
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

11. By Mahyuddin Susanto

* New upstream release.
* Refreshing patches:
  - debian/patches/01-examples.patch
  - debian/patches/02-icondir.patch
  - debian/patches/03-desktop.patch
* debian/patches/04-spelling-in-binary.patch: Fix typos in binary.
* debian/watch: added for uscan.

10. By Daniel Baumann

* Removing vcs fields.
* Updating standards version to 3.9.1.
* Updating debhelper version to 8.0.
* Switching to dpkg source format 3.0 (quilt).
* Simplifying autotools-dev handling in rules.
* Orphaning package.

9. By Daniel Baumann

Making example batch file non-executable.

8. By Daniel Baumann

* Adding depends to samba-common-bin.
* Adding explicit debian source version 1.0 until switch to 3.0.
* Updating year in copyright file.
* Updating to standards 3.8.4.
* Merging upstream version 0.2.9.
* Sorting dh call in rules to more common order.
* Updating year in copyright file.
* Updating year and version in manpage.

7. By Daniel Baumann

* Adding maintainer homepage field to control.
* Marking maintainer homepage field to be also included in binary
  packages and changelog.
* Adding README.source.
* Bumping version build-depends on debhelper.
* Simplifying autotools handling in rules.
* Merging upstream version 0.2.8.
* Updating README.source.
* Moving maintainer homepage from control to copyright.
* Updating years in copyright file.
* Bumping versioned build-depends on quilt.

6. By Daniel Baumann

Adding debug package.

5. By Daniel Baumann

* Using patch-stamp rather than patch in rules file.
* Replacing obsolete dh_clean -k with dh_prep.
* Using correct rfc-2822 date formats in changelog.
* Renaming manpages subdirectory for local debian additions to more
  common name.
* Updating maintainer field.
* Updating vcs fields.
* Updating package to standards version 3.8.3.
* Removing old transitional package.
* Using quilt rather than dpatch.
* Minimizing rules file.
* Adding longtitle to menu file.

4. By Daniel Baumann

* Updating vcs fields in control file.
* Adding menu manually to depends, since su-to-root is not going to be
  moved to debian-utils.

3. By Daniel Baumann

Merging upstream version 0.2.7.

2. By Daniel Baumann

* Updating vcs fields in control.
* Upgrading package to debhelper 7.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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