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Recent revisions

66. By Martin Pitt

debian/maintscripts-functions: Avoid package installation failure of -9.1
due to the pg_basebackup.1 alternative on systems which have both -9.1 and
a later version installed in parallel. On those, pg_basebackup.1 will
already be in the psql.1.gz group, thus -9.1 must not try to put it back
into the postmaster.1.gz group. (LP: #1357682)

65. By Christoph Berg

[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/postgresql-common.preinst: Drop obsolete upgrade migration.
* debian/maintscripts-functions, _link_manpages(): The move of pg_basebackup
  from server to client still affects upgrades from -9.1 to -9.3. Place the
  upgrade fix here instead of postgresql-9.1.preinst (which does not exist
  any more now). (LP: #1270597)
* Update Vcs-Bzr:, bzr.d.o. does not work any more.

[ Christoph Berg ]
* t/031_errors_disk_full.t: Drop cluster after tests.
* testsuite: Always umount the tmpfs overlays.

64. By Martin Pitt

Upload current Debian packaging git to fix upgrade failure from precise.

* debian/postgresql-common.preinst: Drop obsolete upgrade migration.
* debian/maintscripts-functions, _link_manpages(): The move of pg_basebackup
  from server to client still affects upgrades from -9.1 to -9.3. Place the
  upgrade fix here instead of postgresql-9.1.preinst (which does not exist
  any more now). (LP: #1270597)

63. By Christoph Berg <email address hidden>

[ Christoph Berg ]
* Replace the static logrotate configuration by generating the file
  dynamically using ucf, triggered by watching /usr/sbin/logrotate.
  This eases dist-upgrades that upgrade logrotate to >= 3.8 from an older
  version (squeeze->wheezy, precise->trusty).
* postgresql-common.postinst: Stop debconf later so ucf can use it.
* postgresql-common.postinst: Call su without - to avoid a warning.
* t/003_package_checks.t: Add test case for logrotate.
* pg_createcluster, t/001_packages.t: Refactor the ssl cert test, and add
  matching testcases in the testsuite.
* t/020_create_sql_remove.t: Make pipe writes unbuffered.
* pg_buildext: Document the loop action (present since version 141).
* pg_buildext: Add "installcheck" action for use with autopkgtest.
* pg_buildext: Support $action-$version when the loop is contained in the
  calling script. (Mostly useful for installcheck-x.y.)
* postgresql-server-dev-all: Add "make" to depends because pg_buildext is
  mostly useless without it; extensions using autopkgtest would otherwise
  need to include it in their debian/tests/control files.
* pgxs_debian_control.mk: Add "clean: debian/control" and
  ".PHONY: debian/control".
* pg_virtualenv: Fix exit code shown with -s.
* pg_createcluster, pg_virtualenv: -o will set postgresql.conf parameters.
* postgresql-common: In /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/,
  install apt.postgresql.org.sh to enable activating the pgdg repository.

[ Martin Pitt ]
* testsuite, pg_virtualenv: Don't fail if ifconfig is not installed. We
  don't require it as a dependency, and this breaks e. g. autopkgtests in
  minimal environments.
* t/150_tsearch_stemming.t: Add tests for stemming/searching with non-ASCII
  characters. (See #689997)
* debian/postgresql-common.triggers: Also trigger on
  /usr/share/postgresql/, so that installation of new server versions builds
  the corresponding dictionaries.
* init.d-functions, start(): Update SELinux label of /run/postgresql if
  restorecon is installed. Thanks Martin Lang! (Closes: #737661)

62. By Martin Pitt

[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/backport-ppa: Drop oneiric/quantal for -9.2, only keep
* Drop support for obsolete oom_adj, all kernels in all supported
  Debian/Ubuntu releases support oom_score_adj. (See #646245)
* debian/README.Debian: Fix commands to get a postgres user shell.
* Change all "su" invocations to system user to specify an explicit shell,
  to fix breakage after latest base-passwd 3.5.30 (which changed system
  users to have no shell).
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes necessary).

[ Christoph Berg ]
* pg_virtualenv: Fix program name in manpage.
* pg_createcluster: --start-conf should override the value from
* testsuite: Also mount a tmpfs on /etc/postgresql-common.

61. By Christoph Berg

* pg_createcluster: Create /var/run/postgresql when missing.
* pg_virtualenv: Set PG_CONFIG in single version mode.
* pg_wrapper: Always use the latest available version of "pg_isready"
  instead of the target cluster's. pg_isready appeared only in 9.3, but is
  usable with older versions as well. Suggested by Peter Eisentraut.
  (Closes: #728599)

60. By Martin Pitt

[ Christoph Berg ]
* Create the postgres group when missing, and add the postgres user to it.
  Could happen when the postgres user was created manually.

[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/supported-versions: Welcome, Ubuntu 14.04! Support 9.3 there.

59. By Martin Pitt

[ Christoph Berg ]
* debian/supported-versions:
  + Interface change: The *last* version returned here is the "default" one.
  + Wheezy uses "7" in /etc/os-release.
  + Add 9.3 for pgdg (default on testing/unstable).
* debian/rules:
  + Set FLAVOR variable for the type of build we are doing. Set
    PG_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS=$FLAVOR for debian/supported-versions so we don't
    pick up configuration from the build environment.
  + Pick the default version from the last line of
    `debian/supported-versions` instead of sorting the output.
* debian/postgresql-common.config: Sort versions to determine the latest.
* pg_buildext: Support "X.Y+" and "all" in debian/pgversions so packages do
  not need to hardcode the versions they support, as that's usually not
* pgxs_debian_control.mk: Drop the previously redundant grep check on
  debian/pgversions which would now break "X.Y+".
* t: Move $delay to TestLib.pm and increase to 500ms.
* t/005_PgCommon.t: Use twice the delay for waiting for the first nc child.

[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/postgresql-common.postinst: Don't restart servers in dict update
  trigger. (Closes: #719282)
* debian/README.Debian: Update examples for -9.1 and -9.3.

58. By Christoph Berg

[ Christoph Berg ]
* debian/supported-versions: Use "7.*" to recognize wheezy; point releases
  now increment the second version number component. (Closes: #712586)
* pg_virtualenv:
  + On error, show tail of server log file.
  + When no command is given, open a shell.
* pg_createcluster: Add --createclusterconf and --environment options.
* pg_ctlcluster: Create stats_temp_directory when missing.
* pg_ctlcluster: You must run this program as the cluster owner ... or root.
* postgresql-common: Demote dependency on logrotate to recommends.
  (Closes: #714982).

[ Peter Eisentraut ]
* PgCommon.pm, pg_createcluster, pg_dropcluster: Don't call external
  programs with full path where not necessary.

57. By Christoph Berg

[ Christoph Berg ]
* pg_ctlcluster: Use "install" instead of File::Path to create
  unix_socket_directory. (Introduced in 141, Closes: #710093)

[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/maintscripts-functions, configure_cluster(): Do not trust the
  locale from the environment, as programs like ssh and sudo propagate
  remote and user locale by default. Instead, only use the locale settings
  from /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale, to prevent trying to
  configure the default cluster with a nonexisting or hard to predict
  locale. (LP: #969462, also see Debian #700271)

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