
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp:ubuntu/vivid/indicator-me
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

35. By Evgeni Golov

* Merge from Ubuntu.
  Closes: #629249
* Standards-Version: 3.9.2
* Revert "recommends unity rather than indicator-applet-session" as
  Debian does not have Unity yet.
* Improve debian/copyright to match DEP5.

34. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild for libgwibber2.

33. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
* debian/control
  - bumped build depends for libindicator to 0.3.90

32. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
  - Removed about-me menu, gnome-about-me no longer exists
* debian/control
  - Dropped build depends on indicator-me-gtk2

31. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
  - Ported to use gsettings (LP: #656322)
  - Add GTK3 support

* debian/control
  - Bumped standards version to 3.9.2
  - Add new binary for indicator-me-gtk2
  - Make indicator-me recommend indicator-me-gtk2 (until unity
    can load gtk3 indicators)
  - indicator-me-gtk2 replaces indicator-me << 0.2.90
  - Added build depends for libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev, libindicator3-dev
    and libido3-0.1-dev
* debian/rules
  - build for both gtk2 and gtk3

30. By Sebastien Bacher

debian/control: recommends unity rather than indicator-applet-session as
the preferred renderer, fix a typo in indicator-renderer

29. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
  - Pass the username as a g_variant on the UserChanged signal (LP: #754524)

28. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
  - Don't fail if we don't get the status icon (LP: #746962)
  - Add translator comments for user status strings, thanks Marcel
    Stimberg (LP: #730234)

27. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
  - Don't error if we don't get the username (LP: #739319)

26. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream release.
  - Added emesene support, thanks Stefano Candori (LP: #741163)
* debian/control
  - Bump standards version to 3.9.1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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