
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

29. By Andreas Moog

* Incorporate security fix from debian
* debian/patches/CVE-2009-1440.patch:
  - Make sure that the single tick is handled properly in order to avoid
    code execution (Closes: #525078)
    Fixes: CVE-2009-1440

28. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes: LP: #379974
  - New amule-gnome-support package, which depends of amule-utils, has
     a schemas file that allows integrating automatically ed2k protocol
     with any GNOME web browser that use GConf (like Firefox).
  - Now amule-utils suggests amule-gnome-support package.
  + debian/rules
    - Invoke dh_gconf which adds gconf2 dependency and makes necessary
      scripts in amule-gnome-support package to register schemas file
      in GConf database.
  + Readded version contraint for debhelper build-dep since Ubuntu has
    supported versions that do not meet it

27. By Scott Kitterman

* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #355046), remaining changes:
   - New amule-gnome-support package, which depends of amule-utils, has
     a schemas file that allows integrating automatically ed2k protocol
     with any GNOME web browser that use GConf (like Firefox).
   - Now amule-utils suggests amule-gnome-support package.
   + debian/rules
     - Invoke dh_gconf which adds gconf2 dependency and makes necessary
       scripts in amule-gnome-support package to register schemas file
       in GConf database.
* Readded version contraint for debhelper build-dep since Ubuntu has
  supported versions that do not meet it

26. By Surfaz Gemon Meme <email address hidden>

* Fixed "aMule doesn't handle ed2k links" in GNOME (LP: #214100)
 + debian/control
   - New amule-gnome-support package, which depends of amule-utils, has
     a schemas file that allows integrating automatically ed2k protocol
     with any GNOME web browser that use GConf (like Firefox).
   - Now amule-utils suggests amule-gnome-support package.
 + debian/rules
   - Invoke dh_gconf which adds gconf2 dependency and makes necessary
     scripts in amule-gnome-support package to register schemas file
     in GConf database.
* Now aMule will use user's preferred app to see previews. Fixed (LP: #89672)
 + Added use_xdg-open.diff patch
* Deleted comments of Build-Depends to avoid problems with pbuilder.
* Put Ubuntu MOTU Developers as Maintainer and Adeodato Simó as

25. By Dato Simó

* "The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be" release.

* New upstream release. (Closes: #510257)
  + drop manpages_spelling_fixes.diff, merged upstream.

* Bump debian/compat to 5.
* Change section of packages to net (from x11, heh).
* Add a paragraph to amule-daemon/README.Debian about its init script.

24. By Dato Simó

* The "The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Side" release.

* Build-Depend on libupnp3-dev: configure now detects its presence at build
  time and links against it, instead of the program dlope'ing it at run time.
  (Thanks Sven Hartge for the heads-up, closes: #509218).

* Make amule Replace: old versions of amule-common as found in Ubuntu
  (they used to ship the skins in amule-common for some time).

23. By Stefan Ebner

* Merge from Debian Experimental (LP: #260471) Remaining Changes:
  - Add a replaces for amule on amule-common

22. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort

* Sync with Debian.
* Add a replaces for amule on amule-common.
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField

21. By Festor Wailon Dacoba <email address hidden>

* New svn snapshot from 20080525 tarball, renamed debian/
  to debian-upstream/. LP: #234807
* From Mantis Bug Tracker:
  - Fixed 0001313: broken log view
  - Fixed 0001296: 100% of CPU used by amuleweb
  - Fixed 0001289: amule fails to build on non glibc systems (e.g. uclibc)
  - Fixed 0001267: Shared files priority don't get updated on amulegui
  - Fixed 0001266: aMule SVN fails when enabling GeoIP with
    LDFLAGS="--as-needed" [PATCH]
  - Other minor fixes
* debian/copyright
  - Upstream SVN repository doesn't seem to be public, note in
    debian/copyright the URL this tarball was obtained
    from. (from debian package)
* debian/patches:
  - fixed_spanish_translation.diff
    Removed, fixed upstream.
  - configure_ignore_gdlib-config_garbage.diff
    Updated regard to changes in the upstream.
* debian/control:
  - Require libupnp3 for uPnP support (LP: #201624) (LP: #214660)
  - Removed old XS-VCS-Bzr link, added Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser
    (from debian package)
* debian/TODO:
  - Added new task

20. By Paul Schorfheide <email address hidden>

Fix Spanish translation bug, original patch from Festor Wailon Dacoba.
(LP: #204600)

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