- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:ubuntu/trusty/cloud-init
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 360. By Dan Watkins
* Bigstep:
- debian/patches/ lp-1553158- bigstep. patch (LP: #1553158):
- Add the data source for the Bigstep cloud
- Enable password changing via a hashed string - 358. By Dan Watkins
* Microsoft Azure:
- d/patches/lp-1551419- azure-handle- flipped- uuid-endianness .patch: Handle
cases where the endianness of the DMI UUID used for the instance ID has
changed since last boot.(LP: #1551419) - 357. By Robert C Jennings
* Joyent Smart DataOS:
- d/patches/lp-1540965- SmartOS- Add-support- for-Joyent- LX-Brand- Zones.patch:
SmartOS: Add support for Joyent LX-Brand Zones (LP: #1540965) - 356. By Ben Howard
* Microsoft Azure:
- d/patches/lp-1506244- azure-ssh- key-values. patch: AZURE: Add support
and preference for fabric provided public SSH public key values over
fingerprints (LP: #1506244).
- use stable VM instance ID over SharedConfig.xml (LP: #1506187):
- d/patches/lp-1506187- azure_use_ unique_ vm_id.patch: use DMI data for
the stable VM instance ID
- d/cloud-init.preinst: migrate existing instances to stable VM instance
ID on upgrade from prior versions of cloud-init. - 355. By Ben Howard
lp-1177432- same-archives- as-ubuntu- server. patch: use the
same archive pockets as Ubuntu Server (LP: #1177432). - 354. By Ben Howard
lp-1177432- enable_ backports. patch: Enable backports apt pocket
(LP: #1177432). - 353. By Ben Howard
* d/patches/
lp-1493453- nocloudds- vendor_ data.patch:
- fix vendor_data variable assignment for the NoCloud Datasource
(LP: #1493453). - 351. By Scott Moser
* d/patches/
lp-1461242- generate- ed25519- host-keys. patch:
- ssh: generate ed25519 host keys if supported (LP: #1461242)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp:ubuntu/utopic/cloud-init