
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp:ubuntu/utopic-proposed/avr-libc
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

15. By Hakan Ardo

* New upstream release from Atmel-AVR-GNU-Toolchain v3.4.4
  Toolchain/3.4.4/) (closes: #740391, #739953, #695514, #719635)
* Moved manpages to the 3avr section of /usr/share/man
* Added avr-man manpage (closes: #733939)
* Added build-arch and build-indep targets
* Moved build to binary-indep target
* Increased standards version to 3.9.5
* Added ${misc:Depends} dependency
* Applied upstream fix to make pgmspace.h ansi compatible (closes:

14. By Eric Dorland

* Non-maintainer upload.
* debian/control: Switch to automake1.11. (Closes: #724351)

13. By Hakan Ardo

Recompiled with gcc 4.8

12. By Hakan Ardo

Move man pages to /usr/share/doc/avr-libc/man (closes: #678584,

11. By Hakan Ardo

New upstream release

10. By Hakan Ardo

include/util/delay.h.in: Add math.h to list of includes (closes:

9. By Hakan Ardo

* New upstream release (closes: #626119)
* Now build-depends on doxygen-latex (closes: #616199)

8. By Hakan Ardo

* Recompiled with new toolchain
* Added ATmega325P to wdt.h (closes: #587574)

7. By Hakan Ardo

* New upstream release
* Replaced builddep on gs-gpl with ghostscript
* Autotools executed during build.
* Now build-depends on doxygen >= 1.6.2
* Errors in first two latex passes ignored (closes: #562312)

6. By Hakan Ardo

* New upstream relese (closes: #544030)
* Added lintian overrides (closes: #553265)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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