
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

15. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

* Bring back the unnecessary dependencies previously dropped by Felix Geyer,
  only present in experimental. This solution is preferred for the time
  being, rather than start branching because of this kind of changes. We
  submitted bugs and provided experimental packages well before the freeze in
  order to help maintainers to fix the problems, but most packages depending
  and relying on this one to include these dependencies were not fixed in
  time. Dependencies will be removed for good just after Wheezy is released.
* Added patches:
  - bug-688369-double_free_crash.patch: Backport patch from upstream to fix
    crash caused by freeing the same memory region twice. Thanks Philipp
    Klaus Krause for reporting and pointing to the fix (Closes: #688369).

14. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

* Bump Policy Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes needed)
* Build-Depends on debhelper>=9~, quells lintian warning
  "package-needs-versioned-debhelper-build-depends 9"
* Build-Depends and Depends on SDL with added ~ to the version number, in
  order to allow to work with backported/local versions
* Adding lintian overrides for the slightly different names "libsdl-mixer1.2"
  and "libSDL-mixer-1.2-0" -- the package names are not going to change by now
  for the 1.2 series
* Update debian/copyright format now that 1.0 is approved (quells lintian

13. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

* New upsteam release
  - debian/copyright: Switch from LGPL to zlib/libpng license, and better
    document timidity (which is under 3 licenses, but primarily Artistic)
  - Native MIDI code removed upstream, making some bug reports not applicable
    now (Closes: #298982 #526908)
  - Incorporates patch to fix bug "timidity MIDI playback plays drums that
    should be musical notes" (Closes: #575575). Thanks Matthew W. Miller
    <email address hidden> for the patch.
  - Supports fluidsynth and modplug, add to dependencies
* Removed patches obsolete now (because of the removal of Native GPL MIDI
  - 03_awe_voice.patch
  - 06_dev_snd_seq.patch
* Removed patches picked from/incorporated upstream:
  - 00_link_libm_hgdb31b63abab9.patch: "link libm with sdl-mixer"
  - 07_FLAC_SDL_RWops_memory_leaks.patch: "Fix memory leaks with FLAC"
* Documented and refreshed the remaining patches:
  - 01_no_lvorbis_logg.patch
  - 02_hurd.patch
  - 04_timidity_cfg_opts.patch
  - 05_fallback_to_freepats.patch

12. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

* Improve description and reorganise a bit the control file
* Use "Multi-Arch: same" also for the -dev package, following the change in
  sdl-net1.2 at revision 1.2.7-5

11. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

[ Felix Geyer ]
* Switch to debhelper compat level v9.
  - Build for multiarch.

[ Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo ]
* Correct watch file, the previous one was detecting versions wrongly
* Quell lintian warnings:
  - binary-control-field-duplicates-source (remove field from binary package
  - unused-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright (remove GPL-2 paragraph)

10. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo

[ Felix Geyer ]
* Fix Vcs-Browser link.

[ Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo ]
* debian/rules:
  - Issue "disable-*-shared" flags for 'configure' again, otherwise SDL_mixer
    library opens those libraries in a plugin-like way (with SDL_LoadObject),
    and dpkg-shlibdeps doesn't seem to generate the needed dependencies in the
    binary library package.

9. By Regis Boudin <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Stop shipping la file. Closes: #633326.

8. By Steve Langasek

No-change rebuild against libvorbis for moved .la files

7. By Jon Dowland

* Non-maintainer upload.
* *really* upload to unstable.

6. By Steve Langasek

No-change rebuild to drop reference to libogg.la

Branch metadata

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