
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

15. By Daniel Leidert <email address hidden>

* debian/control (DM-Upload-Allowed): Dropped.
  (Vcs-Browser, Vcs-Svn): Fixed vcs-field-not-canonical.
  (Build-Depends): Added verisoned build-dependency to libgtkglext1-dev,
  thanks to Gregor Herrmann for the patch (closes: #713649).
* debian/rules: Enabled hardening.
* debian/patches/debian_make.patch: Adjusted.
  - Add linkage to -lm to fix another FTBFS.

14. By Daniel T Chen

Added missing math lib to link, fixing FTBFS.

13. By Daniel Leidert

* makefile.debian: Moved into debian/patches/debian_make.patch.
* debian/compat: Increased compatibility level to 7.
* debian/control (Standards-Version): Bumped to 3.9.3.
  (Build-Depends): Dropped dpatch. Increased required debhelper version.
  (Vcs-Browser): Fixed.
  (Conflicts): Changed into Breaks according to lintian.
* debian/gdis.manpages: Added.
* debian/rules: Rewritten for dh 7.
* debian/source.lintian-overrides: Dropped obsolete file.
* debian/README.source: Dropped obsolete file.
* debian/patches/Debian_make.dpatch: Renamed to
* debian/patches/debian_make.patch: Added.
  - Moved makefile.debian into this patch.
* debian/patches/00list: Renamed to debian/patches/series and adjusted.
* debian/source/format: Added for quilt-based format 3.0 (closes: #667757).

12. By Daniel Leidert

* debian/control (Build-Depends): Removed spurious depends (closes: #563792).
  (Depends): Fixed debhelper-but-no-misc-depends.
* debian/rules (LDFLAGS): Drop unused linkages.

11. By Daniel Leidert

* debian/control: Added gdis-data package (closes: #233353).
  (Vcs-Svn): Fixed vcs-field-uses-not-recommended-uri-format.
  (Depends): Depend on new gdis-data package.
  (Standards-Version): Bumped to 3.8.3.
  (Description): Slightly improved short and long description.
* debian/gdis.install: Removed architecture-independent files.
* debian/gdis-data.install: Added to install architecture-independent files.
* debian/rules (binary-arch): Dropped deprecated dh_desktop call.
  (binary-indep, binary-arch): Adjusted to build new
  architecture-independent package gdis-data.

10. By Daniel Leidert

* New upstream release 0.90.
* Acknowledge NMU (closes: #492994). Thanks to Neil Williams.

* makefile.debian: Upstream doesn't provide a Makefile to edit - so created
  our own.
* debian/compat: Added and set to be 5.
* debian/control: Added Homepage, Vcs* and DM-Upload-Allowed fields.
  (Maintainer): Set to the debichem team with approval by Noèl.
  (Uploaders): Added myself.
  (Build-Depends): Increased debhelper version to 5. Removed glutg3-dev.
  Added dpatch.
  (Standards-Version): Bumped to 3.8.1.
  (Description): Removed homepage. Fixed a typo.
* debian/copyright: Updated, completed and adjusted.
* debian/dirs: Dropped useless file.
* debian/docs: Renamed to debian/gdis.docs.
* debian/menu: Renamed to debian/gdis.menu.
  (section): Fixed accordingly to policy.
* debian/gdis.1: Just some formatting changes.
* debian/gdis.desktop: Added file (with small fixes) provided by Phill Bull
  (LP: #111353).
* debian/gdis.install: Added.
* debian/rules: Cleaned. Installation is now done by dh_install. Make sure,
  the CVS directory is not copied. Added dh_desktop call.
* debian/source.lintian-overrides: makefile.debian is created for Debian but
  lives outside debian/.
* debian/watch: Added.
* debian/README.build: Dropped.
* debian/README.source: Added to be compliant to the policy v3.8.
* debian/patches/Debian_make.dpatch: Added.
  - gdis.h (ELEM_FILE): Moved fix for gdis.elemts path (#399132) to this
* debian/patches/00list: Added.

9. By Nick Ellery

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes (LP: #297047):
  - Add desktop file.

8. By Andrea Colangelo

Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField
specification. (LP: #230350)

7. By Luke Yelavich

* Merge from Debian unstable. Ubuntu changes are as follows:
* Add desktop file.

6. By Luke Yelavich

* Merge from Debian unstable. Ubuntu changes are as follows:
* Add desktop file.

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