- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:ubuntu/saucy/koffice
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 76. By Scott Kitterman
* Add libqtwebkit-dev to build-depends
* Add debian/patches/ kubuntu_ 07_krita_ plugins_ errors. diff to fix compilation
errors (Thanks to Dave Gilbert for the patch)
* Add Kubuntu Vcs-* fields to debian/control
* Rebuild for libkdcraw9 transition - 75. By Scott Kitterman
* Only build-dep on libqt4-opengl-dev and libglew1.5-dev on [i386 amd64
powerpc] to fix armel FTBFS due to the GL/GLES transition (LP: #707794)
- Add debian/patches/ kubuntu_ 06_krita_ link_x. diff to fix indirect linking
in krita (Thanks to Jonathan Riddell for the patch) - 73. By Jonathan Riddell
Add kubuntu_
05_libc_ multiarch. diff, workaround libc now in multiarch
directory where cmake can not find it, proper solution should be in
cmake find_library(), to discuss with upstream - 72. By Tarun K. Mall
* New upstream release (LP: #733227)
* Removed debian/kformula. install
* debian/control: commented lines regarding kformula, upstream
recommends removing kformula atm. - 71. By Jonathan Riddell
* Add build-dep on libglib2.0-dev and libgsf-1-dev
* Add kubuntu_04_findlibgsf. diff to find gsf includes
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp:ubuntu/trusty/koffice