
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

22. By intrigeri

* Use chmod a-x instead of chmod -x, to avoid build failure with
  strict umasks (Closes: #726097).
* Declare compliance with Standards-Version 3.9.4 (no change needed).

21. By intrigeri

Imported Upstream version 1.0.1

20. By intrigeri

* The "Happy Birthdays!" release.
* Imported Upstream version 1.0:
  - handler changes
       . Use --skip-events when backing up the performance_schema
         database. (Closes: #673572)
       . Generate excludes command-line snippet the same way as
         the duplicity handler does.
       . Run rsync command-line through a shell, so that single-quotes
         around excludes are interpreted (Closes: #677410)
       . Don't execute /usr/bin/lspci or /sbin/modinfo
         when $hardware == "no".
  - backupninja changes
       . Make it clear what lockfile could not be acquired, if any.

19. By intrigeri

* Imported Upstream version 1.0-rc1
  (Closes: #657201, #536858, #654192, #656968, #654708)
* Drop obsolete pkglibdir-FTBFS-fix.diff: applied upstream.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no change required).
* Suggest trickle package, now needed for duplicity traffic shaping.
* Add NEWS entry for duplicity changes.
* Revamp git-buildpackage configuration:
  - Update upstream-tag setting to reflect reality.
  - Use an upstream branch into which we can import upstream tarballs.
  - Use pristine-tar.

18. By intrigeri

pkglibdir-FTBFS-fix.diff: cherry-pick upstream fix for pkglibdir not
being a legitimate directory for 'SCRIPTS' (Closes: #660617)

17. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

pkglibdir-FTBFS-fix.diff: Backport fix for pkglibdir not
being a legitimate directory for 'SCRIPTS'

16. By intrigeri <email address hidden>

* New upsteam release
  . Fix "Locking mechanism causes variable problem".
  . Allow 'when = XXX' in sh jobs.
  . Stop supporting duplicity < 0.6.01.
  . Fixed $rsync_options. (Closes: #639545)
  . Fix typo in manpage.
  . Stop using hyphen as minus sign in manpages.
  . Fix infinite loop in rdiff helper when version inconsistency is detected.
    Thanks to Chris Lamb for the patch.
    (Closes: #639547)
  . Fix incorrect duplicity version check for keepincroffulls.
    Thanks to Olivier Berger for the patch.
    (Closes: #641120)
  . Don't install LDAP handler, helper and example configuration file.
  . Don't mention LDAP support in documentation.
* Formally move to team-maintenance, add myself to uploaders.
* Use 3.0 (quilt) source format.
* Convert to dh7 minimal rules with dh-autoreconf.
* preinst: use "set -e" in the script body instead of in the shebang.
* Don't mention LDAP support in long description, don't install its
  example configuration file.

15. By Micah Anderson

[ intrigeri ]
* Bump Standards version: no changes.
* List every handler's dependencies in the long description.
* Update Suggests wrt. current shipped handlers needs.
* Add watch file. (Close: #598086)
* Add Vcs-Browser control field.
* New upstream release
  . Use locking to avoid running concurrent instances of the same
    backup action. (Closes: #511300)
  . Stop using "local VAR" outside functions. (Closes: #530647)
  . Fix duplicity TMPDIR vs. --tempdir usage.
  . Remove support for duplicity < 0.4.4. Even etch-backports has
    a newer one.
  . Now support remove-all-inc-but-n-full command for duplicity >=
    0.9.10 to allow removal of increments for older full backups.
    (Closes: #603478)
  . Fix reliance on bash for pipefail in ldap, mysql and postgresql
    handlers. (Closes: #602374)
  . Support various PostgreSQL dump formats in addition to pg_dumpall.
  . Support reading rdiff include/exclude patterns from files.
  . Fix long rsync rotation.
  . Make usage of units clearer everywhere needed.
  . Do arithmetic using bash rather than bc in rsync handler
    (Closes: #603173)
  . Fix hwinfo and gathering of information about loaded modules in
    sys handler. (Closes: #625501)
  . Install tar handler and helper.
  . Support separate signing key in Duplicity helper.
  . Generate 4096 bits RSA keys, recommend doing so in the

14. By Micah Anderson

* Do not error out when no job is configured. Thanks to Jordi Mallach
  <email address hidden> for the patch (Closes: #597684)
* Fix vgcfgbackup support for Debian in sys handler

13. By Micah Anderson

* Bump Standards version: no changes
* New upstream release
  . only run mdadm if RAID devices actually exist (Closes: #572450)
  . duplicity handler now defaults to use --full-if-older-than
    (Closes: #572523, #535996)
  . duplicy handler now gets rid of unnecessary old cache files
    (Closes: #572721)
  . fix duplicity version comparison (Closes: #578987)
  . duplicity now uses /var/cache/backupninja/duplicity as a cache
    directory (Closes: #580016)
  . allow to securely transmit the FTP password from backupninja to
    duplicity (closes an unreported security issue)
  . mysql handler does not lock tables in the information_schema
    database anymore (Closes: #587011)
  . mysql dbusername/dbpassword options are now actually usable
  . include the rsync handler (Closes: #515108)
  . prevents multiple instances of the same rsync job to run in
  . avoid passing the remote user twice to rsync-over-ssh
  . documentation improvements (Closes: #583778)
  . support systems that lack gzip's --rsyncable option

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