to
  provide more information.
* Avoid scan dialog from locking up during long running process.
  (LP: #1441336)
* Make sure dialogs has a transient parent. (LP: #1441768)
* Get rid of deprecation warnings introduced with gtk-3.14.
* Remove the duplicate frequencies after running scanner again. (LP: #1441338)
* debian/control: Updated to Standards-Version 3.9.6, no changes needed.

37. By Pojar Geo

Fix volume button popup with a known limitation of popovers (at least in
their current implementation). (LP: #1438261)

36. By Pojar Geo

* Don't break up when recording doesn't work and we use key allocated to
  finish it.
* Minor adjustment to prevent noise sound through the speakers.

35. By Pojar Geo

* Improve volume control handling:
  - Use a absolute value when adjust the volume level.
  - Don't touch volume level when switch to mute.
  - Cleaned up the volume stuff so that lirc.c doesn't has to touch the
    GtkVolumeButton anymore.
  - Don't leak the buffer in alsa code.
  - Various code clean up.
* Reworked first run dialog.

34. By Pojar Geo

* Small update needed because GTK+ 3.12 available in the Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic
  Unicorn. (LP: #1329749)
  - Stop using deprecated gtk margin function.
  - Setting the volume icon size in UI to match the rest of the buttons.
  - Use the new support for RTL icons in GtkIconTheme.

33. By Pojar Geo

Added an explicit reference to the audio settings in man and help pages in
the event that radio card is not connected to the sound card via a cable.

32. By Pojar Geo

* debian/patches/gnomeradio-g_object.patch: Removed useless calls to the
  G_OBJECT() macro. (LP: #1267306)
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-about.patch: Update COPYING file with
  latest versions from gnu.org. (LP: #1266203)
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-gtk_stock.patch: UI make it more sleek,
  remove relief from the UI buttons. (LP: #1265154)
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-gtk_application.patch: Make the main
  window a GtkApplicationWindow.
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-ngettext.patch: Fix localization, use
  g_dngettext instead of ngettext.
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-record_information.patch: Use GDateTime
  instead of time_t.
* Moved changes from debian/patches/gnomeradio-thread_safe.patch to
  debian/patches/gnomeradio-alsa.patch and removed it as result.
* debian/control: Updated to Standards-Version 3.9.5, no changes needed.

31. By Pojar Geo

* debian/patches/gnomeradio-gsettings.patch: Port gnomeradio to GSettings.
  (LP: #1256796)
* debian/patches/gnomeradio-gtk_application.patch: Use GtkApplication, which
  provides single-instance support. (LP: #1258429)
* debian/patches/gnomeradio-g_dbus.patch: Migrate from dbus-glib to glib's
  GDBus. (LP: #1258518)
* Updates debian/patches/gnomeradio-about.patch: Use simply "About" instead of
  "About Gnomeradio". (LP: #1259301)
* Updates debian/patches/gnomeradio-media_types.patch: Added ellipsis
  character (…) for label of the install media type button.
* Updates debian/patches/gnomeradio-presets.patch: Joint into one patch with
* debian/control: Removed Build-Depends on: libgconf2-dev and
* debian/rules: Removed the rule regarding GConf.

30. By Pojar Geo

* Fixed previous debian/changelog: gnomeradio-tray_menu.patch is a new patch
  not one updated.
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-alsa.patch: Fixed wrong switch in case
  statement. (LP: 1240691)
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-auto_device.patch: Fixed pointer to local
  stack variable returned or used outside scope.
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-preferences.patch:
  - Fixed the indentation of code suggests it is nested when it is not.
  - Fixed function that returns non-void is missing a return value.
  - Use GtkSwitch instead GtkRadioButton to change audio loopback state.
    (LP: 1240632)
  - Avoid memory leak (unref the gconf client when we're done).
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-tray_menu.patch: Moved
  tree_view_switch_to_preset() inside of gnomeradio_switch_to_preset() so
  preset list will be updated when use LIRC command.
* Updated gnomeradio-station_list.patch: Make sure the XML document will be

29. By Pojar Geo

* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-tray_menu.patch:
  - Fixed menu item not update conform new order when we use move up[down]
    swap. (LP: #1232931)
  - Fixed conditional jump or move depends on uninitialized value.
  - Added function to switch to preset in settings preset list when changed
    them from tray menu.
  - Cleaned up the files relating to the tray icon. Neither gui.c, prefs.c nor
    record.c touch the internals of trayicon.c anymore.
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-preferences.patch:
  - Added option to disable audio loopback mode in Preferences settings.
  - Moved in separate GOptionGroup all command line parameters which refers to
    audio loopback mode.
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-device.patch: Not need radio_mute() when
  exit or session die, already is called in radio_stop().
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-station_list.patch: Fixed pointer targets
  in passing argument differ in signedness.
* Removed the content against configure and Makefile.in, since we use
  autoreconf anyways, from:
  - debian/patches/gnomeradio-gstreamer-1.0.patch.
  - debian/patches/gnomeradio-volume_button.patch.
* Updated debian/patches/gnomeradio-volume_button.patch: Removed unused
  vol_down[up].xpm icons.
* debian/gnomeradio.1: Updated man page.

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