
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

39. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/control.in:
  - Depends on bluez-obexd rather than obex-data-server
* debian/patches/git_no_consolekit.patch:
  - use gnome-session rather than consolekit
* debian/patches/git_use_bluez5.patch:
  - use bluez5

38. By Robert Ancell

* New upstream bugfix release
* debian/control:
  - Use standards-version 3.9.3

37. By Robert Ancell

* New upstream release
* debian/control:
  - Drop build-depends on libgconf2-dev
  - Change build-depends from gnome-doc-utils to yelp-tools

36. By Sebastien Bacher

Rebuild with the new libgnome-bluetooth

35. By Jeremy BĂ­cha

No-change rebuild against gnome-bluetooth 3.4

34. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  - Port from libunique to GtkApplication
* debian/control.in:
  - drop the libunique requirement

33. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/08_fix_port_discovery.patch:
  - dropped, the fix is in the new version

* Resynchronize on Debian, remaining diffs:
* debian/control:
  - don't Build-depend on scrollkeeper.
  - Suggests the apache2.2-bin and libapache2-mod-dnssd binaries rather than
    depends on those, we want obex push to work out of the box but we don't
    really need webdav and the apache binaries on the default installation.
* debian/dirs: Dropped, we don't need to create /usr/share/gnome.
* debian/gconf-defaults: Enable notifications on receipt of files by default
* debian/patches/01_notification.patch: Display an alert box instead
  of a notification for files received.
* debian/patches/02_bluetooth_optional.patch: Dropped, it's enables
  Bluetooth support to be configurable at build-time. We don't
  actually use it, it adds a lot of #ifdef's to the code, and requires
  some effort to port it to the new version.
* debian/patches/04_webdav_optional.patch:
  - De-senstize the WebDAV UI components if the suggested packages are
    not available for WebDAV sharing. Display a notice explaining why sharing
    cannot be enabled.
* debian/patches/05_autostart_delay.patch:
  - set X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay key to delay starting by 15 seconds.
* debian/patches/06_nodisplay_autostart.patch:
  - Don't show in "Startup Applications"
* debian/patches/07_onlyshowin_unity.patch:
  - Add Unity to OnlyShowIn
* debian/rules:
  - don't move autostart file from etc to usr
  - don't install the Nautilus bar. It's not that useful to people who don't
    have bluetooth hardware and is not easily disabled.
  - use --disable-scrollkeeper

32. By Anna Glasgall

* debian/patches/08_fix_port_discovery.patch:
  - Specify an address family in http.c:get_port() so that the bind()
    succeeds and we actually get a port. LP: #856732

31. By Michael Terry

* debian/patches/06_nodisplay_autostart.patch:
  - Don't show in "Startup Applications" (LP: #803917)
* debian/patches/07_onlyshowin_unity.patch:
  - Add Unity to OnlyShowIn (LP: #803519)

30. By Sebastien Bacher

* Resynchronize on Debian (lp: #788714), Remaining diffs:
* debian/control:
  - don't Build-depend on scrollkeeper.
  - Suggests the apache2.2-bin and libapache2-mod-dnssd binaries rather than
    depends on those, we want obex push to work out of the box but we don't
    really need webdav and the apache binaries on the default installation.
* debian/dirs: Dropped, we don't need to create /usr/share/gnome.
* debian/gconf-defaults: Enable notifications on receipt of files by default
* debian/patches/01_notification.patch: Display an alert box instead
  of a notification for files received.
* debian/patches/02_bluetooth_optional.patch: Dropped, it's enables
  Bluetooth support to be configurable at build-time. We don't
  actually use it, it adds a lot of #ifdef's to the code, and requires
  some effort to port it to the new version.
* debian/patches/04_webdav_optional.patch:
  - De-senstize the WebDAV UI components if the suggested packages are
    not available for WebDAV sharing. Display a notice explaining why sharing
    cannot be enabled.
* debian/patches/05_autostart_delay.patch:
  - set X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay key to delay starting by 15 seconds.
* debian/rules:
  - don't move autostart file from etc to usr
  - don't install the Nautilus bar. It's not that useful to people who don't
    have bluetooth hardware and is not easily disabled.
  - use --disable-scrollkeeper

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