
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

12. By Colin Watson

Build-depend on libtiff-dev rather than libtiff4-dev.

11. By Magnus Holmgren

Correct Replaces/Breaks for the move of files in -6 (Closes: #678846).

10. By Clint Byrum

Rebuild for libmysqlclient transition

9. By Matthias Klose

* Make the build more verbose.
* Build with -O1 on i386.

8. By Colin Watson

Rebuild for libnettle4.

7. By Magnus Holmgren

* Correct description of pike7.8-pcre (Closes: #597867).
* Convert to source format 3.0 (quilt).
* nettle-2.1.patch (new): Adjust Nettle module to build with Nettle 2.1.
* Build-depend on the new libgmp10-dev instead of libgmp3-dev.
* dump_timeout.patch (new): Increase `pike -x dump' timeout to five
  minutes (Closes: #593436).
* Replace the overkill build dependency gnome-core-devel with the
  slightly sleeker libgnomeui-dev, which should cover (together with
  libglade2-dev, which was already listed) everything that worked
* Move to 7.8-stable branch in SVN, modifying Vcs-Svn in debian/control
  to reflect this.

6. By Magnus Holmgren

* Revert cflags.dpatch (which was actually never applied). Stripping the
  last component was no mistake; pike -x cflags is only meant to be used
  by new-style modules.
* Change include_prefix to /usr/include/pike7.8/pike so that building
  new-style modules can work.
* Dump modules starting at the top of /usr/lib/pike7.8 so that compat
  modules can also be dumped and master.pike won't have to be dumped

5. By Magnus Holmgren

* Add trigger for dumping of Pike modules when pike7.8-core or any
  module package is installed.
* Remove support for the unversioned local module and include
  directories (/usr/local/lib/pike/*) to avoid having to coordinate
  their creation and removal by multiple versions.
* Drop apparently obsolete build-dep libgtkhtml2-dev.
* Don't run update-alternatives --remove on upgrade.
* Exclude Tools.PV, which requires GTK (not GTK2).
* debian/rules, unbreak_cross_compilation.dpatch: Use the right gcc and
  pass --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) to configure as necessary. Fix
  various bugs preventing cross compilation (Closes: #582242). Thanks to
  Marc Dirix.
* Exclude modules GDK, Gnome, and GTKSupport, which also are for
  GTK+/Gnome 1.2, and update the package description of pike7.8-gtk to
  reflect the fact that it provides GTK+ 2.0 bindings.
* Disable --with-relocatable-dumped-modules; it doesn't seem that we
  need it and it doesn't seem to work 100% properly.
* no_dump_modules.dpatch (new): Patch install.pike not to dump modules
  at build time (thus no need to exclude master.pike.o in debian/rules).
* Move AutoDoc and module-related modules and standalone tools to -dev
  and let -dev depend on -image.
* module-layout.dpatch: Move misplaced parenthesis that caused the wrong
  local include directory to be added.
* Build-depend on libmysqlclient-dev instead of libmysqlclient15-dev,
  which is now a virtual package provided by the former.
* dumping_problems.dpatch (new): Patch from CVS fixing problems encoding
  the master object when dumping some modules.
* cflags.dpatch (new): Make pike -x cflags print include_prefix as-is
  instead of stripping the last component.
* Drop pike7.8-config; pike -x cflags and pike --dumpversion fills its
* Some changes in the meta package relationships.

4. By Magnus Holmgren

* New upstream release.
* 01_master.in.dpatch: Renamed module-layout.dpatch.
* module-layout.dpatch, debian/*.install, debian/rules:
  * Change Pike module and include paths to
    /usr/lib/pike7.8/modules and /usr/lib/pike7.8/include,
    respectively. Use the same but under /usr/local for locally built
    modules and include files.
    C header files are moved to /usr/include/pike7.8.
* module-layout.dpatch:
  * Patch module.pike to install modules in /usr/local/pike7.8/modules
    by default, and in the the normal /usr/pike7.8/modules if passed the
    --debian option.
  * dynamic_module_makefile: Prepend $(DESTDIR) to installation directory,
    to facilitate package building.
* debian/rules, debian/specs.in: Reinstate own, simplified, updated
  specs file.
* debian/rules: Fix /usr/include/pike7.8/precompike.pike, which tried to
  #include ../lib/Tools.pmod/Standalone.pmod/precompike.pike, which only
  works with the --new-style directory layout.
* debian/control: Add ${misc:Depends} to all dependency lists.

3. By Magnus Holmgren

* New upstream version.
  - Drop nettle_2.0.dpatch.

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