
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

47. By Ondřej Surý

* Imported Upstream version 2.3.1
* Upload to unstable.
* Remove SCM stderr patch, merged upstream

46. By kapouer

[ Jérémy Lal ]
* This release is a candidate for proposed-updates.
  Changes have been kept to the minimum.

[ Ondřej Surý ]
* Pull upstream fixes for Ruby 1.9 as default interpreter:
  + Replace missing ParseDate with DateTime (Closes: #700754)
  + Fix broken REST API (Closes: #700009)

45. By kapouer

Manage and set dbuser default value like dbname. (Closes: #695774)

44. By Dominik George

* Non-maintainer upload.
* debian/control: add dependency on rubygems or recent enough ruby
  (Closes: #693994) [Axel Beckert].
* debian/postinst: replace exit status -1 with 2 for shell compatibility
  (e.g. ksh) (Closes: #687449).

43. By kapouer

* Upstream update.
* debian/patches: trivial refresh.
* debian/copyright: remove unused GPL section.

42. By kapouer

* Upstream update.
* debian/patches: trivial refresh.

41. By kapouer

* Upstream update.
  Gem dependencies are managed by bundler, thus were removed from tarball.
* debian/control:
  + depends on ruby | ruby-interpreter, as redmine is compatible with
    ruby1.8 and ruby1.9.
  + depends on ruby-net-ldap >= 0.3.1.
  + depends on ruby-fastercsv.
  + depends on ruby-openid instead of libopenid-ruby.
  + build-depends and depends on bundler.
* debian/rules: do a bundler --local install, without any actual gem.
* debian/copyright:
  + remove rails, ruby-net-ldap, rubytree, coderay dependencies.
  + remove lib/faster_csv.rb, now a dependency.
  + extend year to 2012.
* debian/patches:
  + remove 2001_fix_shebang_interpreter.patch, unbundled file.
  + remove 2014_relax_RAILS_GEM_VERSION.patch, moved to Gemfile.
  + remove 2015_use_system_coderay.patch, moved to Gemfile.
  + trivial refresh on other patches.
  + remove 2016_fix_openid_login_7857_and_8473.patch, not needed
    since rails 2.3.14, necessity unclear.
  + 2017_Gemfile_debian.patch, prevents bundler from installing gems.
* debian/README.source: update how to run tests.

40. By kapouer

* Depends on coderay >= 1.0.5. (Closes: #669153)
* Drop unneeded Suggests: libsvn-ruby.
* Suggests: bzr, cvs, darcs, git, mercurial, subversion.
  Redmine directly calls SCM binary and doesn't use any ruby bindings.

39. By kapouer

Upstream update.

38. By kapouer

* Upstream update.
* Standards-Version 3.9.3.
* Explicit dependency on ruby-rake >= 1.4.0.
* debian/patches:
  + 1014_logout_cookie_rake.patch disabled, fixed by ruby-rake >= 1.4.0.
  + 1015_update_rubytree_specification.patch, applied upstream.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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