
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

22. By Andreas Henriksson

[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* use canonical Vcs-* fields

[ Andreas Henriksson ]
* Upload to unstable.

21. By Tim Lunn

New upstream release (LP: #1163025).

20. By Jeremy BĂ­cha

[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* New upstream release
  - soname bump
* debian/control.in:
  - Bump minimum glib to 2.32
  - Drop obsolete breaks/replaces
  - Bump libclutter-1.0-dev breaks for soname transition
* debian/libcogl-dev.install:
  - Add some missing files

[ Rico Tzschichholz ]
* debian/control.in:
  - Build-depend on libxrandr-dev

19. By Robert Ancell

New upstream release

18. By Sjoerd Simons

* New upstream release
* debian/patches/03_select_default_renderer_driver.patch:
  + Dropped, merged upstream
* debian/patches/04_fix_crash_on_free.patch:
  + Dropped, merged upstream

17. By Robert Ancell

New upstream release

16. By Sjoerd Simons

* debian/rules: Set the gles2-libname to libGLESv2.so.2 as shipped by Mesa
  (Closes: #678018)
* debian/patches/04_fix_crash_on_free.patch:
  + Added. Fix crash when freeing an unconnected renderer.
    (Closes: #673433 #676282)

15. By Sjoerd Simons

* debian/patches/03_select_default_renderer_driver.patch:
  + Added. Allow the default renderer driver to be selected at configure time
* Build both GL and GLESv2 renderer support on all platforms, default to
  GLESv2 on ARM and to GL on everything else.

14. By Michael Biebl

* Make libcogl-pango0 break libcogl5 (<< 1.10.1-1) to avoid partial
  upgrades which can lead to applications like gnome-shell linking against
  both libcogl5 and libcogl9 resulting in a crash. Closes: #668285
* Drop old Conflicts/Replaces: libcogl2.
* Fix the Breaks/Replaces for the libcogl-pango split.

13. By Michael Biebl

* New upstream release.
* debian/copyright: Update Format URL to the final copyright 1.0 spec.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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