
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

12. By CarstenHey

* Team upload.
* Use _xfunc in debian/bash-completion and update it. Thanks to Julian
  Gilbey and Mike Miller for tracking this down. Closes: #658773
* Don't ignore self-dependencies anymore since we can not safely assume
  yet that they are always a bug on multiarch enabled systems.
* Don't exclude diff and mktemp in orphaner anymore.

11. By CarstenHey

* Team upload.

This point release includes the remaining part of deborphan's multiarch
support. Versions up to did only include checks to avoid printing
false positives. already handles architecture qualified input and
contains the disabled code for architecture qualified output. This release
enables the architecture qualified output and strips architecture suffixes
in dependencies (see below).

* Enable remaining part of multiarch support:
  + Append architecture suffixes to package names if packages from more than
    one architecture besides 'all' are installed. Package names printed by
    --list-keep do not contain architecture suffixes. If adding package
    names with architecture suffixes to the keep file will ever be
    supported, --list-keep's output might contain architecture suffixes too.
    Closes: #658972, LP: #940379, LP: #951430
  + Strip architecture suffixes in dependencies. This is due to the way
    deborphan currently works safe, even though the details of architecture
    qualified dependencies have not been completely specified yet.
  + Add options --show-arch and --no-show-arch to deborphan. These options
    are documented in README.frontends and intended to be used by
    deborphan's frontends if they prefer the architecture suffixes to be
    printed either always or never.
  + Use deborphan's option --no-show-arch in editkeep and remove repeated
    package names from the output.

10. By CarstenHey

* Team upload.

[ David Prévot ]
* Update Uploaders address.
* Fix typo in French --guess-doc option help. Closes: #635771

[ Martin Kourim ]
* Accept the options --ignore-suggests and --ignore-recommends in
  orphaner. Closes: #638906

[ Carsten Hey ]
* Bump standards version to
* Prepare printing architecture suffixes, but don't do so yet because
  synaptic expects deborphan to never print architecture suffixes.
* Understand, or, if appropriate, strip, architecture suffixes all around.
* Do not simulate running apt-get in orphaner before really running it.
  This test would be a mess to adapt to multiarch, and, due to other checks,
  it wasn't needed anyway.
* Imply --force-hold in show-deps mode. Closes: #670652
* Minor bug fixes and cleanups in src/keep.c. Due to usage of getline(),
  this release won't compile on a decade old system anymore.
* Add file /usr/share/doc/deborphan/README.frontends. This file contains
  information that is only considered to be useful for deborphan's
* Adapt old debian/changelog entry introducing --check-options to be more
  vague. Doing this before it makes any sense to use this option in
  a deborphan frontend eases introducing more advanced ways of checking the
  availability of options in future. The new file README.frontends contains
  the complete specification of this option.
* Add ${misc:Depends} to deborphan's Depends: line in debian/control.
* Add set -e to maintainer scripts and remove -e from their shebang line.

9. By taffit

* Fix typo in Polish translation of deborphan(1) (Robert Luberda) Closes:
* Fix typo in French --show-size short option help.
* Change maintainer address.

[ New documentation translation ]
* Portuguese (Américo Monteiro). Closes: #607315

[ New program translation ]
* Vietnamese (Lê Hoàng Phương). Closes: #611094

8. By CarstenHey

[ Updated program translations ]
Catalan (Jordi Mallach). Closes: #606890

7. By Laurent Bigonville

* Treat -dbgsym packages as -dbg (LP: #533881)
* Fix encoding for French manpages (LP: #352744)

6. By CarstenHey

[ Andrej Tatarenkow ]
* Fix parsing of /var/lib/deborphan/keep so that it does not need a final
  newline. (Closes: #446533)

[ Carsten Hey ]
* Fix parsing of --no-show-section. (Closes: #507574)
* Handle Mono libraries like other special libraries, e.g. Perl or Python
  ones and add --guess-mono as option. (Closes: #402992)
* Add option --guess-kernel.
* Refactor guessing algorithm. Also improve guessing ruby libraries and
  guessing packages which are placed in the wrong section.
* Add option --no-guess-*. (Closes: #387594)
* Add options --ignore-suggests and --ignore-recommends. When both options
  are used together, deborphan behaves as if the nice-mode has been turned
  off. (Closes: #488329)
* Add option --show-deps-pristine. This option should be used by other
  programs that use deborphan instead of --show-deps since the output of the
  latter will change in the future.
* Fix some splint warnings, including a typo which was probably introduced
  during refactoring many years ago and broke debfoster support.
* Fix some typos in debian/changelog, thanks to Paul Menzel.
  (Closes: #495413)
* Don't run apt-get in orphaner when the to be used status file was
  explicitly specified.
* Remove the separator line from the package list whilst simulating removing
  packages in orphaner.
* Add option --skip-apt to orphaner.
* Abort orphaner when -c oder --find-circular is passed as option. These
  options will be added to deborphan 1.7.29 but initially not be supported
  by orphaner.
* Clarify the meaning of -R in the output of deborphan --help.
  (Closes: #497651)
* Don't ignore errors in the maintainer scripts.
* Update copyright.
* Update po files.

5. By CarstenHey

* Update French man page translation. Thanks to Jean-Luc Coulon and
  Christian Perrier. (Closes: #497517)
* Export LC_COLLATE=C in orphaner. Thanks to Michal Pokrywka for the
  detailed bug report. (Closes: #495818)
* Add new Italian translation. Thanks to Alessandro De Zorzi.
  (Closes: #498064)
* Some po files included an UTF-8 header but were ISO or vice versa, thus
  recode all po files to UTF-8 and include a correct header.

4. By Peter Palfrader

* Whitespace cleanup in orphaner (closes: #398330).
* Change a 'function sigwinch_handle' into 'sigwinch_handle()' in orphaner.
* Remove some noise in the basename check or orphaner that was probably
  introduced by vi editing. Orphaner didn't work when called as
* Fix an (unfiled) important bug when using editkeep. Regardless of
  the previous state of the keepfile, we completely clear it when the
  user selects cancel, or dialog terminates for some other reason, like
  the window getting too small.

3. By Peter Palfrader

Refactor handling of exclude list. Previosly there was a fixed limit
of 64 excludes, which can easily be reached when using orphaner's
simulate feature. Now we use a dynamically allocated list.

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