
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp:ubuntu/vivid/desktop-switcher
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

10. By Loïc Minier

* Add an apport hook gathering reports for gnome-panel, maximus, and
  netbook-launcher and attaching the netbook-launcher autostart .desktop
  files and the desktop-switcher gnome-panel config backups.
* Suggest gnome-panel, maximus, netbook-launcher.
* Wrap build-deps and deps to get cleaner diffs.
* Bump up Standards-Version to 3.8.3; no change needed.
* Cleanup rules using $@ in clean, dropping the configure target (which
  should have been .PHONY anyway), and fixing inter rules deps.

9. By Loïc Minier

* New upstream release.
* Add .PHONY to rules.
* Use dh_prep instead of deprecated dh_clean -k.

8. By Steve Kowalik

New upstream release.

7. By Steve Kowalik

New upstream release.

6. By Steve Kowalik

No-change rebuild for langpacks.

5. By Steve Kowalik

* New upstream release.
  - Fixes corrupting settings on switch. (LP: #349519)

4. By Steve Kowalik

New upstream release.

3. By Steve Kowalik

* New upstream release.
  - Add Build-Depends on intltool.

2. By Steve Kowalik

Initial release.

1. By Steve Kowalik

Import upstream version 0.4.0

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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