
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

12. By Andreas Tille

* debian/upstream: Add additional citation data
[ Olivier Sallou ]
* add missing dependency
* Switch to standards 3.9.4

11. By Olivier Sallou <email address hidden>

* Team upload.
  [ Olivier Sallou ]
  + add patch fix_berkeleydb3_temp_file_creation (Closes: #661793).
    Fixed upstream for next release.
  * debian/control: update Standards version
  * debian/copyright: update Format to latest officiel URL v1.0
  * debian/patches/fix_examples_perl_location: fix wrong perl location
  * debian/rules: fix file access rights in dh_install

10. By Andreas Tille

[ Luca Capello ]
* debian/control:
  + add Recommends: to some libraries already in libbio-perl-perl's
    for binaries showing help output (Closes: #650412).
* debian/README.Debian:
  + new file with a more detailed explanation about the above.

[ Andreas Tille ]
* debian/source/format: 3.0 (quilt)
* Added myself to Uploaders

9. By Charles Plessy

* New upstream release.
* Point debian/watch to search.cpan.org.
* Build using dh and overrides:
  - Use Debhelper 8 (debian/rules, debian/control).
  - Simplified debian/rules.
* Split into libbio-perl-perl, as discussed with the Debian Perl team.
  (debian/control, debian/bioperl.install, debian libbio-perl-perl.install)
* debian/control:
  - Incremented Standards-Version to reflect conformance with Policy 3.9.2.
    No other changes needed.
  - Vcs-Browser URL made redirectable to viewvc.
  - Removed useless ‘svn’ in the Vcs-Svn URL.

8. By Charles Plessy

* Removed bibliographic information from the long description
* Incremented Standards-Version to reflect conformance with Policy 3.8.4
  (debian/control, no changes needed).
* Build-depends on libxml-sax-expatxs-perl to avoid downloading DTDs during
  the tests and therefore fail when network is not available
  (debian/control, Closes: #562442).
* Depend on the ${misc:Depends} substvar (debian/control).

7. By Charles Plessy

* New upstream release with new features and many corrections in the
  test suite (Closes: #533976).
* debian/rules: trigger network tests with DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE.
* debian/control:
  - Build-depend on perl-modules >= 5.10.1 to have ExtUtils::Manifest 1.52 or
    higher, and on libtest-pod-perl.
  - Added liblist-moreutils-perl, libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl,
    libsvg-perl, and libxml-simple-perl, libdbd-pg-perl, libdbd-mysql-perl,
    libdbd-sqlite3-perl to build and package dependencies (needed by some
    components of Bioperl, and therefore for the tests).

6. By Charles Plessy

[ David Paleino ]
* Removed myself from Uploaders

[ Charles Plessy ]
* debian/control:
  - Added libdata-stag-perl in bioperl’s Depends field, since it is
    required in Build.PL.
  - Added libxml-simple-perl in bioperl’s Recommends and Build-Depends
    fields, since they are listed in DEPENDENCIES.
  - Incremented Standards-Version to reflect conformance with Policy 3.8.3
    (no changes needed).
* Collected some informations in debian/upstream-metadata.yaml.

5. By Charles Plessy

* Removed patch system (not used):
  - removed instuctions in debian/rules;
  - removed quilt from Build-Depends in debian/control.
* Re-enabled tests:
  - uncommented test command in debian/rules;
  - uncommented previously missing build-dependencies in debian/control.
  - Re-enabled tests and uncommented build-dependencies accordingly.
* Removed libmodule-build-perl and libtest-harness-perl from
  Build-Depends-Indep (provided by perl-modules).
* Better cleaning of empty directories using find -type d -empty -delete
  instead of rmdir in debian/rules (LP: #324001).

4. By Charles Plessy <email address hidden>

* debian/control:
  - Removed MIA Matt Hope (dopey) from the Uploaders field.
    Thank you for your work, Matt. I hope you are doing well.
  - Downgraded some recommended package to the 'Suggests' priority,
    according to the following discussion on Upstream's mail list.
    (Closes: #448890)
* debian/copyright converted to machine-readable format.

3. By Matt Hope <email address hidden>

* New upstream release
* Examples and working code are installed by default to usr/bin,
  this has been moved to usr/share/doc/bioperl/bin

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