
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

24. By Jo Shields

* [4ed30ed] Imported Upstream version 7.2.4630.5+ds
* [985e638] Bump DEB_CLI_API_VERSION
* [0cf77da] Bump JAVATARBALL
* [25ec57f] Refreshed debian/patches/01-use_system_SharpZipLib.patch
* [456126d] Refreshed debian/patches/03-use_mono.snk_for_ikvm-key.patch
* [175a2ec] Remove debian/patches/unicode_on_windows_is_crap.patch,
  obsolete upstream.
* [c3e444b] Refresh install files.

23. By Jo Shields

* [753c2d1] Tweak get-orig-source rule to handle new taball locations
* [d62de02] Imported Upstream version 7.0.4335.0+ds
* [4a55d7a] Refreshed debian/patches/01-use_system_SharpZipLib.patch
* [8b01a7d] Refreshed debian/patches/03-use_mono.snk_for_ikvm-key.patch
* [bb28a50] Refresh path for native library in debian/libikvm-native.install
* [90e98db] Build-depend on OpenJDK 7, not 6, for this IKVM release.
* [b68c6b3] Build fails due to stray non-Unicode character in one file.
  Remove it.
* [300b38f] Don't delete charsets.jar or localedata.jar in clean, we need
  these ones
* [a5a662e] Re-add uscan rule which was disabled for debugging
* [02223cf] Fix location of IKVM in debian/ikvm.install
* [983874e] Add new Windows-only modulerefs to ignore
* [ad13aac] Bump DEB_CLI_API_VERSION

22. By Jo Shields

[ Iain Lane ]
* [cc291a9] No need to uu{en,de}code with 3.0 (quilt); drop this
* [5447e44] Fix Vcs-Browser URL

[ Jo Shields ]
* [b7ec5c7] Clean up rules, and use --with rather than deprecated cli.make

21. By Jo Shields

* [bd6e60c] Reintroduce signing of builds, for GACability.
* [e694acb] Install IKVM libraries to the GAC.

20. By Jo Shields

* [9a1252d] Move glib build-dep as well, since it's used for the .so.
* [c1edce3] Fix Arch/Indep split again. For real, this time. No more FTBFS.

19. By Jo Shields

[85e6685] Move cli-common-dev to Build-Depends, not B-D-I. Prevents FTBFS.

18. By Jo Shields

* [3790281] initial upstream branch
* [275caa3] Add explicit build-depends on libglib-dev.
* [491d57f] Imported Upstream version
* [23e23b1] Update build-dependencies for the last transition. Whoops.
* [47010df] Refresh Vcs-* fields.
* [2da3694] Bump Debian Standards version to 3.9.2.
* [48f2886] Update debian/watch to use Debian redirector.
* [8520086] Refresh get-orig-source rule for crap-free upstream tarball.
* [4521f1a] Move from standalone Quilt to DebSrc 3.0 (quilt).
* [fca7bbe] Include specialist cli-nant.make from cli-common-dev.
* [266fca1] Bump ABI and API versions, for packaging metadata.
* [9f10b32] Bump debhelper build-dep, for override_* powers.
* [f5cc8e6] Refresh ikvm pkgconfig file for latest libs.
* [f45584d] Massively rewrite rules file, using DH7 semantics.
* [77bc433] Delete 04-decouple_arch_build_from_indep.patch (now obsolete).
* [71bd418] Delete 05-produce-rmi-at-compile-time.patch (now obsolete).
* [b10be78] Refreshed 01-use_system_SharpZipLib.patch.
* [ba573ac] Add a master DH7 rule.
* [e9a25c0] Don't blow away ALL .jar files - some have needed bare
* [c853561] Add empty dh_auto_build_nant rule, as ikvm.build is not in
* [2ce05f8] Include both cli.make and cli-nant.make. They're not exclusive.
* [2d3a12a] Exclude Fusion moduleref - this lib is only used on MS.NET on
* [83e244f] Exclude moduleref for winspool.drv. Obviously not for us.
* [f727f77] Hardcode some assembly locations, as upstream expects libs &
  compiler in the same folder.
* [868cddd] Remove traces of IKVM being in the GAC. It's not a GAC lib
  package, and the GAC was only ever a convenience with side-effects.
* [3adc876] Don't let the native .so file go into the IKVM package.

17. By Jo Shields

* New upstream release
* debian/control:
  + Fix Vcs-* fields
  + Bump to standards version 3.8.1
* debian/IKVM.OpenJDK.ClassLibrary.dll.config:
  + Renamed to IKVM.OpenJDK.Core.dll.config
* debian/ikvm.pc.in:
  + Pull in the whole family of OpenJDK references, since the ClassLibrary
    assembly has been split into pieces, but those pieces all interdepend
* debian/rules:
  + Ensure CLI policy folder is actually used for get-orig-source
  + Stop deleting JniInterface.cs
  + Build refemit before ikvmc
  + Add new libraries to messy bootstrapping procedure
  + Update API/ABI version
* debian/ikvm.installcligac:
  + Update list of assemblies
* debian/patches/01-use_system_SharpZipLib.patch,
  + Update for new release
* debian/patches/02-use_ikvm-key_for_openJDKConfiguration.patch,
  + Removed, fixed upstream
* debian/patches/05-produce-rmi-at-compile-time.patch:
  + Patch from upstream to drop the .class files bundled in their
    OpenJDK source release - huge thanks to Jeroen Frijters for sorting
    this out

16. By Iain Lane

[ Mirco Bauer ]
* Upload to unstable.

[ Iain Lane ]
* Parse the version number from the changelog instead of using uscan -
  buildds do not have internet access.
* Call dh_prep instead of dh_clean -k (lintian)

15. By Iain Lane

* Parse the version number from the changelog instead of using uscan -
 buildds do not have internet access. (LP: #316508).
* Call dh_prep instead of dh_clean -k (lintian)

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