
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

8. By James Schriver

* Dust/Dust Sand: Add new murrine options separatorstyle and solid listview
  - Add terminal theming
  - Add menubar window dragging
  - Add activate slider
  - Add new tooltip style
  - Add gtk-auto-mnemonics
* Dust: Fix light text in memenu's bar (LP: #532843).
  - Fix dark text on dark background FF dropdown list (LP: #532259).
  - Fix metacity themes to work with reverse button layout (LP: #534728).
  - Fix indicator-sound does not respect theme (LP: #532234).

7. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

[ Loïc Minier ]
* Fix find snippet dropping -x bits to not touch the upstream files (only
  the installed one) and reverse logic to clear the bits of all files except
  *.sh files (only file needing +x in this package).

[ Andrew Starr-Bochicchio ]
* Update Dust{-Sand} to lp:~dusttheme-dev/dusttheme/0.5
 - gnome-panel clock should not be bold (LP: #439191).
 - Text overlaps with icon in window title bar (LP: #371743).
 - Remove depricate Murrine configuration option "gradients" (LP: #529811)
* Update New Wave to version 0.8.2 (LP:508851).
 - Nautilus focus ring is not visible (LP: #390601).
 - Thumbnails corrupted in Appearance Preferences (LP: #416030).
* debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4

6. By Loïc Minier

Dust/gtk-2.0/gtkrc: cherry-pick r7 from lp:~dusttheme-dev/dusttheme/0.4
fixing the totem playlist combobox; LP: #424891.

5. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

* Use new Humanity icons. (LP: #440635)
* debian/control:
 - Explicitly depend on humanity-icon-theme.
 - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no changes needed.

4. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

* Update Dust theme to version 0.4 (LP: #395911).
* Update Dust Sand to version 0.4.
* Update New Wave to version 0.8.1.
* New Wave Dark Menus to version 0.8.1.
* debian/control:
 - Bump Standars Version to 3.8.2
 - Add new dependency on gtk2-engines-murrine
* debian/rules: Fix file permissions.

3. By Benjamin Drung

* updating variable names to match new engine version to fix LP: #345417
* debian/control: Added ${misc:Depends} to Depends.
* debian/rules: Made Dust_compiz_settings.sh executable.

2. By Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

* Update New Wave to version 0.8.01
* Add "New Wave Dark Menus" (LP: #344953)
 - gtk theme only, not "meta theme"
 - create link to images in "New Wave"
 - debian/copyright: Change "Files: NewWave/*"
   to "Files: NewWave*/*"
* debian/control:
 - Versionize Conflicts: community-themes (<= 0.13)
   in order to allow future releases not containting
   Dust and New Wave.

1. By Martin Pitt

* Initial release: (LP: #335888)
  - "Dust" and "Dust Sand" by Ricardo Mariano II, from lp:dusttheme r52.
  - "New Wave" by Dilomo, from lp:anton r6.

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