
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

5. By Arthur de Jong

* switch to source format 3.0 (native)
* remove some left-over debuging code (LP: #401050)
* remove old /etc/webcheck removal code
* upgrade to standards-version 3.9.1 (no changes needed)
* several small bugfixes which more or less drop support for Python 2.3
* limit list of "referenced from" to 10 items
* pass char_encoding option to tidy to fix some tidy-related errors
* add a Referer header if possible (thanks Devin Bayer)

4. By Arthur de Jong

* take a shot at making debian/copyright machine parseable
* support <iframe> and some common usages of <object>
* fix bug in command-line parsing of short -r option
* implement the --userpass option to pass username and password information
  to specific sites based on a patch by Chris Shenton
* handle errors while parsing more gracefully (addresses: #483579)
* add parsing of <script> tag and background attributes, based on a patch by
  Robert M. Jansen
* fix in parsing <style> tags and support style attributes
* call tidy (if available) on HTML content, based on a patch by Henning
* fix problem with port numbers in host headers
* upgrade to standards-version 3.8.0 (no changes needed)

3. By Arthur de Jong

* switch to using python-support and follow new policy (closes: #373902)
* upgrade to standards-version 3.7.2 (no changes needed)
* site data is now stored to a file while crawling the site, this can be
  used to resume a crawl with the --continue option and for debugging
* implemented checking of link anchors
* small improvements to generated reports (favicon included, css fix)
* documentation improvements
* properly handle float values for --wait
* unreachable sites will time out faster
* added support for plugins that don't output html
* half a dozen other small bugfixes (stability fixes, code cleanups and

2. By Bastian Kleineidam

* orphan this package; set maintainer to
  Debian QA Group <email address hidden>
  For the orphaning message see according bug entry in
* suggest real www-browser lynx as first alternative in debian/control
* suggest real httpd apache as first alternative in debian/control

1. By Bastian Kleineidam

Import upstream version 1.0

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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