
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

16. By Adnan Hodzic

* Move i386 dependencies from Depends to Recommends to
  avoid installation installabilities in the archive.
  Thanks to Dmitry Shachnev.
* Add support for interrupted downloads to be resumed.
  Thanks to Gianfranco Costamagna.

15. By Dmitry Shachnev

Move i386 binaries from Depends to Recommends to make
our Britney instance happy.

14. By Adnan Hodzic

* Add missing "--" when invoking fakeroot to fix
  make-googleearth-package no longer building any
  Debian package (Closes: #757120)
* Add missing "-O" option when invoking curl to fix
  that curl could not be used for downloading (Closes: #702301)
* Add additional dependencies which prevent problems with
  the installation of libcurl3:i386
* Set default locale of make-googleearth-package to "C"
  to fix when parsing KML files on certain locales (Closes: #556102)
* Make sure Suggests is also created for other than amd64
  archiectures (Closes: #606310)
* Use proper quoting in path names such that building the
  Google Earth package also works with path names with
  spaces (Closes: #606351)
* Update maintainer email with my new email address in
  make-googleearth-package script and debian/control

12. By Adnan Hodzic

* Removed dependency on ia32-libs package by isolating the
  individual 32-bit libraries and adding them as Depends.
* Fixed "Invalid HTTP request" problem (Closes: #716695)

11. By Adnan Hodzic

* Update for MultiArch (Closes: #695957)
* Fix Google Earth not being properly identified by
  gnome-shell (Closes: #655400)
* Fixed infamous "Google Earth has caught signal 11" error.
* Removed the debian/patches directory
* Added support for Google Earth 7.x release
* Includes many fixes to debian/ related files.
  + debian/rules, new simplified rules, adapted to debhelper 9 format
  + debian/control, updated build-dep versioning.
  + debian/changelog, removed trailing spaces
  + debian/compact, change from 7 to 9
  + debian/copyright, updated copyright format
  + debian/README.Debian, removed empty line
  + debian/source/format, change from "1.0" to "3.0 (native)"
  + properly escaped the minus signs in manpages

10. By Adnan Hodzic

* Added debian/patches and 3 patches which helped in resolving:
  + Fixed dpkg-architecture bug which prevented package from being built
    (Closes: #505900)
  + Fixed "make-googleearth-package" exiting with status 1 when used with
    "--download" (Closes: #535223)
  + Fixed erasing input file without user consent (Closes: #646601)
* Editted make-googleearth-package script
 + changed GoogleEarth_Package version to 0.7.0
  + Removed "$depends" which prevented package from being successfully built
    (Closes: #649163)
  + replaced nvidia-glx-ia32 suggest with libgl1-nvidia-glx-ia32
  + removed option of displaying dpkg-shlibdeps warnings which resulted in
    drastically improved build time along with display elimination of
    dependency warnings
  + added lib32nss-mdns under suggest for amd64 arhictecture
  + added libfreeimage3 as one of te dependencies
  + added "ubuntu checker" which fixes Ubuntu font display problem
* fixed out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.1 by setting it to 3.9.2 in control
* edited rules to accommodate recommended-target build-arch and build-indep

9. By Adnan Hodzic

* Altered debian/control, left dependencies solely required for
  googleearth-package to be built
* Added dependencies to make-googleearth-package required solely by Google
  Earth package to be build and run (Closes: #606049)
* Solved architecture dependency mix up with addition of "# != i386 dependency
  field generator" to make-googleearth-package (Closes: #606045)

8. By Adnan Hodzic

* New release to cope with new upstream release.
* Altered "make-googleearth-package":
  - Added support for Google Earth 6 (Closes: #605499, #556102)
  - Until 0.6.0 --force option had to be used in order for package to be build
    this is no longer required (Closes: #569507, #588842, #577078)
  - removed "Workaround symbol problem in libcrypto" (Closes: #567139)
  - take all depends for the generated package from debian/control
    (Closes: #537380)
* Altered debian/control:
  - Dependencies added:
    - libqtcore4 (#Closes: 544273)
    - lsb-core (Closes: #605432)
    - libgl1-mesa-glx (Closes: #587761, #534165)
    - ${shlibs:Depends} and ${misc:Depends}
  - Dependencies removed:
    - Removed lib32nss-mdns (Closes: #584635, #535336)
    - Removed arch deps for ia32-libs and ia32-libs-gtk
      (Closes: #510548, #551738, #533104)
  - Suggest nvidia-glx-ia32 (Closes: #541125)
* Added "homepage" to control (Closes: #561725)
* Updated standards version, no changes needed.

7. By Adnan Hodzic

* Workaround symbol problem in libcrypto prevents googleearth from
  starting (closes: #528029)
* Accept the current 5.1 version as supported (closes: #550669)
* Correct broken logic for LD_LIBRARY_PATH (closes: #524686, #524686, #543575)
* Adopted package (closes: #551773)
* Moved asciidoc and docbook2x to Build-Depends-Indep in debian/control
* Changed Standards-Version to 3.8.3 in debian/control
* Added Vcs-Browser field to debian/control
* Pointed "GPL" to "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3" in debian/copyright

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