
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

7. By Raphaël Hertzog

Drop docs/_build entirely on clean so that we don't keep around
docs/_build/doctrees which might not work with python3-sphinx.
Closes: #697721

6. By Raphaël Hertzog

* New upstream release.
  - Now fully compatible with Django 1.4 which is in Debian Wheezy.
  - No longer use the deprecated "sha" module. Closes: #581721
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
* Replace python-docutil build-dependency by one on python-sphinx to be able
  to generate the HTML documentation with the new upstream makefile.
* Update the dh_auto_build override to include the "make html" call
  that generates the documentation and create
  debian/python-django-registration.docs to install the generated
* Create a dh_auto_clean override to remove the (upstream provided and)
  generated documentation in docs/_build/html.
* Use dh_sphinxdoc to get rid of embedded javascript files that sphinx-build
  generates. Add accordingly ${sphinxdoc:Depends} to Depends.
* Update the doc-base registration to use the new path for the HTML

5. By Raphaël Hertzog

* Provide README.Debian in place of upstream's README.txt. Closes: #646589
* Switch to dh_python2 instead of python-support.
* Bump debhelper compat level to 8
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no change needed)
* Update URL in copyright file.
* Drop the article in the description (lintian warning).
* Update Vcs-Browser URL to point to the new location at anonscm.debian.org

4. By Raphaël Hertzog

* Add accent on my name in debian/control.
* Change build-depends on python-dev to python.
* Switch to source format "3.0 (quilt)".
* Switch to debhelper 7 tiny rules file and compat mode 7.
* Upgrade Standards-Version to 3.8.3.
* Dropped useless debian/pycompat.
* Add missing ${misc:Depends} on Depends line.
* Register documentation with doc-base.

3. By Raphaël Hertzog

[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
  - switch Vcs-Browser field to viewsvn

[ Stephan Peijnik ]
* New upstream release.
* Updated debian/watch to use pypi.python.org as source of new upstream

[ Raphael Hertzog ]
* Update URL in Homepage field to match new upstream site (it moved to
* Drop 02_overview_rst_fix.patch and 01_validators_removed.patch as they got
  merged upstream.
* delete_expired_users.py does no more exist. It has been replaced with a
  manage.py sub-command (manage.py cleanupregistration) that you can invoke
  within any project using django-registration.
* Drop .po files from binary package.

2. By Stephan Peijnik

* Modified package to use quilt patchsys (requested by Raphael Hertzog).
* Added myself to Uploaders.
* Moved package to unstable, as it is compatible with the version of
  python-django in unstable.
* debian/control:
  - Updated dependency on python-django (>= 1.0).
  - Removed Prority: optional from binary package.
* debian/rules:
  - Removed simple-patchsys.mk from includes.
  - Added patchsys-quilt.mk to includes.
  - Made clean target depend on unpatch.
* debian/patches/01_validators_removed.patch:
  - Pulled in bugfixes in revisions 167 and 168 from upstream SVN.
    This patch fixes the bug introduced by the removal of
    django.core.validators in python-django 1.0-1. (Closes: #498086)
* debian/patches/02_overview_rst_fix.patch:
  - Fixes a typo in overview.txt causing rst2html to return an error.
* Moved delete_expired_users.py script out of site-packages into
* Added debian/python-django-registration.README.Debian to document
  the delete_expired_users.py change.
* Documented patches in debian/patches.

1. By Stephan Peijnik

Import upstream version 0.6

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