
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp:ubuntu/saucy/dict-devil
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Recent revisions

6. By Sven Joachim <email address hidden>

* Convert to format 3.0 (quilt), using the single-debian-patch option.
* Switch to dh tiny rules file.
* Add ${misc:Depends} to the Depends field.
* Fix description-synopsis-starts-with-article Lintian warning.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2, no changes needed.

5. By Sven Joachim <email address hidden>

* New maintainer (Closes: #436116).
* Fix typos in the dictionary (Closes: #283796, 314607, #458207).
  Incorporate further corrections from the Project Gutenberg version.
* Redo debian/rules from scratch using debhelper commands.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2, no changes needed.
* Clean up maintainer scripts:
  - Don't restart dictd when dict-devil is purged.
* Don't mention copyright and license of the dict software in
  debian/copyright anymore.
* debian/control:
  - Remove alternate build-dependency on ancient dicd version,
    add debhelper build-dependency.
  - Slightly reword the long description, don't mention that
    the dictionary is in 7-bit ascii.
  - Remove duplicate Section and Priority fields.
  - Add Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields.

4. By Sven Joachim <email address hidden>

* QA Upload.
* Make debian/devil2dict executable to get some content into
  the binary package (Closes: #498829).

3. By Bob Hilliard <email address hidden>

* Edited devils.txt:

  under LAUREL s/_vide supra_/LAUREATE/ (vide supra
    is not appropraite when only one entry is displayed by dict).

  The following correct typos in the original:
    under FRYING-PAN s/broiling in/broiling is/
    under I s/clearer the/clearer to the/
    under K s/pums/puns/
    under PRE-ADAMITE s/race of antedated/race that antedated/
    under RICE-WATER s/fat which/fat witch/

* Used modified devil2dict from Matej Vela <email address hidden> instead of
  my sedscript for pre-processing devils.txt. This indexes multi-word,
  hyphenated, and apostrophized headwords. Closes: #222494. This includes
  the fix provided by Grant Hollingworth <email address hidden> in Bug
  #221190. Closes: #221190. Thanks, Grant and Matej,

2. By Bob Hilliard <email address hidden>

* There are no substantive changes from 1.0-3 that would be visible to
  the user.

* Corrected spelling in Suggests:

1. By Bob Hilliard <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 1.0

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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