
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

12. By Laszlo Boszormenyi

[ Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) ]
* Correct debian/copyright .

[ Prach Pongpanich ]
* Imported Upstream version 0.9.0 (Closes: #708115, #717437)
* Use debhelper short rules with autoreconf (Closes: #565558)
* Add -dbg package
* Update symbols file for new symbols
* Add multiarch support
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5
* Change Vcs fields to point to collab-maint
* Adopt package (Closes: #635659)

11. By Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>

[ Thomas Goirand ]
* debian/copyright switched to machine readable format.
* Cleans a bit the debian/rules file.
[ Jari Aalto <email address hidden> ]
* Remove deprecated dpatch and upgrade to packaging format "3.0 quilt"
(Closes: #668338).
* Update to Standards-Version to and debhelper to 9.
* Add build-arch and build-indep targets and adjust clean in rules file.
* Fix duplicate-in-relation-field automake libtool (Lintian).
* Fix copyright-refers-to-symlink-license (Lintian).

10. By Philipp Kern

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Drop the unneeded Replaces/Conflicts from libdbi1.
* Drop the unneeded Breaks from libdbi-dev and fix the Replaces
  to state the right version. (Closes: #633484)
  Thanks to Angel Abad <email address hidden> for the help.

9. By Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>

Now Replaces: libdbi (<< 0.8.4-2) and not <= (Closes: #633484).

8. By Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>

Now also Breaks: libdbi (<= 0.8.4-2) (Closes: #633484).

7. By Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>

Added a Breaks: libdbi0 and Replaces: libdbi0 in the libdbi-dev so that the
.a and .la files now in libdbi-dev will upgrade correctly (Closes: #633484).

6. By Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>

* New upstream release.
* Recommits the changes bellow.
* Standard-Version is now 3.9.2.
* Renamed libdbi0-dev to libdbi-dev.
* Renamed libdbi0 to libdbi1 as the soname increased (ABI incompatibility).
* Removes dependency_libs as per
* Now building on a copy of all sources, as the build process really is
too hard to clean, and upstream doesn't do it correctly.
* As a consequence, autoreconf not needed anymore, so removed from

5. By Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>

* This upload reverts back to 0.8.2 because of an ABI change in the error
  codes as per http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=594607
  this is only temporary and in SID only in order to not bother anyone that
  has dependencies to libdbi. My appologies to the release team, but to my
  defence, I trusted upstream saying that there was only bugfixes and no
  other change.
* Still keeping <email address hidden> as maintainer email.

4. By Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>

* New upstream release (Closes: #592447, #565562).
* Now using my email <email address hidden> on the maintainer field.
* Now depends on debhelper 7.
* Added some missing Depends: ${misc:Depends}.
* Now using Standards-Version 3.9.1.
* Added Vcs-Browser: URL where I'll keep the Debian package source.
* Added debian/source/format file, using 1.0 with autoreconf to avoid clean
  target head akes.
* Not using dh_clean -k but dh_prep in debian/rules.
* Removed the duplicate section fields.
* Reviewed a bit short and long descriptions.
* Now calls ./autogen.sh before ./configure, the package also
  Build-Depends on automake and libtool.
* In debian/rules, added rm -rf debian/libdbi0/usr/lib/pkgconfig in the
  install target.

3. By Thomas Goirand

* New maintainer (Closes: #444424)
* Now cleaning everything correctly on the clean target
* Now managing updates of config.sub and config.guess correctly
* Removed useless postinst and postrm from debian folder as they are
  generated by dh_makeshlibs anyway
* Cleaned a bit the debian/rules for readability
* Reviewed the debian/copyright for accuracy

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